
God of Hidden Treasures

Xin Jin has shit luck. On the same day he lost his job, got dumped, and was kicked out of his parents house he woke up in a strange world in a body that wasn't his own. What could possibly happen to a guy who's the world unluckiest after this strange turn of events? perhaps his fortunes are destined to change? Let's take a sneak peak on a crazy adventure and maybe finding out just what the idea of a "treasure" might be. It's finally time for Xin Jin to make his move. With all the Power and Wealth in the Realms, why Fear a so called Heavenly Emperor, when I can simply buy the throne he's sitting on and bang his Empress on it?

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
33 Chs

Chapter 8 - A Mysterious Stone

After they returned from the bath, Xin Jin was a bit amazed at the transformation of the girl, Han Yi, who up until a while looked like a dirty street urchin.

Now however, she looked absolutely adorable, like a China doll.

Her Dark Blue, nearly black hair was done by Luo Mei into twin tails, her dark eyes sparkled as she stared at Xin Jin's face with a big smile on her dimpled cheeks.

Her outfit was a set of black and gold pajamas that Luo Mei had made primarily with her spirit energy.

"Much Better." Xin Jin complimented with his hand on his chin and a slight smile.

Xin Jin kinda felt like this was what being an elder brother was like. If the girl didn't have anybody left in the world to take care of her, than as a responsible adult, he would. Along with Luo Mei who has grown attached already.

"I think we should have a light snack while there is still time before bed. What do you say?" he asked as his gaze fell on Luo Mei

"Oooh! Can we Big Sister Mei?" Han Yi asked with wide eyes

"Sure. Why not." Luo Mei said warmly

Han Yi quickly grabbed Luo Mei's hand before pulling her towards the kitchen where some leftover treats were kept.

While the girls went to go get snacks, Xin Jin took the mysterious stone he bought from his Storage Ring.

He probed it a bit with his spirit energy but didn't find anything unusual. But that could just be because he wasn't strong enough yet.

Anyhow, he decided to ask the System if it had anything for him.

[I do indeed sense something peculiar about this stone, though I'm not quite sure. my senses are only as strong as yours currently.]

[I suggest you break it open and see if there is anything of value inside.]

Xin Jin turned it over a few more times in his hand before he formed a blade of energy around his had and began to carve away at the stone. after just a minute of quick work, He had an orange sized piece of fire red jade than shone like the sun.

[This is an extremely rare Dragon Blood Jade. It only forms where the True Heart Blood of a dragon falls.]

It explained

"How much do you think it's worth?"

Xin Jin asked the real question on his mind

[More than anyone in Sky City could pay for it. So, Ask any price and people will give it.]

Xin Jin was struck Dumb.

Is this what good luck is like?

Kick a rock and pick up a diamond, so to speak?

At this moment, Luo Mei returned with a tray full of goodies while Han Yi attempted to carry in a few glasses of milk.

These were all placed on the table.

This was when Luo Mei noticed what Xin Jin was holding.

"What's that?" she asked looking like a curious kitten

"Dragon Blood Jade. It was inside the stone I bought today." Xin Jin said with a wide grin.

Hearing this, Luo Mei nearly had a heart attack.

She knew the value of Dragon Blood Jade since she remembered that a Phoenix had once tried to gift a piece the size of a thumb to her mother and it had cost him as much as half a city.

This thing was too huge.

If Xin Jin knew her thoughts right now he would say, 'That's what she said'.

"What are you going to do with it Brother Jin?" Han Yi asked innocently, her eyes sparkling

"Hmm, I don't know. Probably sell it at auction." He thought after a moment.

Hearing his words, Luo Mei was stunned.

'What could a thing like this get at auction?' she wondered.

"Anyways, let's eat." Xin Jin said with a smile as he put away the Dragon Blood Jade.

After snacks and some light conversation in which Han Yi kept holding onto Xin Jin's arm and calling him Brother Jin with googly eyes.

After everyone went to bed, Xin Jin decided to spend the night Cultivating in order to advance his strength further. Even though he could already feel that he was on the cusp of the Second Level of Spirit Warrior already, he decided not to slack.

A whole day for just one level. Much slower than the previous major realm. During Spirit Apprentice, He fell asleep a mortal and woke up a max level.

Now he saw the qualitative difference between Realms.

He sat down in the lotus position on the bed while Luo Mei slept beside him and he began to breathe.

By morning, roughly 7 hours later, Xin Jin had already broken through to the third level of Spirit Warrior, which amazed Luo Mei do to his rate of growth.

After Breakfast, Xin Jin decided that it was time to head out.

With his right arm wrapped around Luo Mei's waist and Han Yi hugging his left side.

She was apparently pouting a bit since he wouldn't her be on the right. But he had told her that only his wife could walk on his right. Which made Luo Mei feel warm inside that he seemed to really treat her as his wife.

After not very long they arrived in front of Abundant Treasures Imporium.

The Second Largest merchant/auction house in Sky City.

This is where Xin Jin decided to make his deal.

After heading inside, an attractive female attendant quickly appeared.

"How may I help you Young Master?"

She could tell at first glance from Xin Jin's face and clothes, not to mention to beauty of Luo Mei and Han Yi that made her realize he was someone important.

"I would like to speak to a manager and a house jewler please." He replied with an amiable smile.

"Of c-course." She said with a blush before going to get her boss.

"Lady Killer..." Han Yi said quietly

Xin Jin who heard this simply laughed

Not long after the attendant returned with a middle aged woman with slightly graying hair but a fiery glint in her eyes and a look as if she smelled a deal.

"Hello there. My name is Gu Ling. I am the head manager here. Would you like to join me in a private room?" She asked politely

"Sure." Said Xin Jin