
God of Velocity

In this riveting tale, an ordinary man finds his life turned upside down when he makes an extraordinary deal with the Speed Force. The agreement? To step into the shoes of Barry Allen, the beloved speedster from the CW series. Thrust into a world of super-speed, time travel, and dangerous villains, our protagonist must navigate the challenges of being The Flash, all while grappling with the reality of his new identity. He's no longer just an average man; he's a hero tasked with safeguarding Central City. As he learns to harness his powers and tackle threats, he also grapples with the complexities of Barry's relationships and the weight of his past decisions. From battling metahumans to mending friendships, every day is a test of his fortitude and resilience. But can an ordinary man truly fill the shoes of an extraordinary hero? Can he uphold the legacy of Barry Allen and keep Central City safe? This gripping narrative explores the journey of an everyday man, transformed by destiny, and his quest to honor a hero's legacy while carving his own path. #Multiverse

Taidanotsumi · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 7: Kicking

"Push your limbs more," the Taekwondo instructor urged, applying pressure to Barry's back to encourage him to stretch his legs further.

"Dammit!" Barry muttered through clenched teeth, enduring the discomfort of the leg split.

"Stay like this for a few more minutes," the instructor instructed.

"Yes, sir," Barry replied, his voice strained.

After enduring the leg split for 30 minutes, the instructor moved on to teaching Barry low kicks. Using padded equipment, they practiced Barry's technique for another hour, with Barry displaying remarkable focus and determination.

"Is this guy some kind of stamina machine?" the instructor mused, feeling exhausted from the intense training session.

"Come on, teach. Let me do more," Barry urged.

"No, go work with another partner," the instructor instructed.

"Okay," Barry agreed, seeking out a new sparring partner.

They continued practicing various kicks, with Barry concentrating mainly on perfecting his low kick technique while his partner worked on a range of different kicks.

After an hour and a half of rigorous training, Barry's partner was ready to call it quits.

"Are you done, my guy?" Barry asked, still standing strong.

"Of course, I am. How the hell do you keep going?" his partner wondered incredulously.

"I'm built different," Barry replied with a grin.

"Shut up," his partner chuckled, standing up.

"I'm heading out first. Let the coach know I have something to do," Barry said.

"Yeah, I'll tell him," his partner agreed, fist-bumping Barry before they parted ways.

Barry immersed himself in research at a nearby library, with his newly purchased laptop. He swiftly scoured for vacant buildings available for purchase to establish his own company, while also assessing the machinery requirements for his venture.

With diligent effort, he scoured through various financial records and market reports, meticulously narrowing down his list of potential candidates.

Simultaneously, he also sought out a secluded home, strategically located away from prying eyes amidst the forest—a cabin that offered both privacy and seclusion.

After hours of meticulous searching, Barry compiled a list of buildings located in Central City that aligned with his vision.

With careful analysis, he evaluated each option, considering the pros and cons and calculating the potential benefits and risks associated with each prospective acquisition.

"Hmm, I've got a few possible candidates," Barry muttered to himself, contemplating his next move as he evaluated which building would the best.

Suddenly, Iris spotted him and took a seat across from him, asking, "What brings you here?"

"Working," Barry replied, engrossed in his research to find the best option.

"Aren't you unemployed right now?" Iris inquired.

"Yeah, technically," Barry admitted.

"What do you mean by 'technically'?" Iris pressed.

"It's not important. Can you let Joe know I'll move out once I finalize things with the agent?" Barry requested.

"Sure, but can't you handle that yourself?" Iris questioned.

"I'm swamped these days," Barry explained.

"Are you gonna continue your study?" Iris asked.

"Hmm, good idea. Thanks, I'll jot that down," Barry said, typing on his laptop.

Iris stared at Barry for a moment before asking, "Why are you avoiding me?"

"Just not in the mood to chat," Barry replied.

"Why's that?" Iris probed.

"Too much on my plate," Barry sighed.

"Why the cold shoulder? What's going on?" Iris persisted.

"Maybe because some memories have resurfaced, and I remember my past self loving you," Barry confessed, rubbing his temples.

"You loved me?" Iris was taken aback.

"My past self did, not necessarily me," Barry clarified.

"Is that the only reason you've been distant?" Iris asked.

"Yeah," Barry said, focusing on two potential companies he could invest in, "and I appreciate you pretending not to notice."

"Why do you act like being in a romantic relationship with me is a bad thing?" Iris questioned.

