
God on Descent

Helsia, a world filled with countless possibilities with countless races............... Gods even. However, where ever there is a higher being there shall be another. A Supreme God one who created the world has descended!!!! All beings whether they be beasts of the forest, dwarves of the mountains, or humans of the cities. They were all alerted of his presence. 18 years have passed and everyone has believed that it was a false rumor but there are still some faithful believers ,but there hasn't been any news of a Supreme God......or so they thought.

Glasses_Dude · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

A young lady's basic needs.

The day after the talk Kreed and Aurora decided to split the chores. Aurora would be the one to work indoors while Kreed worked outside ;however, Aurora ended up doin more harm than help. It wasn't that her task was hard but..... it because she was a noble ,and nobles dont do the housework. So, Kreed decided to teach her the basics of how to cook, laundry, and etc.

"And you stir for ten minutes then it will be ready!!" Kreed said after showing her how to do it.

"Ok! thank you for teaching me ,Kreed. I didn't want to be a freeloader and just do whatever I want without repaying you." Aurora said with ecstacy.

"Yeah, no problem. I never get any help around here so this is refreshing." Kreed said.

"Ok, now we have to address another problem....."Aurora said.

"Hm? Do you need me to teach something else?" Kreed asked.

Aurora shaked her head,"No I'm talking about my basic needs....."

"Oh. Well sorry but can you tell me what you need since I don't know anything about your need since.....you know.....I'm a guy."Kreed stated uncomfortably.

"Oh no need to worry I got a list of what I need and we will make do with what you can get."Aurora said as she handed him a relatively short list.

[-skin moisturizer

-pads ( if not just a tampon)

-clothes that I can wear

-healthy food

-a bra (or we can use cabbage leaves as a replacement)

-a time and place to excercise ]

"Well, I thought there would be more ,but it's....very short." Kreed commented.

"Yes, that is a list a wrote last night since I will be staying here until your birthday." Aurora said.

"Huh? why my birthday?"Kreed asked.

"That is to repay you for saving me."Aurora answered truthfully.

"I thought you helping me with housework was for saving you." Kreed said with confusion.

"Oh that is because I felt useless and I wanted to help. It also taught me usefull skills so its a win-win." Aurora explained.

"I see."Kreed said "Ok, then let's get going. We don't want to laze around now do we?"

"Yeah."Aurora answer

The duo went about their day after this ,but little did they know a threat is looming around in the corner.

"Grrrrrrrrr....Hu...ma.....n....I....wa....nt...th...ei...r....fl....e....sh"growled the mysterious monster.

To be continued~

This chapter was hard to do believe me.

I had to ask my teachers and classmates (female) what they needed. It was.....very weird. If you want to cheer me up add my book to your library and comment on the chp. thx

Glasses_Dudecreators' thoughts