

'NGH.....' The Goddess struggles with the bombardment of one of the Beasts' tails.

As the Beast continued its assault towards Guanyin, a long spear made of jaded scales came flying at the Beast's left eye.

Upon direct contact, the spear barely made a dent in its eye, and there it locked its gaze towards Guanyin's left.

"Hisss.... I'm in big trouble now." The Beast then came charging in Agunua's direction along with its fifteen tails poking out of its back.

With how the Beast is acting, Ganesha thought, 'This Beast doesn't have any sort of intelligence and is much easier to taunt...' With a bright idea in his mind, he sent a telepathic message to the righteous Gods.

'Everyone! I've got an idea as to how to stall for time before the formation successfully emerged itself, locking this sordid Beast!'

The Eight Gods and Goddesses below listened to Ganesha's idea, forging a path to directly control the Beast's pathways.

While the Beast was assaulting Agunua's jaded scale barricade, a sword from his right flew right past the Beast's eyes, attracting its attention.

The flying sword came from the direction where Shangdi was stationed. With that said, the Beast rushed towards his direction, making room for Agunua to catch his breath.

As the Beast came crashing towards Shangdi, an indomitable wall appeared, surrounding Shangdi with its bright hue of translucent light. With each wall, a calligraphy character is embedded, signifying his authority to different types of Divine Beasts.

The wall facing the rampaging Black Beast has the character sign of a "Tortoise", the strongest shield he could manifest right at this moment.

Shangdi had his surroundings completely enveloped by the black mist which the Beast was exuding from the entirety of its body, making it hard to see its outer appearance.

Surrounded by the black mist, he saw the bloodshot eyes of the Beast along with its glaring fangs; it looked at Shangdi as if it was staring down at him.

"Bring it on! BEAST!" He shouted as he continued to strengthen his barrier with another layer of fortification, but at that moment, everyone had completely forgotten, and this made all of their efforts to reseal the Beast futile.

"HAAAA!" he shouted at the top of his lungs while the Beast was flailing all its tails at him."AMATERASU! I CAN'T HOLD ON MUCH LONGER!" he once again shouted as he kept on being barraged by the damn Beast.

With no reply on the Goddess's end, Shangdi painfully held it in and tried his best to hold the creature down, but at some point, the fortified walls began crumbling down.

'NGH...!!' with a desperate look in his eyes he shouted once again."AMATERASU!." Hearing his desperate plea for help, instead of Amaterasu's voice, a euphonious voice belonging to a man answered.

"I heard you old geezer." Hearing his voice, Shangdi irked in silence.

'Of all the other Gods and Goddesses to answer... That guy showed up instead' he thought to himself as he disappointingly sighed at a blank space.

"Geezer, you must be infuriated by now having heard my voice instead of my beautiful and loving sister, am I correct?" From the direction and tone of the voice, with no doubt, the God of the Moon questioned the "Lord on High" without even the slightest bit of courtesy in his way of speaking.

At the spot of Amaterasu, a God known as the God of the Moon and the Brother of the Goddess of the Sun named Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto emerged.

"Just in time where there's no light to be seen in this world covered with its darkness, I shall grasp the darkness and offer it to my Dearest Sister." While he was muttering nonsensical words, Shangdi spoke while dissing him.

"YOU AND YOUR STUPID ANTIQUES! HURRY UP AND SHAKE THIS BEAST OFF OF ME!" Hearing his resounding cry for help, Tsukuyomi has no choice but to answer because justice will always shine on those who seek the repentance of the moon.

Tsukuyomi then took up his stance as he drew his fan, the God of the Moon then set it ablaze.

The flame circulated the tip of the fan with the hue of black and blue; as the flames gathered, Tsukuyomi then raised his hand holding the fan and chanted.

"Eien no yami ga yattekite,-kō no tōsui o nomikomi, ishitsuna mono o musabori kuu." Bright blue flames, along with the silhouette of darkness, shine throughout his surroundings.

His Gat sways along with his black Kanfuku while the wind blows and swirls around him; he looks at the exhausted Goddess, sleeping on top of Byakko.


Byakko is a Japanese divine beast. A white tiger and guardian of the West. He symbolizes the element of air, and also autumn.


As he looked at Amaterasu with a pained look on his face, he spoke, requesting the Guardian Beast, "Byakko... Take my sister away from this place" he then looked back at the Demonic Beast ahead of him and raised his fan ", Please take her back to the shrine my friend..."

The Guardian of the West looked at the back of Tsukuyomi and quietly left, striding its way back to the shrine located in Japan where Amaterasu was summoned.

Sensing that the two had left, Tsukuyomi looked at the Demonic Beast with angered eyes. In a low voice, he said, gritting his teeth, "HOW DARE YOU...! FOUL BEAST OF THE FORGOTTEN WORLD!" He then shouted, "TO CAUSE HAVOC IN THE DOMAIN OF THE GODS!!!"


Back in 820 CE, where all sorts of Primordial Gods existed.

At a distant mountain in Japan, clouded with mist, a young maiden sat down under a lone apple tree, waiting for an apple to fall.

'Hmm... This apple seems to have been hanging itself for quite a while now...' she who was lost in thoughts, just kept her eyes fixated on one Golden Apple.

The maiden didn't even try to avert her eyes to anything else except for a specific apple but when she heard some footsteps coming her way, she smiled and asked "Brother, this apple seems to be stuck in here forever"

A gentle voice belonging to a man came out from the distance, answering the young maidens' question.

"That apple is by no means an ordinary apple, my Dearest Sister", he chuckled. The voice then kept getting closer as he spoke.

"Mother and Father, along with your Second Older Brother, are currently waiting for your return" The thick fog slowly disappeared, and a young man wearing a black and white Kanfuku appeared.

His eyes kept shimmering with excitement as he got closer to the maiden. The young man stared at her in silence, and then a moment later, he held the maiden's chin and slowly embraced her with his long, slender arms.

With an affectionate voice, he whispered to her ears "Come, Sister, let's go back."