

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Thành thị
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79 Chs

Chapter 72 Maybe this is life

The galleys of the Garlic tribe set sail across the seas.

Under the protection of sea monsters, they can reach the depths of the ocean, and the chance of shipwreck is greatly reduced compared to the past.

One ship after another develops and explores, and the villains draw a sea chart of this fragmented world.

[The Garlic tribe has drawn a world map, and everyone's intelligence has improved slightly. ]

Lu Yao clicked on the map on the right side of the interface.

The whole world is smaller than he thought, most of the area is ocean, and there are only two continents on the sea. The Western Continent is the base camp of the Garlic Tribe, and the Eastern Continent is the prairie discovered not long ago.

Separated from two continents, there are two large islands. One is Donghai Island, where the Donghai family used to live, and the other is Mingyue Island, where the rat plague broke out.

The rest are scattered small islands and archipelagos, and some islands are also inhabited by natives, but no traces of god worship and idols have been found.

This narrow world is oval-shaped, and the edge is wrapped in a kind of gray mist, which is also the boundary of the world.

No matter how far the galley is paddled, it cannot get close to the border, and even if it swims in the water, it cannot reach the edge of the world that seems so close at hand. The villain can only look at it from a distance and lament his own weakness.

Lu Yao set his perspective on the border area.

He observed for a long time and found that this boundary was expanding outwards at a slow speed—or growing.

The world of fragments is like an oval pancake, which is still expanding.

Its edges generate more oceans, and some randomly generated scattered islands.

Lu Yao was very curious.

What will happen if you let it expand and grow like this?

Will it become a giant world that grows infinitely?

Or completely close the world on all sides and turn it into a real three-dimensional world?

Lu Yao asked Isabel.

"My lord, the Fragmented World is now slowly repairing and growing under the power of rules."

"If given enough time, it will eventually generate a new unowned world."

"But it's really hard to do that."

"Because the Fragmented World and the Unowned World seem to have little difference, there is actually one fundamental difference."

Isabel patiently explained: "In the ownerless world, the rules of the world operate closed."

"So the gods can't descend into it out of thin air. They can only break through the outer wall of the ownerless world, or enter the ownerless world little by little through the overlapping of worlds."

"Then you can change its inner rules and turn the unowned into the owned. It's like putting a key and a lock on a door so that other gods can't get in."

"The fragmented world is incomplete, and the internal rules are too severely damaged. Even if most of them can be closed, the world itself is full of flaws."

"Unless these defects can be repaired, the Fragmented World is like a madman covered in wounds. Even if the wounds on his body heal, but he can't wake up, he won't have the vitality of the ownerless world."

"The incompleteness of the fragmented world makes it impossible to form a complete closed loop. These gaps are the coordinates where the trainee gods enter."

"Apprentice gods are always coming to the fragmented world, so it is almost impossible for the fragmented world to close again, and it will only become more and more dilapidated..." Isabel said patiently.

Lu Yao briefly summarized.

Fragmented World is like a bus, the door will always open when it arrives, and the trainee gods are passengers with tickets.

Some apprentice gods will sit for a long time, and some apprentice gods will get off quickly. The gods go up and down, the car can't stop, and it will continue to be broken in the wear and tear.

The ownerless world is a new car that just leaves the factory, and only one god can control its ownership.

Because it's a new car, it's in good shape, fast, powerful, and has some extra features. Car owners will naturally pay more attention to maintaining their cars.

This is the case.

Therefore, Fragmented World is the novice village for newcomers.

Lu Yao reckoned that once the wonders were built and entered the temples, the god players would probably enter the so-called crawling area. Forced to move out of this novice area.

At this time, a line of text is displayed on the game interface.

[Hemira wrote the first theological book "Gospel of the Gods". ]

[The Garlic tribe invented theology. ]

[The garlic tribe has fanatically worshiped you because of theology, and their faith has been greatly improved. ]

——There is a believer leading fanatical worship, do I need to transform her into a prophet?



It was the first time Lu Yao saw such a description.

He immediately aimed at the upper right corner of the interface.

Seeing this, Lu Yao wondered if he was dazzled.

Population: 21,398 Faith: 25,741

Lu Yao still couldn't hold back.

Faith explodes in an instant!

Is this the greatly improved power?

He took two deep breaths, calmed down and calculated.

Previously, the belief was around 4000 points, but now the belief has increased by 21000 points... The increase is exactly the total population.

In other words, the so-called substantial increase means that each person of the population provides 1 point of extra faith!

Lu Yao has always had a vague feeling that population is no less important than faith.

Otherwise, the emulator would not give such a high rating.

[Population is the body, belief is power. ]

These two are pillars of the same level.

Lu Yao speculates that once the population exceeds a certain critical value, further qualitative changes should occur. This qualitative change not only comes from the level of civilization of the believers, but also from the impact on the body of the god player.

He did not expect that the first dividend brought by population would come so early.

Lu Yao was also a little lucky at this time.

Fortunately, my buddies have always paid attention to balanced development and made steady progress, and did not go to extremes like other players.

Can you walk well if you walk on one leg?

If you don't pay attention, you will have to fall.

And the instigator of this bull market of faith, Lu Yao, is also pleasing to the eye no matter what.

Hymila, well done, well done.

No wonder you were able to lead the Donghai Clan before you were young, you are capable.

Lu Yao clicked into the temple and readily transformed her into a prophet.

At this time, Haimila was already 35 years old. Ten years have passed since Lu Yao last noticed her.

In the detailed personal panel is a vertical painting of Haimila.

A tall, slender woman with wheat-colored skin was reading at night by the lamplight.

Under the dim light, she was writing on paper with a charcoal pencil. She was wearing a woolen coat, and her long-lashed eyes sparkled like inspiration.

Here's what she said.

-Even if you don't feel it, God is leading you.


[Prophet Lv8] Hymila

Attack 0 Defense 2 Knowledge 5 Mana 1 Luck 1 Morale 3


Wisdom Lv5: Wisdom is the key for the apostles to listen to the will of the gods. The higher the level of wisdom, the easier it is to improve and comprehend various abilities.

Theology Lv1: Good at disseminating the belief of gods, can keenly detect the traces left by the gods, and comprehend and upgrade levels while observing miracles.


Haimila gave Lu Yao a small surprise.

Compared with the previous generation of prophet farmers, Haimila is smarter, and has realized the [Theology] skills. Professional prophets belong to yes.

Hymila only needs to research and observe miracles to upgrade. It's a coincidence, isn't it? It just so happens that I, Lu, am a god player who is not stingy with miracles.

A perfect match for belonging is.

Lu Yao was overjoyed to find that there seemed to be one person missing in the temple.

The astrologer Shahan who has been praying silently in the temple, why isn't he here?

Lu Yao searched and searched, but couldn't find the astrologer.

Finally, he found Shahan's name on the monument.

"Shahan: An outstanding astrologer and leader, he wrote "A Brief History of the Tribe" to tell all who come after you, never forget where you came from."

This guest prophet who is not good at trying to figure out the will of the gods has finally completed his mission.

But that doesn't mean it's over.

In the ghost town of Sanilo, Lu Yao found Shahan's ghost.

At this time, he set up a stall in the city, happily divining good luck and weather for every passerby.

This old man really loves astrology.

Lu Yao estimated.

For Shahan, sitting in the temple during his lifetime was his job, and after his death, setting up a horoscope on the street was his life.

Maybe this is life.