
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Hidden Backstories

After departing from the Uchiha compound, our Mc had a number of thoughts racing through his mind. In which other ways could he use his perfect mastery? If he was looking at his wish from a very literal perspective, it had absolutely no limitations that were bestowed upon it. By this logic, if he looked at Hagoromo creating the tailed beasts, would he have Perfected the art of creation in all forms? Was there truly no limit upon his wishes? Did his R.O.B basically give him the okay to become omnipotent? Even if the R.O.B was beyond omnipotent, wasn't this too much?

He was beginning to question the sincerity of all this. Everything had gone down too comically and serious. If that truly was plane-kun, he should've not wasted time with a feeble human like me.

A/N: Prepare for Bullsh**

And he was correct; he would generally be subject to the three wishes with the usual restrictions. But he had no idea that his ancestors had bequeathed upon him something that no one had ever seen before.

(500 Quadrillion years in the past)

R.O.B's P.O.V

I can't recall the last time I had any social interaction. Being a higher lifeform has so many negative consequences... Throughout the course of my existence, universes and galaxies have been formed. Everything has happened in front of my eyes. I couldn't do anything except sit there, powerless, after having nothing to do with my pathetic existence. All of the other R.O.B's simply laugh at me and tell me I'm nothing and never will be. Perhaps it's because of who I am or what I do.

On a unique day, the G.O.A.R.O.B.'s (God of All R.O.B.'s) gave me the ability to bestow upon my next reincarnators any power, without drawbacks. The other R.O.B's grew jealous of my new increase in power, and would always send their reincarnators to assassinate my reincarnators. I was practically Public Enemy number 1.

One day, I got another soul to reincarnate. I thought It'd be the usual. The soul would wish to be born with good powers, and then be killed by the other R.O.B.'s reincarnators.

As a result, I met this one-of-a-kind individual. Arigama Soreshimo was his name. Aliens who appeared to be prototypes for a new race known as the 'Humans,' which one of the Gods was developing. Looking over this alien life form, it appears that he was born on the planet Zxo. His race was constantly engaged in mass conflict, leaving a war-torn world in its wake. He never received a loving gaze from his parents since they abandoned him on the battlefield, where innumerable beams of energy flew everywhere and explosions kicked up mountains of dust.

Over the course of his life, he was never given the time of day, much like him. He was also bullied, and scorned for merely existing, Just like him. He wanted desperately to skip reincarnating this Life form because he knew that the other R.O.B.S's would eventually kill it and erase it's existence. He had finally found a being he could relate to, yet he had to be the one to send it off to its erasure. He wasn't sad, or anything. He just was bothered. As a R.O.B, he wasn't allowed to express feelings or any emotions of care towards reincarnators or that might show favoritism.

He looked up lazily at the soul, already preparing himself to send it to it's end. "Hello, I am R.O.B. I was sent here to be your reincarnator. Pick 3 desires of your choice, it can be anything. Power, Wealth, Fame, just say the words." He said, recounting the phrase from the 'HOW2R.O.B' textbook all R.O.B.'s were issued.

Nothing could have prepared him for this sentence, though.

"...Could we be friends?" Said Arigama. That was the one thing he desired in his life but never got. He didn't care if he was going to die, he just wanted one friend.

The R.O.B was extremely surprised. Thinking back on his time being scorned, hated, bullied, rushed away. He had never experienced any form of affection. Unconsciously, a couple tears were making it's way down it's face.

"I'm sorry...did...did I make you cry? It's okay, *Sigh*'It happens all the time anyways, I'm unwanted.'

The R.O.B hastily answered back. "...No, that just caught me of guard. No life form has ever shown any affection to me is all." The R.O.B didn't even know why he was telling this to the soul he was just going to reincarnate.

"You too?" Arigama was surprised that there was someone else that felt the same way he did.

"...Yes, I have no place In the Dimension of R.O.B's. They don't like me." The R.O.B answered, using energy to dissipate his tears.

"Then, we can be friends? I hope we can be friends! We're both the same!" Arigama was just a poor unloved lifeform, wanting the smallest sliver of affection wherever he could get it, and when he found it, he clung on to it for dear life.

The R.O.B found a new drive that day to increase his power. He began To find way's to increase his power by spreading across multiple Omegaverses, and Omniverses. He was gaining strength at a rapid pace, and all the other R.O.B's that originally had power over him, lost to him.

They quickly became driven by hate, so they targeted the next thing closest to him. They were enemies, so they would do anything to get the person that was close to him. They caught on to his friendship with the Lifeform named Arigama and quickly captured the R.O.B and his friend. R.O.B with his newfound strength, was able to defend the both of them for a whole 1000 years. Eventually, they sent the higher ups to complete the job. He tried to defend himself, but it was futile.

He was bound by Celestial Sealing so he couldn't move. They looked at him, malice and hatred flowing through their entire body. Hatred, all for him. Just for existing. He was helpless to watch as they took the tired looking lifeform known as Arigama away from him.

They began chanting a spell that would erase the lifeforms soul, and their existence. He was fighting with all his willpower to break free from the seal. but it was too late. They touched Arigama, as he began to fade away. All of them were laughing Maniacally. They were blinded by their hatred.

It was all nonsensical, nonsensical. A bunch of nonsense. Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense.

"NONSENCE!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!" With all of his strength, he broke away from his seal, and unlocked a dormant power. His power increased infinitely over mere nanoseconds. He was beyond Omnipotent. Using his power, he punched, and launched multiversal-level explosions at the R.O.B's. Panicking, they tried to fight back but they got cut down ruthlessly. He made sure to spit on each and everyone of their bodies, before bringing them back to life and burning them with Omni-Acid. He imploded their very cellular makeup.

"Wait!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry ple-"


They were gone with a ruthless punch to the gut. All while R.O.B was wearing a scornful face, full of anger at these beings, and at himself for being so powerless to let them erase his friend.

"We must stop hi-"


Their head came clean off.

He charged up a powerful Omni-Blast. They look up in fear, and only then did they begin to realize their mistakes. They finally got it, their hatred was replaced with fear, and extreme regret. They were so scared.



They were all hit with the attack, which restarted Time and space it self. R.O.B felt fulfilled, he didn't even think about what he did. Just seconds ago, he destroyed the very concept of reality. He began creating everything from scratch, as well as vowing one thing.

To bless Arigama's decendants.

I thought I would add some lore, and reasoning to why he was OP. I was able to sneak this one in haha. Do you like it? Even though it was bullsh**, I think I gave the solid reasoning as to why he was OP.

Malxxoticcreators' thoughts