

What would you do if you open your eyes into Śūnyatā* and is asked to be the creator of a new world? That is exactly what the story is after. A man named Maximilian bad mouthed The God saying he could better Creator and so he got turned into one. But it's not that simple... While being a God in another orgin he also had to manage his life in his world too! Why? Because if not... he might die. This story shows what would happen if a human was turned into the God but it is not just limited to that... as the story progress he would be greeted with multiple mysteries and ups and downs. A lot... of ups and downs. 《Note: English is not first language so I cannot grantee top class English but it would be readable and enjoyable》 《Note 2: Multiple figures from different Mythologies will be mentioned in near future.》

Mythology_Guy · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Lucid Dreaming

A foreign realm. Something that was impossible to describe. There was nothing- not even darkness. Yet a figure can easily be seen as if the figure itself was emitting a light that only the word "divine" comes close to even describing it.

The figure was floating in the seemingly endless Śūnyatā* with his legs folded. The figure was likely of a man with a little muscular build. Other than that it was impossible to describe the figure's other features due to the light it was emitting.

'Am… I dead?'

The figure asked himself confused. The moment the emotion of confusion arose in his mind a question mark (?) appeared on his blank white face.

'I am sure I went to sleep after drinking a little- there is no way I would die randomly… I am or was quite healthy, right?'

At that moment he thought of multiple possibilities. Perhaps he was poised or murdered…? Likely not. He had nothing valuable for others to kill him. Kidnapped perhaps? No… once again the previous answer cut that idea out. Perhaps a prank? No… that would not be possible. The things he was seeing seemed ethereal and otherworldly. Technology has not advanced that far and even if that was the case who would even spend that much for a mere prank?

Suddenly a bulb appeared on top of his head as he thought of the most reasonable answer to the situation.

"This is a dream!" He shouted with a •ᴗ• appearing on his blank face.

"Um… Lucid Dreaming should fit more here…"

As he mumbled to himself suddenly a voice echoed directly in his mind which made his blank face to change and eyes to pop out and eventually fall and disappear. A voice that was foreign yet most familiar to him. The voice was his for sure but it had a robotic tone.

"Greeting, Maximilian."

Before he replied his blank face changed expression once again. That time it was ¡¿¿ appearing on his face.

"What the!"

"Do not worry. I am your Lucid Dreaming assistant. Those who Lucid dreams are guided by my kind."

"What? I never heard such thi-"

Before he could finish the voice cut him off.

"That is because people do not remember us after waking up. That is the thing."

Maximilian's blank face changed once again into ಠ_ಠ after hearing that.

"I have never heard of it… you are very suspicious."

"I see. I have no response for that. But according to my initials you were bad mouthing God saying you could be better than him. So in this dream you are going to be the creator."

Maximilian was left baffled by the words spoken in his head. Yet… he decided not to overthink. After all it was but a dream. What could possibly go wrong?

"Um… really? Then- LeT tHeRe Be LiGhT!"

The moment those words escaped his mouth the seemingly unexplainable Śūnyatā disappeared. Finally the darkness came and in the darkness there was suddenly a very saturated orange and brownish-red dense light appearing in front of him that was so large that ordinary numerical units cannot describe it. It at least expanded up to hundreds of billion kilometres!

The blank face instantly changed its form to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????... However that time it was not limited only to the face but the expression went throughout the body.

"That was a foolish thing to do… Although biblically it would be correct to say "let there be light" first but I did not expect a science student to do something like this." The voice said calmly.

"That doesn't matter! What in the world is that!? What is that!?"

"Interstellar gas and dust." The voice replied calmly as ever.

"What do you mean by interstellar gas and dust!? First they do not have their own light and second shouldn't the sun be there in place of light!?"

"Well… first of all, the sun and moon appeared on the fourth day and the sun may appear right away but if that is what you desire you will have to do a lot of work. You will have to rewrite the laws of universe so it makes sens-"

"No, thank you." Maximilian instantly cut the voice off from completing the statement, "Let's continue I suppose?"

"Yes… I would suggest saying "let there be dry land and water" next."

"Why is that…?"

Maximilian asked genuinely curious which can easily be seen by the expression his blank face made ☾ठ ੁठ☽.

"Because that way large chunks of rocks will appear that will eventually collide with each other and will form into a celestial sphere called a planet. While it is happening the star will also be born by compressing the interstellar gas that is scattered around. As for the water- it will be in the form of ice compressed deep into asteroids."

"Oh? Then… let there be dry land and water!"

Like the last time, the moment those words escaped from the mouth of Maximilian large rocks sized ranging from 300 miles to 600 miles appeared inside the interstellar dust and smoke.

Rocks started to merge together forming irregular shapes and causing large eye-blinding yet otherworldly beautiful explosions.

Looking at the terrifying yet amazing sight Maximilian blank face changed into ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡. He could not express the beauty he witnessed.

"Max," The voice interrupted. "It would take over 500 million years at the very least for the sun and planet to form. I would suggest time skip."

"Time skip?"

The movements of the explosions and the gas getting compressed fastened. Just in a blink of an eye a glowing eye-blinding white sphere and a planet made of flowing lava was formed.

["The basic structure is formed. Blank body will return to its original state. Congratulations for being the creator of the origin �̞͖͖͖̘͗̏̆̚͜�͕̣͉̭̘̑͂͆́ͅ�̤͕͎̪̺ͪ͠ ."]

The voice became even more foreign for the moment. It would not be exaggerating to call it truly "divine".

"What…?" Max asked with confusion in his voice but unlike before his blank face did not change and showed an emotion.

The light that emitted from Max's body slowly started to fade away and human skin underneath started to get revealed. Going from toe to head the fair skin was shown and so were the features that were undesirable just moments ago.

The overall body was built very well. Max's body, although not comparable to a beast-like body, was still amazing. A truly magnificent muscular body which was at the peak of those who were born with ectomorph build.

Yet… the most amazing feature was not Max's physique at all but… his face!!

(Śūnyatā means absoltue voidness or emptiness.)*