"Because it is," Barry stated plainly.

"You're brutally honest sometimes," Iris remarked.

"I have to be," Barry insisted.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone. I need to cover the news about the new vigilante in the city, The Flash," Iris said, gesturing towards Barry.

But Barry seemed indifferent. "Yeah, good luck with that."

"You don't care?" Iris was surprised. "Isn't this something you've been fascinated with since you were a kid?"

"Well, it's too late, and it's the other Barry, not the new one," Barry explained.

Iris sighed. "I'm sorry for bothering you then."

With that, she left Barry to his work.

Barry closed his laptop, stashed it in his bag, and stepped outside to make some important calls. He swiftly arranged a meeting with the real estate agent for later that day, as the agent happened to be available.

Meeting at a nearby cafe, Barry greeted the real estate agent with a firm handshake, and they delved into discussions about the necessary procedures and details.

After finalizing their plans, they headed to the property together, where the agent proceeded to showcase the house to Barry.

[Image Here]

They stepped inside, touring the interior of the house, and Barry was pleased with what he saw. Turning to the real estate agent, he expressed his desire to purchase the property. They returned to the agent's office to finalize the buying process.

The cabin house was listed at $1.2 million USD, inclusive of all furnishings, appliances, and the surrounding land.

After completing the necessary paperwork, Barry received the keys and the ownership certificate for the house.

Heading out, Barry made a call to set up a meeting with the owner of the company he intended to acquire.

Then, Barry made his way to the casinos to continue his usual routine of making money, successfully raising $1.8 billion. Unbeknownst to him, he noticed a few individuals tailing him as he headed to the restroom. Swiftly finishing his business, Barry made a mental note to keep himself better equipped for such situations in the future.

'I really need some water to freshen up. Good thing my cabin house has water pipe right next to the toilet,' Barry thought to himself.

Exiting the restroom, Barry found himself confronted by a group of five individuals, all staring at him intently. Letting out a sigh, Barry addressed them, "What do you want?"

Ignoring his question, one of the men demanded, "Follow us."

"And what if I don't?" Barry challenged.

"We'll have to take you by force," the man replied.

"Give it a try," Barry smirked.

As the man reached for Barry's collar, Barry swiftly closed the distance, delivering a powerful palm strike that sent the man crashing into the wall, shattering a mirror and drawing blood.

The others lunged at Barry one by one in the cramped space of the restroom. Barry reacted with precision, incapacitating them with a combination of strikes and well-timed maneuvers.

Dodging a punch, Barry countered with a blow to the chin, swiftly dispatching another assailant.

With only two opponents remaining, Barry swiftly incapacitated them, ending the altercation with a kick to the groin, rendering them unconscious.

Brushing off his shirt, Barry grinned, "Finished."

Leaving the casino, Barry was aware that these individuals were likely still waiting for him. Before calling it a night, he decided to do a round of patrol in his superhero suit.

'I really need to invest in a new suit. This one isn't exactly aesthetically pleasing, but it'll have to do for now,' Barry lamented, contemplating his attire as he continued his patrol.

While passing by, Barry noticed a gun shop being robbed. Swiftly, he spotted a masked individual brandishing firearms, threatening the shop owner. Acting quickly, Barry intervened, incapacitating the would-be robber with a well-placed blow.

As he turned to confront the other assailants, he realized there were five more individuals lurking nearby. Barry swiftly subdued them one by one, but as he knocked out the third person, the remaining four vanished into thin air.

"Meta-human," Barry muttered to himself, preparing to restrain the unconscious man. With a firm grip on the collar, he escorted the culprit to Star Labs for containment.

Upon arrival at the lab's cortex, Barry found it deserted. "No one here? Let's find the disabling cuff," he muttered, making his way to the gadget room. There, he discovered a stash of cuffs on the table and promptly secured one onto the unconscious meta-human.

In walked Cisco, startled by Barry's sudden appearance. "Don't sneak up on me like that," he chided, placing a hand over his racing heart.

"Sorry about that," Barry apologized, scratching the back of his head.

"Is that a new meta-human?" Cisco inquired.

"Yeah, attempted robbery at a gun shop. He's got cloning abilities. I'll send him off to Iron Heights," Barry informed as he exited Star Labs.

"Take care," Cisco bid farewell, sighing. "He's always so efficient. I need to focus on my new gadgets," he mused, returning to his work on the ice gun.

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