
Welcome to Guram

The guard relayed the information up the line and they immediately hurried to make proper preparations.

Amus moved leisurely at a few hundred kilometres per hour, his destination in sight. This was marked by the stark walls that extended thousands of metres from the ground. Built from strong metals that barred any army that wished to pass.

Below the two hundred metre mark, it was stained with a red hue resembling blood and was filled with dents that paled to the magnificence of its side.

Soon Amus drew near to the walk toward the tunnel that was attached to the wall. He placed his battered ID against a screen before entering the dense tunnel. Dozens of laser-scanned his body and Junya, who was in his hand.

"Mobster Amus Drew, Welcome back"

A Robotic voice responded in recognition before it continued its search.

"Unidentified being located, Transfering to manual reviewer"

The robot toned while transferring the secondary review to a person. Amus was well famed because due to his status as the strongest B Rate Mobster, his brilliance was well known.

Despite this, it wasn't simply taking in something unknown behind the walls. This prevented traitors from entering and plotting among them. It was also another reason why the tunnel was used, if a traitor was caught, they would be killed without being able to escape.

Soon there was a click in the speaker.

"Amus… what's that?". The voice asked, recognition in his tone.

"I would like to talk to the BMA science department, this person is someone I found during my little trip"

"Hmph! Trip? The Military has been looking for you for over a year! What have you been doing?" The voice seethed. "And now you come back with a kid!"

The man could see what was in his hand, but simple injuries of someone unknown wouldn't make him open. He needed a statement.

"Military? Don't they have other things to do than pester me?" Amus retorted before covering his ear with a finger to save himself from the man's annoying shouting.

"Wha! *Sigh*… Forget it, Tell me who you have in your hand" The man asked begrudgingly.

Amus in detail recalled what happen and the weird demon-like boy in his hand. To lessen his concerns, he glossed over the conversation he had with Junya.

After some questions of concern, the man finally replied, "Amus, we appreciate your honesty but it's pretty unlikely we'll let this guy just come in here. They will either kill him or forcefully look on his Elo command for research"

"I doubt it needs to be that drastic. He simply unlocked a manifestation from his blessing" Amis explained. "He just needs the training to control it, I think he will be a great asset"

The man looked surprised, knowing Amus would have just thrown him away. What made this boy so valuable? Understanding he was serious, the guard made a decision.

"He will be put under a test before he can be released into the public. That's the best I can do, At least then you can try and make him a citizen if the Government and the BMA approve, but he will be subject to a least a month of psychological torture and relentless questioning"

"Just make sure it isn't physical torture, the rest should be fine"

"That can't be promised, the Nation is under strict orders to scour everything with a fine comb. We might even look at his brain to see if he has Nesh Parasite."

"He doesn't have one, I made sure he smoked a cigarette"

"Good, we can use that to fact check, still, the methods we use are not up to you to decide"

Amus turned and looked into the camera the man was looking from. He looked solemn, "what if I told you his mother was Harriet Wotanbe"

There was a long silence of shock from the other side.

"Amus, Lying is a criminal offence, If your wrong then we can have you locked up for centuries" The man sounded unsure. Before Amus could say anything a mechanical arm came from the walls and plucked a hair from Junya's head before retreating.

The voice turned his words into unintelligible muttering.

Amus listened to the man's mutters which began to sound like someone having a seizure, their rapid pace was concerning, to say the least. Soon the doors opened revealing a bright light, and Amus wandered through.

He reached a corridor that was rather busy with the multitude of people walking around. The walls were lined with smooth beige metal, dully reflecting the outside light from small windows.

Seconds later a man with spiky hair came through with a team of people dressed in white clothing behind him. The man wore military armored clothing that differed from what the guards wore but was stronger. A collection of Mob-related medals covered his left breast and a name tag sat dead centre, Troy Gwent.

Along with his spiky black hair, he had a notable scar over his left eye. Its pink tissue left quite the image. Yet, his expression was rather pale when he looked at the boy in Amus' hand.

"Is he that woman's child?" he questioned worriedly.

"Didn't you say lying was a criminal offence? Or did you forget?" Amus annoyingly reminded "He keeps bleeding, His condition isn't good"

Troy huffed and started leading them down the corridor.

Amus briskly followed suit behind Troy but was stopped suddenly when a blade was drawn to Junya's neck. Amus caught the blade between his thumb and index before it reached closer.

"Hey! What's the big idea? Wasn't killing a crime?" Amus directed a chilling glare toward Troy who never gave up an inch. The glare drew chilling fear to everyone except him.

The scene began drawing the attention of passerbys, looking on with interest.

"What are you plotting with this child, haven't you learned after all the destruction," Troy growled.

"You seem scared, is it guilt from killing his mother?" Amus coldly retorted. "Or is it because you afraid I might do something again" he hissed.

"Stop talking nonsense! Haven't you heard she was the one that sacrificed herself! Why do you keep clinging to the past?" Troy fumbled.

Amus avoided getting into an argument.

"I'm not, my story is true. He was living in a sheltered town and ran away. His blessing almost made him go insane." Amus pointed to the hole in his chest while leaving out valuable chunks of context. "If you don't believe me this wound matches up with my sword. His bleeding is something we should be concerned about, but we can't if you keep trying to kill him"

Troy gritted his teeth in annoyance then sheathed his sword. "Fine, treat the boy then take him to the trial room"