

Tsukuyomi glanced at the empty back of the future God of Storm."Susanoo. I'll kill you again if I have to. No matter how many times, days, months, years, centuries, and aeons... So long as someone believes in me, I'll exist to subdue you!"

The General didn't mind his provocative words and still smiled laughingly shrugging all of his disdain towards him.

"Hahaha... That's my Eldest Brother! Existing for revenge is all good but. Can you share those burdens with someone? I know that someday you'll find a person just like him." With each second, a single petal falls into the abyss, endlessly swallowing everything that touches it.

The garden was supposed to be filled with flowers and everglades, but in the illusory world, only a single tree existed along with a never-seen cliff.

"Originally, I was supposed to exterminate the entire clan. But." Susanoo then unsheathed his sword, hanging at his back.


The sword looks dull with no blade and a worn-out hilt, but it continued to shine its way through."I believe. In you Eldest Brother."

He then turned his back towards Tsukuyomi with tears flowing in his eyes; he didn't harbour any intention to kill the scholar but still swung his blade towards him.

"The God of the Moon. The Eldest Son of our Clan. My Little Sisters hope. Lastly. My ever-loving Eldest Brother."

Susanoo looked at the sight of the scholar one last time, filled with regrets and remorse."I owe you everything yet I took away everything you've built."

The Scholar looked at him earnestly, shedding a single drop of tear."Susanoo... Let's end this..."

The General bitterly smiled and answered with tears still flowing."Endure and Prosper. Eldest Brother. No... The God of the Moon! Tsukuyomi!"

Finally, the General lunged an attack. A straightforward attack which can be easily dodged.

"TSUKUYOMI!!" He shouted with deep remorse in his eyes.

On the other hand, Tsukuyomi just silently stood there staring at the last petal to fall from the tree. He sighed, averting his gaze back to Susanoo.

"The burden is unclear. Our vision is crystal clear. What went wrong, for us to suffer this way?" He started composing a few words of poetry as he looked at the fierce charge of the general.

A point of a millisecond. In that instance, before the blade of Susanoo, touched his body.

In that instant, the two swapped places and the one who'd taken on the brunt of the broken, dull blade was Susanoo himself.


The sword then released a resounding cracking sound and immediately shattered itself as it stabbed the armour of the general.


Susanoo looked at the broken sword aimed for his heart, only leaving nothing more than a dent to his armour."Heh... So you've already figured it out. As expected of my Eldest Brother..."

The symbolic character of their family etched in the armor where he was supposedly stabbed, started glowing.

He then looked at the unfazed expression of Tsukuyomi and smiled bitterly. The General then looked at himself and saw the emerging light coming out from his body.

"Due to all the sins you've committed. I, as your eldest brother announced, Susanoo no Mikoto. Guilty of corruption." The scholar straightened his poise and aimed the broken sword at the General's neck.

At that moment, all that was heard on that very cliff was silence. As the last petal falls into the endless pit, Susanoo reiterates to him what he said in the past before the clan's untimely demise.

"The world is gone yet it feels as if it was still whole. The balancing scale has now moved in favour of the new arriving vice. You must remember it well, Tsukuyomi, and asked for that person's help." Finally, after finishing his sentences. He has now completely dispersed into hundreds of particles of light.

Tsukuyomi stood there still holding the broken sword even after purging Susanoo."If it weren't for humanity's corruption. You wouldn't have ended in this way."

He then lowered his broken sword while quietly embracing the emptiness." If it weren't for the accumulation of faith. I would've long annihilated humankind" he spoke with a cold voice.

The sun had now departed, and only an empty chunk of wood remained from the blossoming plums. Darkness arose, engulfing the entire land, leaving no trace of what was a glorious evening.

The seas roared, shouting in extreme anger. The branches started dancing in the sway of the cold night breeze. Trees from the forest, moving ever so restlessly. The scholar looked at the vast sky and saw no moon in exchange for the departed radiant light.

In the midst of all this, no sound of insects or animals manifested. Tsukuyomi patiently waited for something to arise. He continued to wait for what seemed to be an eternity for mortals.


The sound of a clock resounded in the vast emptiness. The scholar looked down at the ground and raised his head once again at the deafening silence in the skies. There he saw a clock piece with only the hands of the hour and minutes shining in a white light.

He counted the seconds and calculated that the time would soon approach for when the true face of the perpetrator would show itself.


One last minute and the hour of reckoning shall commence.



The scholar continued to look around in the vast empty darkness as he heard the loud ringing sound. In the vast expanse of space, the sound echoed, reverberating back and forth.


The second sound rang, pointing at the north of Tsukuyomi.


Another sound rang, indicating from the east.

After the third ring, there weren't any others that followed through. Due to this, Tsukuyomi immediately put up a stance, readying himself to receive the lurking enemy.

"Where..." Confused about the situation, he closed his eyes, and instead of relying on his eyes, he quickly put up to work his other senses.

A split second later. The only light which had illuminated in the darkness disappeared completely.

'I sense something... Coming from my right!' he undauntingly stood there in silence, prying for information about the enemy he was supposed to face.

After a few more minutes had passed, a ball of light showed itself in the darkness. The light seems to be coming closer and closer towards him though Tsukuyomi felt no ill intentions towards the approaching light. On the other hand, another energy manifested from his left.

"This...!" The energy coming from his left paled in comparison to what he experienced from fighting several evil Gods. This particular energy being emitted towards him is so foul, filled with impurities.

A much stronger energy he has never encountered before is coming towards him with an intent to kill.

On the contrary, the ball of energy to his right is emanating a subtle feeling of intrigue and loneliness.

Tsukuyomi decided to come towards the light, which meant him no harm. As soon as he approaches the white ball of light. A small full moon appeared right below him. Having felt the warmth of its light, the scholar opened his eyes and saw the very familiar energy that he had yet to have noticed until now, and that's.