
Godly Gang

A team of traitors, realms in danger, lives at risk. Only the defenders of the many worlds can defend against this threat. There will be laughs, love, hurt, and betrayal. But I’m the end there will either be peace, or utter annihilation.

Samar_Taylor · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Creeping Darkness

In 2030, technology has reached an all time high. Scientists from around the globe have come together to create a machine called Eden. It was supposed to make it so they could peer into other dimensions. However, a traitor amongst the group sabotaged the machine, causing it to overload. The energy started making a rip in reality, causing astral beings to spill out in a massive tsunami.

Days pass, and the world is at war with these creatures, and many lives lost in the process. Those that survived can only look in absolute horror that their world is now nothing but a wasteland and contemplate ending it all, when out of the ashes, a single sprout is rapidly growing. In a matter of hours, it looks like a massive glowing tree that starts to wrap the survivors in strange pods to protect them. It took almost 3 weeks, but the survivors suddenly woke to a lush green field and clear waters with the wildlife assisting them in recovery. The survivors look on in surprise at the state of the world, and that they've been granted special abilities from the tree, and the Eden Device which has been kept in tact. It took 10 whole years for civilization to be remade better. But during that time, the traitor somehow survived by sheer willpower, and was disgusted by the world's transformation. However he could nothing but hide and fix his wounds.

It's now 2042, and the world has made sufficient progress. There's a new police task force that protects the people the right way, and is twice as efficient and careful not to make any mistakes. One of the top five officers, Harris Taylor, makes his patrol rounds on motorcycle.

"Man today's been really slow. Oh well, more fresh air and music for me. No skin off my bones."

He said, watching the people walk by. However, someone alerted him that there was a Mythic person lying unconscious on the sidewalk, and Harris rushed over to help them. He seemed to take the appearance of a chubby greenish blue Foo Dog, wearing hakama pants, a tank top, and had a Grimoire in the shape of an gauntlet on his right hand. Harris was no stranger to seeing mythical humans, ever since spirits and humans were able to interact together and permanently fuse. Harris looked around to see if there were anyone coming to get him, and set up a barrier to prevent people from coming in.

"He really is out cold, I better heal him and make sure there's no injuries. Hyper Recovery."

The Foo Dog man started to slowly wake up, his eyes a bright hazel brown. He blushes looking at Harris's face so close to his own.

"U-um, sorry, who are you? And what happened, did you keep me safe out here?"

He asked. Harris slowly picked him up and explained that he was found there unconscious.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm Taro Tsuchimikado. Nice to meet you...and um...I should go."

Taro tried to fly away with his face covered with his hands, but Harris caught him and brought him back down with only one hand.

"Sorry, but you need to come with me to the station to answer some questions of what happened. Procedure, you understand."

Taro nodded, remembering that was the procedure for this sort of thing. So they both went down to the police station, that seemed to be a bit small on the outside, but larger on the inside. Two more people greeted him inside.

"Hey Harris, who's that your date tonight? Hahaha!"

Harris gave him a swift kick to the back of the legs.

"Zip it Gabriel. I found him unconscious on the sidewalk and I need to find the assailant."

Taro blushes at that statement.


Taro couldn't get the words out of his mouth after being tight lipped about it for so long. But Harris said it anyways.

"Gay, yes. A gay black man with purple hair and green glasses walking around like he owns it and have two demons fused to his arms in the form of gloves. My mom still laughs about how no one whines about it."

Taro looked at him with a completely red face at realizing how open he was about his own sexuality.

"Anyways, let's get you situated and get some answers. Hopefully we'll find out something."

Harris went to an interrogation room, and went to get some papers. However Taro looked around, seemingly worried about something.

"Please...please. I don't want to hurt you Harris. Just please..forget about what happened and let me go on my way."