
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 9 End Of Azure Bandits

I entered the group of Azure Bandits. I was not anxious that they will find out my identity as I have already killed that bandit and decided to bury him underground tonight.

The time when I entered the group of bandits was around 1:30 am. Do you need the GMT. GMT + 8. I was asked to patrol the periphery of the hideout once in two hours and was ordered to keep an eye on the girl.

I was lucky to choose the one who was in charge of the girl. I waited for the girl finish washing all the clothes. I delegated her another task that is to chop woods.

As I delegated the task I quietly slipped a paper in her clothes. She noticed and looked up at me. The way she looked made me understand that she is very clever.

What I wrote was - " I am not a bandit and I infiltrated this group under the mission of adventurer guild. If you want to run away from here then come meet me in the woods ( east side ) mid-night. "

I returned to my place and just pretended to keep an eye on the girl, whereas I was looking at the other bandits.

The bandits wore blue azure colour dress with different types of pants. Some of them wore jeans while others wore trousers. Maybe they are really advanced.

The strength of the bandits as mentioned earlier is ranging from Iron Skin Lvl - 1 ( Lvl - 11 ) to Dark Iron skin Lvl - 5 ( Lvl - 20 ). There are 14 Iron skin level bandits, 2 Dark Iron skin level bandits.

I didn't see anyone with Silver skin level cultivation. And if you are wondering where and how I got to know the cultivation levels of the bandits was because Z said something,

[ The way of measuring somebody's strength is to see the invisible glow of aura on their body. Aura has different types of colour, each representing each cultivation level. ]

And I honed my ability to see bloodlust in the days I worked as a mercenary. The aura seems to be similar to bloodlust as I can see it if I concentrate hard enough.

Let me tell you this, the cultivation realms I see are not so accurate but I am sure that I didn't make any large mistakes.

The time passed by as I continued to di my due work and minding my own business. During this time, some of the bandits mentioned that the boss will come back two days later.

The boss must be stronger than them. Height even be Silver Skin level. I didn't learn any more important information from them. As I thought that nobody would disturb me. Two guys shifted their works and two new guys came.

One of the guys came to me, " Hey Josh, are you angry or something?"

I mimicked the voice of the bandit, Josh and replied, " I just don't know but I feel ominous as something might happen in these two days, boss is away. "

The bandit laughed and said, " You worry too much. This won't happen. Before something could happen to us the Tigers upstream would help us as you already know the boss made a equal contract with the beast. "

The Tigers could enter contract with someone who is a human, this shocked me but I didn't show it on my face ( mask ).

Nothing happened on the remaining day and my work was over. I didn't know the residence of Josh so, I used my brains. Big brain time guys. I asked the bandit next to me , " Hey bruh, let's go drink some beer. "

Bandit, " Are you sure? Let's go I was asking to get drunk yesterday but you didn't want to go. what changed your mind? "

I said, " I don't know it may just be because my mood off. "

We both went to a house with wines and liquor. He bought some with a pass and when I check my clothes I saw I had one too. We took the bottles and went to an open area.

I just took the bottles and downed all of it in one fell swoop. He just looked at me and laughed and took one bottle too and downed it. He said, " You couldn't wait huh! "

I drank two bottles and he drank one bottle but I was not drunk. I had to pretend that I had become drunk so I could complete my show. This is also to make a way out if I got found out when I returned from the forest.

I just drunkly said the the bandit, " Heeeeyyy,

could you take me to my residence. I feel like I couldn't walk. My feet feels numb. " and just fainted.

The bandit also became drunk but could walk and took me to my residence and put me to my bed and left.

I checked my status in the meantime and checked the time also.

[ Name – Norman || Time - 11:09 pm

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 5950 / 10000

authority Lvl - 1 ( 0% )

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 275 ]

I time passed till 11:30 pm and went towards the river. I walked as if I was drunk and could barely walk. I got this inspiration from Drunken Martial Arts Movie from Earth. I also checked if somebody was keeping an eye on me. I felt that there was no one.

I jumped into the river and soaked in it till the clock on the status showed 12 am. I got up and rushed towards the woods to meet the girl.

I was just rushing towards the woods as a White Lion-headed Tiger beast blocked my way. The beast was injured and in the eyes of it had a hint of intelligence. I was just about to kill it and meet with the girl.

I was stumped on my place. The Tiger said some shocking words, words that I could understand, " I am the girl you passed the paper in the afternoon. Please help me in killing all these monsters in human flesh. "

" I decided to help you the moment I first laid my eyes on you. I also had decided to finish these group of bandits but what happened to you? why are you injured? "

Tiger : " This happened because —

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