A sudden app invite completely changed Shibuya Rai's life, allowing him to bid farewell to his ordinary days of misery and poverty. He was currently shouldering immense debt and suffered due to his mental health. Suddenly, receiving this gift awoke something inside him, a desire to improve to reach higher. Fate had allowed him to turn his rubbish reality into a magical world of power, money and women. So Rai took it with both hands, desperately grabbing this golden treasure. Entering the Eternal Dungeon.
I was sitting in a large conference room with fifteen of the strongest ability users from Britannica and a mixture of other nations that offered to help. In that mix, we were counted and had little input on the mission plan.
"Currently, the south coast of Worset is overrun by strange fish-like creatures with the upper bodies of fish and lower bodies of humans." A male who seemed stiff spoke, showing small videos of creatures that reminded me of a famous game, and they were called Murlacs.
In the image, they cut down hundreds of people and began constructing their little huts and totems by the sandy beaches below the huge white cliffs.
Midori's expert-looking voice interrupted the video. "Ability knights, why have no large abilities taken them all out?"