

Damien is the demon lord. The most feared creature in Ava land and no one dares cross him. That's why meeting Alexa angered him to his core. Alexa is an angel who was everything he despised. Bold, strong and beautiful. An unexpected encounter makes this two opposites heart flutter each time they meet and make them both in need of a dire savior to set them free from the bondage of love which held them bound. *** When they got outside, Alexa couldn't contain her anger anymore"Are you insane?!Why would you give Faren your ring?!" "I had to protect you, Alexa! Did you hear what he said back there? He's just trying to use you to get to me"Damien held her hands shakingly"Please, don't marry him" "So what? What if he's using me? Why would you give your 'Ring of authority' to him?! Don't you know how important this is?!"Alexa shouted raising up the ring. "And I don't care. I would give up a whole lot more for you!" Alexa looked away from Damien as tears formed in her eyes. When she looked back at him, Damien was alarmed to see her in tears. "W-Why are you crying?"Damien asked shakingly as he brushed her cheeks "Sh*t, I've done it again. I always find a way to make you cry, I'm sorry" "Why do you keep making this difficult for me, Damien?"Alexa asked in tears"You wanted me to say the word? I love you too. I want to be with you so badly too" Damien's eyes widened in shock. He didn't even realize that he was crying too. ***

MEGACO · Thành thị
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50 Chs


In Vernon the place Jerrire had organized for Anglassia, her family and the boys, Anglassia stretched her arms as she felt the sun rays on her.

She was so beat from milking cows yesterday that immediately she had the chance, she had jumped into her bed and slept off.

As she walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, she swore that she would never milk cows again and what was worse was that Eren made it all so tiring too.

She remembered how he'd annoyed her and how he'd made cow jokes that weren't a bit funny.

She grabbed the glass jar and powered water into a small glass cup and raised it up to her mouth.

As she drank the water from the glass, she looked sideways and on seeing a shirtless Eren, her mouth hanged down as water seeped down.

Eren smiled at her "Well, good morning to you too"

Anglassia shook her head"Wear some clothes, will you? You aren't the only one who lives here"

Eren shrugged"My shirtless body doesn't intrigue anyone" He moved closer to Anglassia"Remember? You said so yourself when we were kids"

Anglassia backed away from Eren "Whatever" she turned around to leave when Eren called out to her.


She turned around to face him"What?"

Eren walked towards her with a small napkin in his hand as he wiped her mouth with it"Glase, seriously clean up after yourself. You are not a kid anymore"

He then walked away smirking because he knew that he'd just rendered her speechless.

Mikasa came to the kitchen and waved his hands jnfront of Anglassia who was staring into the empty space Eren once stood in.

"What are you staring at?"Mikasa asked.

Anglassia shook her head immediately. She must have been insane for her heart to skip when Eren wiped her mouth.

"Earth to Anglassia"Mikasa called out for the second time.

"Leave me alone"Anglassia grumbled at Mikasa before leaving the kitchen.

Mikasa looked from Eren to Anglassia.

"There's really must be something going on between those two. I wonder what it is"

Meanwhile in the dragon realm, Warren ran on the treadmill nonstop.

He only exercised like this when there was something on his mind.

And ther were two things; Alexa's rejection and Josty.

He still didn't know why Josty lingered on his mind.

They'd always hated eachother and couldn't stand eachother so why?

It just didn't make any sense especially now that she was back to normal herself.

Back to being at eachother's arms length.

"You are working hard" a voice said startling Warren and making him fall down from the treadmill.

"Oh, my. Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you"Jaden said running to meet Warren and help him up to his feet.

"If you didn't mean to startle me, you should have made your presence known"Warren said to Jaden holding an injured arm"What are you doing here by the way? Shouldn't you be guarding Jerrire?"

"Ah, he's actually nearby and that's when I noticed you in the gym. What's bothering you so much?"

Warren took a bottle water from and drank it down in one gulp. Jaden then handed him a small towel which he took and used it to clean his face.

'You know me so well"

Jaden smiled"Of course and I know you well enough to know that it's a girl troubling you"

Warren threw the face towel at Jaden's face"Now you are just talking nonsense"

Jaden smiled under the face towel. He removed the towel"Am I?Why don't you go see her?"

"It's not a girl bothering me and shouldn't you go check on Jerrire?"

Jaden suddenly remembered Jerrie"That's right. Later"

He ran off leaving Warren to his thoughts"What does he know? Always talking nonsense?"Warren muttered under his breath.

Few minutes later, Warren saw his legs doing the thinking for him as he saw himself headed to the Angel's realm.

"This means nothing. I'll just see her one last time to confirm that I don't feel anything for her"Warren muttered.

He slowed down his steps to see that for the first time,the Angel's realm was crowded.

"What's going on?"he asked himself. As he drew closer, their chantings got louder.


"Oh, she's out!"someone shouted excitedly.

Josty, Karina and Celine who were still watching from their window creased their brows in confusion.

"What do they mean? Alexa is still sleep-"Josty said as she turned around to face Alexa's bed and lo and behold, it was empty.

Back downstairs, Alexa walked out of the realm to face the angry crowd who held stones in their hands ready to punish her.

"I'm here"Alexa said "Go ahead and punish me"

A loud shout was chorused as every creature started throwing stones at her.

"EVERYBODY, STOP IT!"a loud thundering voice shouted.

Everyone halted as a way was paved for the demon lord who dragged Gezelle along with him.

His presence was accompained by the the claps of thunder and lightning strike down to the spot his feets just left.

"How could you do this to us?"Pachinko, a noble wizard said to Damien"For the past 40 years, we've all lived and followed your rules but what? You defy them? You should be punished along with her!"he said pointing at Alexa had marks over her body.

"Rule 24 of the rule of this land states that"Any girl who sees a married man is liable to death" and all we are doing is obeying that rule"

Many other creatures of the lan nodded their head agreeing with Pachinko.

"Are you married?" Damien asked boiling with anger.

"You are engaged to be-"

Damien raised up his and Gezelle's index finger"We aren't engaged anymore"

The whole creatures gasped.

Damien scanned his eyes at all of them"You were all to hasty to follow rules that you didn't stop to get your facts straight"

Damien took slow steps towards Pachinko.

"You seem to be so familiar to the rules of this land. Should I jog your memory with what rules 17 says?"

Pachinko's hands started shivering. "Yes, my-"

Damien raised his index finger up silencing Pachinko"Uh-huh, let me jog your memory for you"

"It says "Any man/woman who dares causes harm on the innocent is liable to Amsterdam or death by the 'flames of death' "

Damien clicked his two fingers together as two men brought in the 'flames of death'

"My lord, please-"

Damien grabbed Pachinko's face"Now since I'm merciful,I wouldn't sentence you to Amsterdam but rather, I will throw you into the 'flames of death' and then throw your ashes in Amsterdam so that even in your death, you will be forever punished for your sins"

"P-please, my lord forgive-"

But before Pachinko could finish his apology, Damien had pushed his head into the 'flames of death' as a loud scream filled the entire land.

He then completely dumped him inside the fire and turned to the rest of the crowd with his eyes bloodshot red"Now, who else threw stones at Alexa?"



A/N: Don't mess with Damien, people. Alexa seems to have lots of people ready to protect her.

Must be nice. See you in the next chap