

Is there something you want......? Then it's simple, isn't it? You must fight for it, there's no other way.

KingSeshy · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

The First Woman Lilith

Cupid turned around but he didn't seem surprised at all when this beautiful woman was before him.

Cupid: Oh... it's you Lilith, I expected you to be one of the first contestants to pass but I didn't expect you to get beat so badly...

Cupid's words seemed to peak Lilith's interest. Her eyebrows went up and her voice slightly raised.

Lilith: Oh and who could that be...? Was it that damn fool Adam?

Cupid came a bit closer and lowered his voice.

Cupid: He's actually behind you right over there. The one with jet black hair and golden eyes.

Lilith slowly turned and her eyes met with Kano's. They both stopped for a second and their eyes practically locked. For Kano it felt as if time stopped for an unknown amount of time. Kano lost all sense of reality, all sense of being, even his sense of self. All he knew were those marvellous scarlet eyes.... Eventually Kano came back to reality and he noticed that Lilith had already left Cupid and started walking towards one of the portals.

Kano: What they hell was that.... what just happened to me, I've never felt anything like that before...

Kano was shocked but also fascinated, he felt as though he had to meet with her at least once.

Zeus: Was it your first time experiencing that? It is called a soul bond. In one way or another, the soul of you and that girl have a connection, perhaps through reincarnation via a past life, or maybe something completely different. That's for you to find out, I wouldn't want to ruin your fun. Exploration is what makes life truly amazing.

Kano was still in awe and what snapped him back to reality were two separate figures....

The first one to step up to Cupid was a man. He had short ruffled light blonde hair. Strands of his hair fell down the sides of his head and a few went down the front of his face. He moved his hair out of the way and revealed his piercing blue eyes. He wasn't too tall and he had a lanky, weak looking body. He was pale like Lilith and his fingers were weirdly long. His face looked mysterious and unreadable. He didn't show much emotion, at least not right now. He had a silky white dress shirt that had each of the buttons undone. It slightly revealed his chiseled body and perfect abs. He also wore long black dress pants with a delicate and unique belt. His belt wasn't necessary, maybe it was a fashion statement...