
God Of nothingness

Nothing! Have you thought what is nothing? Everything came from nothing. What if one is able to control the power of nothing and everything? This is the story of a laid-back boy Named Eric. He accidentally got reincarnated by an almighty being. But there is a problem that being didn't reincarnate him out of whim. There is a reason for him to reincarnate. So, what is special about him? How he will cope with it? Why was he reincarnated? Was this some scheme for the grand cosmos? . . “ I sensed something very terrifying what is it?” murmured Daoist Infinity, one of the pinnacle beings of the entire Multiverse matrix. He is also called Grand Fate Supreme, Greatest Seer ever born.¬¬--- This is that being who reincarnated our MC Eric. But why? And what did he sense? Read to find out. . . This is a mix of Cultivation and Mysteries. No Harem. If you love multiverse, fate, and other concepts you will like it. Detailed cultivation system is explained. Along with other unseen side of cultivation. Mc’s master will not Intervene with MC’s life that much unless it is absolutely necessary.

Daoist_infinity_08 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: Breakthrough- Liquid state

Chapter 14: Breakthrough- Liquid state

After a long and exhausting battle finally, Eric was able to rest and recover energy. Fortunately, he found a tree trunk, strangely which seemed safe enough. So, the next day after a good night's sleep, when Eric went out, he never expected where he would end up.

In front of Eric, there was a huge lava river, and somehow, he had come underground.

"Holy mother of God… What the hell where am I?" Eric exclaimed in shock.

"Damn it, I knew it, how can there be a safe and normal place!" Eric cursed. But now, at least, he was protected from those abominations.

Who knows what monster or trap he will encounter in this Underground space?

Unknown to Eric, this opportunity of this underground will change his life completely.

Seeing there was no danger or trap, Eric grew suspicious. It was very unusual for a trap forest.

Seeing that he had no other choice, Eric decided to cultivate. Ten days passed by, and Eric was seen sitting on a mat. If one looked into his heart space, one would see wisps of astral energy slowly merging and condensing, but these energies conflicting, colliding with each other, repulsing and refusing to merge. However, because of Eric's superior energy control and soul power, he could merge them smoothly. Slowly, from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000 to slowly 100k wisps merged, but still, the process was not complete. Again, slowly Eric increased the pressure.

"Drip," suddenly after a long time a drop fell. Finally! after three hours of intense trying, Eric was able to successfully reach the liquid state. Well, but it was still not the end. Now he had to absorb more energy refine the body and nourish the soul. Although the hardest part was done, only he had to circulate the drop of energy and make it as a thin string and circulate it to refine the entire body.

This energy was superior in quality.

"Now, what I need Is to make this drop of energy in a thin string of energy and circulate it. Also, I have to connect all the strings to make a complete cycle. With this, my energy control and reaction speed will increase dramatically. "

Then he let the drop circulate all over the body and did a set of specific stances. With that, He began to do some movements. Slowly, that drop of energy was absorbed, but it was not enough. His body wanted more; his pores opened crazily and started to absorb a crazy amount of energy and convert it to drops. Slowly and steadily, it became 1 drop to 2 to 10 and 100, and it was still rising. At last, it stopped at 675; this was the total energy his body used to refine. Now he had a total reserve of 3 drops. Well, he could make more when he had nourished his soul. Nourishing a soul was easy; just he had to supply enough energy, and it would do its own. But that is a slow way to do so. Eric's master had included a better way. His Master's technique also includes how to convert astral energy to lifeforce, which he will use to nourish the soul. After all life energy is truly very versatile, just like water. That's why if anything is required to nourish, life energy is the best and it is easily convertible. Even though the best would be spiritual energy for soul nourishment, soul energy would be even better. Sadly, he was not strong enough to do so. The soul is a mysterious thing.

