
God succession system

A guy gets a system. He goes to other worlds. He wants to build a harem. He becomes a god? Join Alex as he joins a game to determine the next God as he travels to new worlds and builds a harem to help him in battle Note- I do not own ANYTHING that is part of an already existing franchise

Harry_Dresden · Khác
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583 Chs

Mass Invite


The Chatroom went off suddenly, alerting everyone to it as a string of notifications were shown.

[Nami has joined the chat!

Boa Hancock has joined the chat!

Shirahoshi has joined the chat!

Yamato has joined the chat!

Pyrrha Nikos has joined the chat!

Winter Schnee has joined the chat!

Ruby Rose has joined the chat!

Ryuu Lion has joined the chat!

Sanjouno Haruhime has joined the chat!

Liliruca Arde has joined the chat!

Katara has joined the chat!

Suki has joined the chat!

Princess Yue has joined the chat!

Hermione Granger has joined the chat!

Flannery has joined the chat!

Sabrina has joined the chat!

Nemona has joined the chat!]

Alex blinked as he took in the sheer number of new Chatroom users that had just joined, along with everyone else who saw the notifications, before the first message from one of them appeared.






Hancock: who dares to presume to give this empress orders?!

Katara: wow! An actual empress!?!

Princess Yue: I'm a princess...

Shirahoshi: so am I... And if this is Vander Decken-Sama, please leave me alone.... You're not my type.

Winter: who is Vander Decken?

Shirahoshi: he's someone who's been trying to propose to me for eight years. But he also keeps trying to kill me as well, so I haven't gone outside in all that time...

Princess Yue: and I thought my tribes customs were restrictive...

Nemona: wow! This is interesting, but is anyone here good at battling?!!


Hermione: how utterly fascinating...]

Alex and the rest of the women watched as the Chatroom exploded from the new members interacting with one another, while a few of the girls from the same world's as one another interacted with each other.

Just as Alex was about to get on to introduce himself, something happened that stunned everyone and silenced the thread of notifications.


Showing up on everyone's Chatroom screens, was a picture of Ruby Rose in the same exact position Yang had been in for her nude photo shoot.

Unlike Yang, who had been completely nude when taking her photo, Ruby was still dressed in her trademark gothic black dress with red frills. But while normally the tights she wore under her dress would obscure anything that might be seen, they had been discarded while Ruby's last line of 'defense', a pair of white panties with roses on them, dangled from one of her ankles.

This meant they were able to see EVERYTHING beneath the mini reaper's dress, things that no proper lady would ever show off.


Yang: RUBY!

Ruby: but Yang! You said that everyone who joined the Chatroom had to do it!

Yang: NOT YOU!

Hancock: you expect ME to degrade and demean myself with this....thing?

Winter: how disgusting!

Nami: if you want to see me naked then you better fork over one billion Berries! BUT FIRST HELP ME!

Pyrrha: oh my! Are we really supposed to do something so embarrassing?

Shirahoshi: l-like this?]

Suddenly another picture was posted on the thread that showed a breathtakingly beautiful young mermaid with long and flowing pink hair, who had shyly pulled her top to the side to bare her breasts. Which were quite literally the largest breasts any of them, Alex included, had ever seen.

Considering that Shirahoshi was quite literally nearly forty feet tall though, it was to be expected.

The most surprised to see the picture was Alex, since he recalled Shirahoshi being a massive coward when she met Luffy. But then again, this was probably the most interaction she'd gotten outside her family in years.

But she wasn't the only one, as another image popped up of a beautiful girl that had long blonde hair, with fox-like ears and a tail. And despite her obvious embarrassment, the girl had parted her kimono to reveal both her breasts and the smooth slit between her legs.


Haruhime: this is SO embarrassing! But for someone as 'dirty' as me I should bear with it...]

