
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Kisame and Tokimo: Blades Clash

(<[Somewhere in the land of Water]>)

Kisame Hoshikagi was in a cave somewhere in the land of water, reading a newspaper with his famed sword, samehada, comfortably resting next to him. He gazed along the newspapers words, his expression slowly becoming more intrigued as he swept the pages.

'Defeated Yagura...Tokimo Uchiha...Rogue Nin of the leaf...?' He read with increasing excitement.

"This Tokimo person. I might wanna go meet him, you think his chakra would be nice for ya', Samehada?" He smirked to his sword.

The sword started to growl and pant in anticipation, as if it were a human imbued within it's very core. The sword loved to devour chakra, a thing Kisame has used to his advantage in the many battles he has had, and the many more to come. It started to shake so much the ground began to crack a little under the pressure it was releasing. Then, at that exact time, Kisame got up.

"Who is there. You can come out now."

Tokimo, who purposely made it so Kisame could discover him, came out in front of Kisame, who glanced at the newspaper and then back at Tokimo. "So you're Tokimo Uchiha, I assume?" He asked with a grin, gripping Samehada ever so tightly. In response, Tokimo simply nodded.

"And what if I am? Not like you could do jack about it, though." Tokimo replied to Kisame with attitude, which made said person frown.

"I'm sure Samehada would love to feast on your chakra. It can sense that you have an abundance of chakra. You're an abnormality in this world, that's for sure, you little shit." Kisame said.

Tokimo finally got tired of this useless monologue, so he slowed himself down a little to just above kisames speed and strength, but he didn't seal it like other dumbasses he read in novels. He just limited himself, so that he could enjoy the fight. The minute something out of the ordinary happened he would easily kill Kisame.

Kisame swung his sword at Tokimo, aiming to leave a nasty gash on his chest. The latter simply sidestepped before materializing a sword, imbuing it with lightning and stabbing towards kisames heart all in the span of a Microsecond.

(A/N: In my opinion, the naruto fights were way faster than they appeared. They are chakra powered ninjas who probably can fold your ass without moving. Yes, I really made ninjas be able to move that fast because it's realistic in my opinion compared to the series.)

Kisame was able to Narrowly avoid this before launching a kick towards Tokimo's shin, aiming to throw off Tokimo. Tokimo blocked with perfect timing, and sent a beautiful counter strike to Kisames Shoulder, which landed, taking Kisames left arm out the fight for a couple seconds.

"Argh, you sure got some strength even though you sure as hell don't look like it." Kisame said before jumping back and healing his arm.

"You could say the same about the Leaf Villages Hokage." Tokimo smirked.

They both chuckled before Kisame did a front flip, and using the momentum from that front flip struck Tokimo right on the top of his head with Samehada. To normal ninja, this would have knocked them the fuck out, or maybe even worse, killed them. But as stated several times, Tokimo isn't normal at all. Samehada simply bounced off of Tokimo's head. As a result of the strength he put into the hit the blade bounced back and hit Kisame in his forehead, which disoriented him long enough for Tokimo to execute a perfectly timed sword strike to the stomach.

Blood Gushed out of Kisames wound, and Kisame coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"It's been a long timed since anyone has bested me with the sword. *Cough*" Kisame said still coughing up some blood as he spoke.

"I know that, idiotttt! I've heard about ya. You should almost be S rank by now." Tokimo replied.

(A/N: Those who know the timeline are aware that this is way before the main events, meaning Kisame hasn't necessarily gotten all the achievements and accomplishments that solidify his S-rank shinobi status just yet.)

Tokimo noticed Kisame make lightning fast handsigns, all of which he perceived as if it was slow motion. When Kisame actually hit him, he never slowed his perception, just his body reaction time.

"Water Release: Great shark bullet technique!" Kisame launched a multitude of shark shaped bullets at Tokimo, some getting cut down and dodged by Tokimo. Tokimo decided to show why he was an Uchiha.

Tokimo gets hit by a few, and then gets knocked out, cold. Making Kisame smirk. Kisame then haves Samehada start sucking his chakra away, before beheading Tokimo.

"I have to say, you were a great foe. You almost made me use my special Jutsu on you. Samehada is happy with your chakra, and hopes you'll have better luck in the next life haha." Kisame chuckles, his injuries fully healed.

The terrain is heavily impacted by the battle of Two near S class shinobi. Kisame walks awa-

"Genjutsu: Spirit Flush." He hears a voice say. He then feels astronomically tear-inducing pain. Tears roll down his eyes and he squeezes his hands together at the pain, its like his own soul was being ripped from him.

"RaAAAaaaaGRRRGHHH!" He screamed in horrific agony, His brain turning animalistic at the pain.

Then a voice started to echo all around him.

"You fool, you have fallen victim to my genjutsu. Have you forgotten that I'm an Uchiha? My name isn't just for show." Tokimo's voice resounds in his ears, making him fall to his knees in sheer pain, agony, and helplessness as his very soul is being ripped and put back together like a sewn up toy. It's as if he's a doll. He's got it. He's finally realized it. Everybody is literally but a doll compared to Tokimo's might.

As he writhes in pain, he feels Tokimo's cold, calculative gaze on him the entire time, inciting anger. As he glances to his right, he sees his prized possession, samehada withering right before his eyes. He grits his teeth so hard that he leaves a chip in them.

Then, the impossible happens. The world shatters right in front of his eyes. Kisame is laying on his back with all his wounds reopened and gushing blood, and Tokimo standing across from him menacingly. His nerves shake right then and there.

Samehada has disappeared without a trace, like it never existed at all.

Kisame was waiting for death to take him, he decided to accept his death. He knew he wasn't capable of defeating this monster of a shinobi.

"W...What the...the fuck. I'll...really...die." He gasps out in-between breaths.

"Yes." Was the cold response from Tokimo.

"You've been dead since you picked up that newspaper, ya soy boy."

Thanks for waiting on this chapter ya laddies, took quite a bit but I managed to get it out for yall.

Malxxoticcreators' thoughts