
God of Hidden Treasures

Xin Jin has shit luck. On the same day he lost his job, got dumped, and was kicked out of his parents house he woke up in a strange world in a body that wasn't his own. What could possibly happen to a guy who's the world unluckiest after this strange turn of events? perhaps his fortunes are destined to change? Let's take a sneak peak on a crazy adventure and maybe finding out just what the idea of a "treasure" might be. It's finally time for Xin Jin to make his move. With all the Power and Wealth in the Realms, why Fear a so called Heavenly Emperor, when I can simply buy the throne he's sitting on and bang his Empress on it?

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
33 Chs

Chapter 26 - Mysterious Mausoleum

With the appearance of the pillar of light, the sun that was high overhead seemed to dim, almost paling in comparison to its brilliance.

In the next moment, as if on cue, the ground began to shake with a low rumble.

Whatever was happening, it was big.

"What could it be?" Xin Jin pondered in a low, but clear voice.

Dong Zǐmò, who was standing next to Xin Jin and the others wore a serious expression as he speculated aloud,"It could be the birth of a naturally formed Spirit Treasure, a Dungeon, or even..."his voice trailed off towards the end, as there were really only a few options that could have brought about such a situation.

"Even what?" Xin Jin asked, his curiosity now sufficiently piqued.

"It could be the emergence of an Inheritance Tomb." said Gu Xian'er with some confidence.

"Indeed." Dong Zǐmò nodded,"And if that's the case, I need to report back to the Sect immediately before everyone and their mothers head over to snatch whatever it may be."

"I understand." said Xin Jin as he thought about what to do with this Information.

After a few parting words, Dong Zǐmò rose into the sky, and upon reaching a certain altitude transformed back into his 100 meter long Flood Dragon form and flew away at an incredible speed.

Xin Jin and the rest returned to the main hall where they began to discuss what to do.

"What do you all think?" He asked, wanting to hear everyones opinion before coming to a decision.

"I think we should go and see what it is. Who knows, we might be able to find something incredibly valuable." Suggested Gu Xian'er with an excited tone in her voice.

"I agree. At the very least, we should see if it is worth fighting for. Especially if it is an Inheritance Tomb. Such things can hold vast amounts of rare resources." Luo Mei added.

"Hmm, very well." Xin Jin said after weighing the possible pros and cons.

He then turned to Lu Qiáng and gave him an order,"Organize a small group, including yourself, to follow us to wherever that light came from."

"Yes Master. I will choose the best of my subordinates to accompany us on this mission." Lu Qiáng said with a stern expression, before leaving the main hall to gather everyone who would be going with them.

"What about me? Can I come too?" Asked Han Yi with sparkly eyes full of anticipation.

Xin Jin thought about it, but decided to have her sit this one out.

"I'm sorry, but you will have to stay home this time, Han Yi." He said with a firm tone.

"But why!? Yi'er promises to be good! I'll listen to everything you say, no matter what!" She said in a pleading voice, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"No. I won't risk anything happening to you. You're still too young, and you only recently started cultivating. I know you want to go, but there will be other adventures when you get stronger." Xin Jin explained, leaving no room for arguments.

"You...big meanie!" Han Yi cried as she ran out of the hall, tears streaming down her delicate cheeks.

"Sigh....well that went great." He said in a self depricating tone.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll have forgiven you by the time we return." Luo Mei said reassuringly.

"Especially if you bring her back a present." Gu Xian'er added with a knowing smile.

After their discussion was over with, Xin Jin and the ladies met Lu Qiáng in the main courtyard.

The young guard chief had chosen 4 people to accompany them, 3 men and one female, all of whom looked to be in their early to mid 20s with the woman being the strongest after Lu Qiáng at Spirit Master Level 3.

"Allow me to introduce them." Lu Qiáng said while indicating for the woman to step forward,"This is my second in command, Huáng Yù Míng. The others are brothers Wú An and Wú Gāng, and lastly Li Jiāng."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Xin Jin said with a bright smile that nearly mesmerized the four, especially Huáng Yù Míng, who felt her heart nearly thump out of her sizable chest.

"The pleasure is all ours, Master Xin." She said while trying to calm her fluttering emotions as an obvious blush spread across her cheeks.

"Hehe." Gu Xian'er couldn't help but try to suppress a laugh as she and Luo Mei both shot Xin Jin a side eye glance, but neither saying anything since it was obvious to them that a young, attractive woman would obviously fall for him at first glance, unless their heart was made of ice or stone.

From an objective standpoint, Huáng Yù Míng was quite pretty, perhaps not to the same degree as Luo Mei or Gu Xian'er, but she definitely had her own unique charms.

She had short hazelnut colored hair, slightly less than shoulder length, with high cheekbones, finely sculpted brow, a delicate nose, pouty lips, a round, delicate jawline, and a fit, slightly muscular hourglass figure with long, shapely legs.

If this were earth, she would definitely be considered a world class beauty.

The other three on the other hand, matched the stereotype soldier. Tall, broad shouldered, and completely covered in muscles with short, cropped hair.

Once the introductions were over, Xin Jin ordered Lu Wén to make sure to secure the mansion as tightly as possible while they were gone since it was unknown if anyone would try to take advantage of the disturbance to break in.

"Don't worry, Master Xin. I and the rest of the guards and staff will ensure that the house is just as good when you return as it is now." Lu Wén said seriously.

With a nod of approval, Xin Jin chaneled his Spirit Energy and took off into the air, followed by everyone coming with him.

The distance to their destination was quite far away, so it took them roughly an hour and a half to arrive near the general area.

Along the way, Xin Jin and company began to encounter other groups. Some were similar in size, roughly 8-10 people, while others were vastly bigger, about 40 or 50 in total.

Once Xin Jin and the others reached the location of the pillar of light, there were thousands, tens of thousands even.

After landing, the group was surprised at what they saw.

A large crater, roughly 150 meters wide and 20 meters deep with a magnificent stone structure at the bottom.