Though he admired Haruhime's beautiful figure, Alex couldn't help but to furrow his brows. He had never heard of her before, but with her animal characteristics he suspected that she might be from the Danmachi world. And with her self deprecating comment, along with the room in the background of her picture, Alex couldn't help but to worry about her as he suspected what her profession was.


Hermione: this has turned from utterly fascinating, to utterly disgusting...

Winter: I know. Have they no shame?

Suki: warriors of Kiyoshi would never act in such a way.

Sabrina: how stupid.

Nemona: is this a different type of battle? Well I'm not going to lose!]

What followed was another picture of a woman Alex didn't recognize with tanned skin and a green streak in her otherwise black hair, standing completely naked in the middle of the wilderness, with her clothes hanging on a branch behind her.

It was then followed by a another two pictures that were surprising to Alex, both of which the women were also tanned, though one had white hair while the other had dark brown hair. This time however he did recognize both of them, even though they were a couple years older than he was expecting, as Katara and Princess Yue of the two water tribes in the Avatar world, from the South and North Poles respectively.

Both were dressed in thick furs to help insulate them from the cold, except Katara had opened hers similarly to Haruhime to flash her breasts and slit, while Princess Yue had lifted her furs up to reveal her own pussy, both of them with red cheeks, but looking excited as they exposed themselves.


Princess Yue: this is so exciting!

Katara: right!? This is literally the most exciting thing I've seen in years!]

Though he was surprised to see those two particular women take part in posting naked pictures of themselves, it also made sense if Alex thought about it. Both were relatively sheltered women, with Princess Yue spending her entire life being dictated by her tribe's traditions and her station, while Katara had spent her entire life within her tiny village, which was steadily declining after numerous raids by the Fire Nation over the years, along with all of the able-bodied men sailing off to war.

This left only the children and elderly in their village with a few women, meaning Katara and her older brother Sokka were the only ones in it around their own respective ages, let alone the only remaining warrior and water bender. They both were probably excited to be able to do something new, and daring.


Hancock: how unsightly. Does no one here possess a sense of decency?

Yamato: yeah! Women like yourselves should treasure yourselves more!

Flannery: wait! You're not a girl!?!

Yamato: nope!]

THAT caught Alex's attention, as until now the only ones invited to the Chatroom had been women, which immediately put him on guard since he didn't recognize them as well.


Alex: hello all, and welcome to my Chatroom.

Hermione: so YOU'RE in charge of this!?

Winter: please kindly inform me of your location, the Atlesian fleet will be there shortly.

Hancock: a filthy man?! I feel defiled now...

Ruby: ALEX! Yang told me all about you! She says you're REALLY strong and stuff!

Pyrrha: oh?

Nami: if you're so strong, THEN SAVE ME!

Haruhime: !!! I showed an unsightly image....

Ryuu: ...

Liliruca: so there IS someone in charge here

Katara: I thought there was only women here!

Princess Yue: I feel so embarrassed...

Shirahoshi: it is nice to meet you Alex-Sama.

Sabrina: ...

Suki: you better not be a Fire Nation spy.

Flannery: what's wrong with fire? They're my favorite type of Pokemon!

Yamato: another man! It is nice to meet you!

Alex: that's part of why I got on here Yamato. This Chatroom is something I acquired for my harem, and so I can't have other men on here.

Yamato: really!? I'm sorry, I should have said something earlier...

Alex: it's ok, but there is one thing bugging me. Are you REALLY a man?

Yamato: of course! I am the son of none other than the Emperor Kaido, King of the Beasts!

Alex: !!!]

When he heard that Alex was more than a little shocked. He didn't recognize the name Yamato, but he did recognize Kaido's.

Kaido was one of the four pirate Emperors in the world of One Piece, the strongest pirates in the entire world that paralleled the seven Warlords of the Sea, and the three Admirals of the navy. He was also the main antagonist of the arc Alex had never finished before dying and reincarnating.

