
Godnet - Valkyrie Protocol

After the betrayal of Luciferel, and having to deal with the Nephilim problem God made a few changes to how Heaven was run. Time does not quite flow the same in Heaven, so God was able to draw inspiration from millennia of human history. In the end, God chooses to structure things like a mega-corporation with him as the CEO and his archangels acting as department heads. To keep the threat of another angel rebellion to a minimum, every few years the angels would be ordered to change departments. To ensure that things ran smoothly and that the communication between departments happened in a timely fashion a Heaven-wide internet was established called Godnet. Due to an accident caused by mistaken identity, John Smith was killed by an angel on her first day in the Department of Death. By the time she released her mistake, it was far too late to "just" put him back in his own body. In an effort to correct her mistake the angel tried to have John Smith be reborn in the universe she originally was supposed to have a John Smith die in. The Angel was originally in IT for Godnet so she thought that it would be not too difficult to hide her little oops by altering a few records. However, she got a call from Upper Management during the process of having John be reborn. Figuring the " proper" department would step in to finish the process, the angel left to report to upper management, not wanting to receive an even bigger punishment than what she was already going to receive. In her rush to leave, she forgot to close down the connection to Godnet.

Mindviper81 · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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453 Chs

Recovery Operation Part 1

Alison was not especially hard on Colby Shelby and said that due to the unintentional nature of the incident that was caused by something as mundane as his badge being seen in a pile of his clothes on the bed no additional investigatory action or punitive actions would be take on top of what Administrator Zeph Demonbane determined was appropriate at the time during the in field hearing. 

While Prema was reluctant to leave King Crab Cove, likely to rarely if ever see it again, she did so after Zeph "gently persuaded" a doctor in the medical clinic to "squeeze in" a few scans and an appointment with him.

For all intents and purposes Colby Shelby had "bought out" Prema's courtesan contact even though she was the madam of Land Lovers Last Resort, or was as Zeph was now legally the Master of the House and Rena the new madam or more accurately the Yong Madam still under the tutelage of Prima as Zeph did arrange it fir her to still technically run the place remotely.