

"Wo-woah!" Sheira showed her amazement, looking at the entire arena from above. "Did all of you see that? That was literally a high-level team play. If you took a closer look… while fighting Alea, Agata kept moving toward her team. They must have some sort of signal to pinpoint the location of their teammates and the timing, bringing the entire team to ambush Laust.

"However, their miscalculation was Phyrill. He managed to catch up with Marco and assisted his team, but it turned out Marco was ready to sacrifice himself, so Agata, who just came to that path, could take down Phyrill while Alys defeated Laust.

"I could say that Thersland's plan was also good, but Alea couldn't make a single move in that exchange… She just never expected to see Italy's real aim was Laust. If their plan succeeded, it would be a 3 vs 2 fight, but Phyrill turned it into a 2 vs 1 fight.

"Such a magnificent play from both teams!" Sheira was excited about the development.