As such, there was very little Alex knew regarding Kaido outside of him ruling over the isolated country of Wano, the One Piece version of Japan, and that he had an army of Devil Fruit users under his control of the Zoan type, leading to his title as King of the Beasts.

This was the first time Alex recalled hearing that Kaido had a son, but he was still skeptical of Yamato's claims. After all, he still possessed the 'Godly Pervert' skill, so the chances of a man actually being invited to the Chatroom were infinitely small.

Plus there was also the Japanese trope of women pretending to be men, or full on believing they were until someone saw them naked. And since he had no idea what Yamato looked like, Alex readily said,

[Alex: send me a picture of you naked Yamato.

Everyone: !!!]

"Alex! Did you go over to 'that' side!?!" Shia demanded with despair, while the rest of Alex's wives gathered around him looked at him in alarm.

Alex however was completely calm as he stared at the Chatroom screen with a straight face, ignoring the numerous comments from the others regarding his mention of his harem earlier, and his request to see Yamato naked.

The next thing everyone knew a picture was posted from Yamato, depicting an exceptionally tall woman who appeared to be in her mid twenties that was completely naked with a kimono pooled around her feet. She had long hair that started out white, but transitioned to blue halfway down, and a pair of wicked looking bull-like horns sticking up from the top of her head.

"I thought so." Alex said while everyone else just gaped at her, though he also couldn't help but to note the shackles on her wrists.

[Alex: Yamato, why are you chained up?

Yamato: please, call me Oden! And I thought you wanted to see my masculine body! Aren't you impressed?

Alex: you look nice and breedable, but why are there shackles on you?

Yamato: I don't know why a man, such as myself, would be considered 'breedable', but thanks I guess. About these shackles, my father put them on me so that if I ever tried to leave Wano, they'd explode and kill me. Or at the very least destroy my arms to cripple me.

Hermione: that's barbaric!

Alex: you haven't seen anything yet unfortunately. I've seen people do worse in several of the different worlds I'd been to.

Hancock: different worlds?

Alex: correct.]

Alex then began to explain to everyone who he was and how they all got the Chatroom invite, while several of those already connected to it similarly introduced themselves.

It was quickly confirmed that Ruby, Winter and Pyrrha were all from Remnant along with Yang; Nami, Hancock, Shirahoshi, and Yamato were from One Piece along with Robin, who was currently recovering from her own scuffle with Enel; Flannery, Sabrina, and Nemona were all from the Pokemon world along with Cynthia; Liliruca, Haruhime, and Ryuu were all from Danmachi with Bestia; and finally Katara, Princess Yue, and Suki were from the Avatar world along with Ty Lee.

That particular confirmation then opened a whole new can of worms when the three of them realized Ty Lee was from the Fire Nation, which they were all technically at war with. Hermione meanwhile was from the completely new world of Harry Potter.

Aside from that, everyone of course had varying reactions to what Alex told them. Some, like Hermione, flat out refused the possibility of other worlds and the existence of people who could travel between them.

Hancock meanwhile dismissed everything Alex said purely on the basis of him being a man. A few, like Ruby, Katara, Shirahoshi, Yamato, and Princess Yue, all believed Alex for one reason or another. Several however were skeptical for the most part.

It was understandable though, as not EVERYONE had heard of the multiverse theory, or the omniverse.

Of course, there was one person who didn't particularly care.

[Nami: that's cool and all, BUT IT DOESN'T HELP ME RIGHT NOW!]

Alex paused as he realized Nami DID need help, as 'plot' usually ensured Luffy didn't beat his opponent until the last possible moment. The problem was, how could he help her?

Enel was a Logia Devil Fruit user, meaning he was immune to all physical attacks aside from rubber. Alex of course could beat him easily, because he was made of rubber and could use Armament Haki, but Nami was another story since she had no real fighting skill like the rest of the Straw Hat pirates.