So, after the breakthrough, Eric was feeling very powerful. He felt like he could now take on his previous self with his raw physical strength alone. But it was just a feeling. He became more powerful, but not to a crazy amount; it just doubled. But the biggest change that occurred was in his energy reserve. It was like 100 times more. And because of this difference, it was very hard to step jump ranks. But it's not like his body had been reinforced to a very high degree. It's more like 4 to 5 times; in the solid phase, it's 10 to 15 times. Because in the energy refinement phase, it is mostly a difference in body, skills, and energy reserve. After all, they can only channel a limited amount of energy.

Only when one reaches the aura projection phase do real changes occur. In the solid state, energy becomes small energy particles, for every particle of the size of a sand grain. This stage is also called the Desert stage because it looks like a desert. For every grain to form, it needs approximately 10 drops of energy, and To reach the aura projection phase, one needs to have extreme control of energy. As long as he can channel his energy to the entire body, he will be connected to the outside. Or more specifically, as long as he can develop his astral sense and take it to the outside to interact, it will have a qualitative change. His energy control will become 100 times better. Now, all he needs to do is condense energy plasma or particle plasma sea to be exact. All energy will become a plasma-like texture. Under special conditions, well, to convert it to plasma, it needs approximately 1000 energy particles. There are now two stages left: the first is a refinement of the body to the extreme level. In the astral projection phase, the body becomes 100 times more powerful, and its reserve becomes absurd. But that absurd energy reserve is needed to cast spells. But that is far-fetched for Eric now.

After his breakthrough, Eric felt a surge of newfound power coursing through his veins. He marvelled at the transformation his body had undergone in just a short period. The once-tiring battles now seemed like a child's play compared to the strength he now possessed.

With a deep breath, Eric stood up from his mat, feeling the energy pulsating within him. He knew that he had to continue honing his newfound abilities if he ever hoped to survive in this hostile environment. As he looked out at the vast expanse of the underground landscape, Eric felt a sense of determination wash over him. Now he can fight for a long time, without exhausting his energy.

With each passing day, Eric practised with his new power, Adjusting his sudden surge of strength. He spent hours practising his control over the energy that now flowed within him, refining his techniques with each passing moment he had. Slowly but surely, he began to feel the energy around him respond to his will, bending to his commands with ease. He had developed a rudimentary version of astral sense. This was a good Start.

As Eric continued to train, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right. Despite his newfound strength, he knew that he was not yet ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Finally, after weeks of intense training, Eric felt he was ready. He was ready to face whatever comes next. He knew that he was approaching the next stage of his journey, one that would test his abilities like never before. With a steely resolve, Eric set out into the depths of the underground, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

As he ventured deeper into the darkness, Eric could feel the energy around him shifting, the concentration of energy had increased even more. With each step he took, he could sense that he was drawing closer to the source of the river that had flown into this place.

As Eric ventured deeper into the underground magma river system, he encountered his first opponent: a towering magma beast. The creature's molten form shimmered in the dim light, its eyes glowing with an ominous intensity as it lumbered towards him.

With a quick flick of his wrist, he summoned his trusty firearms, preparing to engage the creature in battle.

As the magma beast lunged forward, Eric dodged out of the way, narrowly avoiding its fiery claws. With precision aim, he unleashed a barrage of bullets, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

But the magma beast proved to be a resilient adversary, shrugging off Eric's attacks as if they were nothing. With a roar of frustration, it unleashed a searing wave of magma towards him, forcing Eric to leap out of harm's way.

Thinking quickly, Eric scanned his surroundings for any sign of weakness in the creature's defences. Spotting a faint crack in its molten armour, he seized the opportunity and fired a well-placed shot, causing the beast to stagger backwards in pain.

Seizing the moment, Eric pressed his advantage, unleashing a relentless barrage of bullets at the creature's exposed flank. With a final, decisive shot, he struck true, causing the magma beast to roar in agony before collapsing into a molten heap.

Breathing heavily, Eric surveyed the aftermath of the battle.

" _Well, this was hard but not like before when I had to exhaust all of my energy and rest for 2 days" _ He knew that this was only the beginning of the challenges that lay ahead,