She was an exceptionally skilled navigator, the best in the world Alex had no doubt. But Nami's main method of fighting was using a tool their sniper, Usopp, made for her that could manipulate the-

Alex suddenly face-palmed himself as an idea of how to help Nami came to mind, though it would probably require him to sacrifice the vast majority of points he had just earned from the quest to protect Saya, along with those he'd stockpiled.

'Would it work?' Alex mentally asked Lauren, who was silent for a second as she contemplated the answer.

'It should work, an it'd be the best thing to give her.'

Alex nodded slowly to himself even as he told her, 'do it.'


"Haa Haa..." Nami panted as she focused all of her attention on surviving.

Currently she was atop the massive flying ship made out of gold, Maxim, where she was staring down the self-proclaimed 'god', Enel.

Enel was currently trying to wipe an entire island, and its inhabitants, out completely, and he was succeeding due to Maxim bolstering his Goro Goro no Mi powers. Meanwhile it was taking Nami everything she had not to be instantly killed by him, as she very narrowly redirected every blast of lightning he sent her way.

This was only possible due to the weapon she wielded in her hands, a three piece staff called the Clima-tact that allowed her to very slightly manipulate the weather around her. It's effect was weak, but usable in a situation like this. Especially with how knowledgable she was about the weather and its patterns.

And of course, as she was fighting to survive, some stupid thing popped up in front of her face that clouded her vision. In her effort to clear it away she apparently accepted an invitation to something called a Chatroom, where people that were supposedly from different worlds had gathered, as well as several people from her world, including one of her own crew mates.

Though she planned to question Robin about it later, for the moment she focused on surviving and begging for help from the people that she was supposedly talking to. Not only did none of them help her though, but several of them even distracted and nearly killed her as they posted naked pictures of themselves on it.

All in all, Nami was getting increasingly pissed as time went on, and she was getting cornered more and more by Enel with no help coming in the foreseeable future.


Another notification from the stupid Chatroom suddenly blocked her vision once again, which Nami immediately tried to dismiss only for an object to appear out of nowhere and land on her hand. An object that appeared to be a fruit.

It wasn't just any fruit though.

The fruit in Nami's hand was shaped like a pineapple, but instead of the usual little section a pineapple had each one depicted a different symbol. Numerous different types of clouds, lighting, snow, sun, wind, all aspects of weather covered what Nami knew to be a Devil Fruit.

Thankfully the sudden appearance of the fruit even caused Enel's attacks to cease, as he watched her curiously without any caution or alarm whatsoever. After all, there was no way Nami could be a threat to him, she wasn't made of the despicable rubber like the idiot from earlier had been.

Just as she was wondering what to do with it, as Nami had never wanted to eat a Devil Fruit and lose her ability to swim, another notification came across the Chatroom that she read this time. A message from this Alex guy, which said,

[Alex: eat it Nami. It's a Weather Weather fruit that will grant you complete control of the weather around you without needing the Clima-tact. With your skills, I have no doubt it'll make you one of the most powerful people in your world.]

Nami ignored the numerous other notifications she was receiving from the rest of those in the Chatroom as she looked at the fruit in her hands, her mind and heart both racing as she contemplated eating it.

Did she really want to give up her ability to swim for the ability to control weather with a mere whim?

The answer was surprisingly easy for her to arrive at less than a second later.


Yes she did.

Without another thought, and before Enel could resume his numerous attacks, Nami bit into the Devil Fruit, and the most horrendous taste she'd ever experienced filled her mouth.

(A.N. The translated name for the weather fruit is apparently the Ara Ara no Mi, but I just went with the English version so people didn't think it was a fruit that turned you into an onee-San.

Also, regarding Yamato. Before anyone tries claiming she's trans, I'm going to say right now she's not. If Yamato merely wanted to be a 'man' then she WOULD be trans, but that's not the case. She only considered herself to be a guy because she idolizes Kozuki Oden, who was a man, and wants to become him. So the way I see it, she's just larping instead of actually being transgender.)

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts