
God of Grinding

In the vast universe of online gaming, one game stands out - ‘The Old Quest’. It’s a world where the grind never ends, and the concept of a ‘max level’ is merely a myth. Enter our protagonist, an ordinary gamer with an extraordinary determination. His obsession? To reach heights never before seen in the game. His relentless dedication leads him to a level so high, it shakes the very foundations of ‘The Old Quest’. But just when he thinks he’s reached the summit, the game takes a shocking turn. A message from the developers and a new window that reads ‘Become a god race’ flips his world upside down. ‘God of Grinding’ is an epic tale of perseverance, power, and the unexpected consequences of success. It’s a journey through the digital realm that asks one question - what happens when a gamer becomes a god?

Awiones · Du hí
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154 Chs

The Training

"Duny! Behind you!" Yunus shouted through the chaos, his voice laced with urgency.

Duny, locked in a ferocious exchange with the werewolf, barely registered the warning. The beast, sensing an opening, lunged forward with a bone-chilling snarl, its massive claws aiming for Duny's exposed back.

Just as despair threatened to grip Alex, a blur of movement caught his eye. Marco, his messy hair flying wildly, propelled himself through the air like a human rocket. His gloved fists, attached to the creature's savage claws, slammed into the werewolf's midsection with a series of lightning-fast punches. Six strikes in a single second, delivered with a precision that belied Marco's nonchalant demeanor, sent the hulking beast sprawling back with a surprised yelp.

Duny, momentarily stunned, whipped around, his grip tightening on the ethereal scythe. A flicker of gratitude, fleeting but genuine, crossed his stoic features before he roared a challenge and renewed his assault on the now-distracted werewolf.

"Careful, Duny, watch your back!" Marco barked, a hint of respect replacing his earlier annoyance in his voice. He landed gracefully beside Duny, his stance low and ready, his gloves glowing with a faint magical light.

Duny grunted, his grip firm on the scythe. The tide was turning, but caution still etched his features.

Meanwhile, June and Eve, a well-rehearsed duo, launched into a coordinated attack. June, her dark eyes flashing with concentration, unleashed her telekinetic power. With a flick of her wrist, she sent five nearby werewolves hurtling into the air, momentarily suspended and disoriented.

Eve seized the opportunity. Lightning crackled around her fingertips, arcing into a focused beam. With a sharp cry, she unleashed a surge of electricity that lanced through the air, striking the levitating werewolves with deadly precision. Their bodies convulsed, then went limp, plummeting lifelessly to the ground.

What should I do...? Despair gnawed at Alex. He watched his team fight with impressive efficiency, each member utilizing their strengths to devastating effect. Duny, a wall of unwavering defense. Marco, a whirlwind of precise offense. June and Eve, a deadly storm of telekinetic control and electrical fury. And him? He was a spectator, a useless observer in this dance of power.

"What happened, new kid?" Yunus voice startled Alex out of his self-pity. The wiry boy stood beside him, watching the unfolding battle with a strange mix of pride and melancholy.

"Huh...? Nothing," Alex stammered, forcing a smile. "Just..."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Yunus interrupted, his voice tinged with a hint of longing. "Having a team, fighting together."

"Yeah..." Alex mumbled, his gaze drawn back to the fight. A flicker of an idea sparked within him, a desperate gamble. "How about you, why aren't you fighting?"

Yunus chuckled, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Well, my power is just 'Consumption' anyway. I don't have to fight, I just need to wait until they're finished."

"Consumption..." Alex repeated, the word, triggering a memory. He vaguely recalled in game mentioning something about a forbidden skill during his journey long time ago. Could it be...?

"Oh, you gonna eat them all right?" Alex pressed, feigning ignorance. "And when you're lucky you get some rare item from the drop?"

"Yep," Yunus confirmed, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. "But since these werewolves are just illusions for training, I'm useless here." He shook his head with a resigned sigh.

A spark ignited in Alex's eyes. Useless? Maybe not. An idea, audacious and risky, took root in his mind. Could his own unknown abilities, the very thing that made him an outsider, be the key to turning the tide in this virtual battle?

Ms. Yoo-Euni, a satisfied smile gracing her lips, monitored the students' progress from the control panel. Suddenly, the familiar whoosh of displaced air filled the room as the double doors hissed open. Sebastian stood framed in the doorway, a casual grin plastered on his face.

"Yo!" he greeted, his voice echoing through the room. "Heard you were using the simulator. Mind if I see how my 'kids' are doing?"

Ms. Yoo-Euni's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. "Sebastian...?" The unexpected arrival of their most gifted student, particularly his intense focus on Alex through the holographic tablet, sent a shiver down her spine. "Well, here they are," she gestured towards the simulation, her voice laced with a hint of apprehension.

Sebastian, ignoring the other students entirely, leaned closer to the control panel, his gaze fixed on Alex's avatar locked in combat. A flicker of something akin to pride, but also a hint of something else, crossed his features—perhaps possessiveness?

"You just want to see him, don't you?" Ms. Yoo-Euni remarked, her voice dry.

Sebastian chuckled, a low rumble that sent tremors through the room. "Heh, he's interesting," he admitted, his eyes gleaming with an almost predatory intensity. "Let's see what he's made of."

The air crackled with unspoken tension. Well done, the students exceeded Ms. Yoo-Euni's expectations, particularly Alex. But with Sebastian's unexpected arrival, a new layer of pressure had been added to the simulation. His presence cast a long shadow, raising questions about his motives and his intense focus on Alex. 

Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice crackled over the intercom system, her satisfied tone tinged with a hint of challenge. "Excellent work, team! It seems you've grasped the basics of this dungeon layout with impressive efficiency. To push your skills further, we're about to up the difficulty a notch."

A cheer erupted from the students. 

Marco, pumped his fist in the air. "Bring it on!" he yelled, his voice brimming with confidence.

Even Alex, whose determination was reignited by a risky idea brewing in his mind, couldn't help but nod in agreement. 

[Simulation Difficult change to Hard mode]

A sudden shift in the air crackled with anticipation. The once manageable dungeon morphed, becoming darker and more menacing. Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice boomed through the intercom, "The difficulty has been increased! Prepare yourselves, Blessed Class, for a true test of your abilities!"

The students exchanged nervous glances as the once familiar environment morphed into a menacing labyrinth. Darkness seeped from the walls, swallowing the remaining light and casting grotesque shadows that danced across the cavern floor. A collective gulp rippled through the group, their initial confidence replaced by a gnawing sense of unease.

Undeterred, Duny tightened his grip on his scythe. His stoic expression remained unchanged, but a flicker of steely determination glinted in his eyes. "I'll handle these," he rumbled in a voice that cut through the tension, offering a sliver of reassurance to his team.

Krrrrt! A guttural growl ripped through the already tense atmosphere. 

"I know that sound..." Alex muttered, a flicker of unease crossing his features.

Suddenly, a hulking form lumbered out from the inky blackness. Towering at a staggering 210 centimeters, a monstrous tiger emerged, its eyes glowing with predatory hunger. A collective gasp escaped the students as the creature let out a bone-chilling roar.

As the beast stalked closer, a strange sensation washed over Alex. A flicker of an blue light pulsed within his eyes, sending a jolt of energy through him. A holographic message flashed in his vision, emblazoned with a warning sign:

[Warning!! High monster creature has appeared! 'Sumatra Tiger']

"A Sumatra Tiger?!" Marco exclaimed, momentarily shaken. These were vicious predators, even in the real world, let alone a virtual simulation on Hard mode.

Duny, hefted his scythe, his stance unwavering. "We can handle it," he declared, his voice a beacon of calm amidst the rising chaos. But even his stoicism couldn't hide the glint of worry in his eyes.

The monstrous Sumatra Tiger, a blur of orange and black stripes, launched itself from the shadows with a deafening roar. Panic surged through the group, but years of training kicked in.

June, her eyes flashing with concentration, unleashed a telekinetic barrier, a shimmering wall of energy that rose just in time to meet the tiger's pounce. The impact sent a shockwave through the cavern, briefly distorting the barrier but holding firm.

Eve, reacted with a flick of her wrist, she channeled a bolt of electricity into the barrier, causing it to crackle with dangerous energy. The tiger, sensing the sudden shift in power, snarled and backed away, its fur bristling with static.

Duny, remained unfazed. He tightened his grip on his scythe, its shimmering blade humming with power. His gaze flicked towards Alex, a silent question hanging in the air. Could this be the new kid's moment?

Alex, his heart hammering in his chest. An instinct urging him forward. Ignoring the others' surprised stares, he stepped out from behind the telekinetic barrier.

The tiger, momentarily distracted by the display of power, locked eyes with Alex. A jolt of recognition, or perhaps a sense of kinship, flickered in the beast's emerald orbs. For a tense moment, they stood frozen, a predator and a boy on the precipice of a strange encounter.

"What are you doing, Alex?!" Marco shouted, his voice laced with a mixture of fear and confusion.

Alex, raised his hand towards the tiger. The blue light intensified, reaching out from his palm and enveloping the beast in a soft, ethereal glow. The tiger roared again, but this time the sound was different—a confused snarl tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Suddenly, the air shimmered, and a holographic notification materialized before Alex's eyes:

[Analyzing compatible creature. Match found: 87%. Initiating temporary bond.]

A gasp escaped his lips as a warmth spread through his body, a connection between him and the magnificent creature. The tiger lowered its head in a hesitant submission, its previously ferocious demeanor having given way to a confused calm.

The other students stared in stunned silence. The Blessed Class, trained for years to combat monstrous creatures, had just witnessed something extraordinary. Their new teammate, the outsider, had formed an unexpected bond with the very beast they were supposed to fight.

[Successfully initiated temporary bond. The 'Sumatra Tiger' will answer your commands for the duration of the simulation.]

A wave of relief washed over Alex as the notification solidified. He could feel a faint mental connection with the tiger, a sense of shared awareness. A million questions swirled in his mind, but for now, the priority was survival.

He locked eyes with the magnificent creature, the blue light in his own eyes now a steady hum. "Stay back," he commanded mentally, focusing on the image of the tiger retreating from the group.

The tiger's response was immediate. With a low rumble that vibrated through the cavern, it backed away from the telekinetic barrier, its gaze never leaving Alex. The students watched in stunned silence, their initial fear replaced by a mixture of awe and confusion.

Duny lowered his scythe, a flicker of something akin to respect crossing his features. June and Eve exchanged looks, their telekinetic barrier slowly dissipating. Marco remained speechless, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Alex, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and uncertainty, had just accomplished the impossible. 

That's right… this tiger usually served as a companion for players Why would they throw this at us on Hard mode? There's something wrong…

He thought, a wave of nausea washing over him. 

He forced himself to focus on the magnificent creature before him. The blue light in his eyes pulsed, the connection shimmering faintly. This wasn't just any monster; he could feel a flicker of intelligence, a spark of something akin to… trust? Taking a deep breath, Alex projected a mental image—a vision of the tiger walking beside him, not as a subservient beast, but as a powerful ally.

"Stand with me," he commanded mentally, the words resonating within the strange connection.

The students watched, their initial surprise morphing into disbelief. 

Yunus blurted out, "Dude, are you crazy? That's a freaking Sumatra Tiger!" His voice echoed in the cavern, laced with a mixture of awe and terror.

The tiger rumbled a deep growl, its emerald eyes never leaving Alex. A tense silence blanketed the room, broken only by the ragged breaths of the students. Would the beast obey the new kid's strange command? Or would it lash out with its formidable claws and fangs?

Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice crackled through the intercom, her tone laced with a hint of urgency. "Alex, what are you doing? The objective is to eliminate the target, not…" As she watched the scenario play out in the simulation, her voice trailed off, leaving her in silence.

"But can I keep it?!" Alex yelled, his voice echoing in the cavern. He needed Ms. Yoo-Euni to understand the potential of this bond.

"No, you can't-" Ms. Yoo-Euni began, her voice firm.

But before she could finish, a digital screech filled the intercom, interrupting her. A new voice, deep and resonating, boomed through the speakers. "You can keep it, Alex. But that's hardly the strongest one."

The students exchanged confused glances. Who was this?

"Sebastian!" Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice, laced with anger, crackled through the intercom. "What are you doing?!" The sound of a struggle, muffled but unmistakable, emanated from the control panel.

The students watched in stunned silence. It seemed their training exercise had become something more—a power struggle between their instructors. The air crackled with unspoken tension. Alex, the new kid, had not only defied expectations but also become the focal point of a brewing conflict.

"Sebastian...? Sir Sebastian?" Eve's voice echoed in the cavern, a tremor of uncertainty lacing her question.

"Hello there, students!" Sebastian's voice boomed through the intercom, a touch too jovial in the tense situation.

Before anyone could react, Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice crackled with fury. "Sebastian! Stop it! You're ruining the training exercise. Get out of there!"

Slap! A stunned silence descended upon the students. The intercom crackled with static, then a single.

A beat of silence followed, then a low chuckle—playful, almost mocking—emerged from the intercom. "Ouch," Sebastian drawled, his voice dripping with theatricality.

The students exchanged uneasy glances. The situation had escalated far beyond anything they'd anticipated. Their training exercise had become a power struggle, and they were caught in the middle.

Yunus, nudged Alex. "Hey, new kid, that was...something. But where would you even put a tiger?"

Alex, still processing the events, looked at the students, then at the spot where the tiger had stood. With a soft murmur, he sent a mental command. "Go back..."

The air shimmered, and a ripple of energy pulsed through the cavern. The monstrous Sumatra Tiger vanished without a trace, leaving behind an unsettling silence.

"What the..." Yunus stammered, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Is that easy...?" Marco echoed, tilting his head in confusion.

Even Duny, couldn't hide a flicker of interest in his eyes. "I think I want a tiger pet..." he rumbled, a hint of amusement playing on his lips.

Yunus, wasted no time. "Ms. Yoo-Euni! Summon more tigers! We want one!" he yelled, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Marco, never one to miss a chance for a good time, chimed in. "Yeah, we want tigers!"

Even Duny, usually stoic, couldn't resist a playful rumble. "I think I need a tiger pet too..."

Ms. Yoo-Euni's face contorted into a mask of exasperation. "No! This is not a petting zoo!" she snapped, her voice strained. With a flick of her wrist, she deactivated the simulation, the cavern dissolving back into the sterile training room.

A collective groan of disappointment rippled through the students. The unexpected turn of events had left them wanting more, especially after witnessing Alex's unique ability. The air crackled with a mix of curiosity and frustration. They craved a chance to explore this newfound power, but Ms. Yoo-Euni's stern expression clearly indicated that further exploration would have to wait.

Thud! The heavy training room door hissed open, revealing Ms. Yoo-Euni and Sebastian on the other side.

Ms. Yoo-Euni's face was a mask of barely contained fury, her lips pressed into a thin line. In other view, Sebastian sported a wide, mischievous grin, a faint red handprint visible on his cheek—a silent testament to Ms. Yoo-Euni's earlier frustration.

The students fell silent, their gazes flitting between the two instructors, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. The unexpected power struggle and Alex's actions during the simulation had clearly left a mark.

Ms. Yoo-Euni stood before the students, her voice tight with barely concealed frustration. "Alright, everyone did well… for the most part. However, Alex," she paused, her gaze locking with his, "that was not what I expected."

Alex, ever nonchalant, shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?"

"Because it was a training exercise, Alex!" Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice escalated a notch. "The objective was to eliminate the target, not… not befriend it!"

Sebastian, a playful smile still lingering on his face despite the red handprint, chuckled. "Hey, relax Yoo-Euni. We all saw what happened. Looks like I was right about him being special."

The air crackled with tension. Ms. Yoo-Euni glared at Sebastian, her lips pursed in disapproval. "Special or not," she retorted, "his actions disrupted the entire simulation! We need to assess his abilities in a controlled environment, not whatever that… that display was."

Ms. Yoo-Euni, her frustration simmering but momentarily controlled, strode purposefully towards the right side of the training room. With a firm press of a white, palm-sized button embedded in the wall, a section of the training area whirred to life. The once sterile wall shimmered, then retracted with a hiss, revealing a hidden chamber.


Inside, a dazzling array of weapons and artifacts gleamed under strategically positioned spotlights. Swords of varying lengths, staffs pulsating with an inner glow, and vials filled with swirling liquids – the arsenal offered a glimpse into the extraordinary tools utilized by the Blessed Class.

But the most captivating sight remained hidden. A section of the training room floor, directly beneath the retracted wall, groaned and gave way. With a slow, mechanical hiss, a circular platform descended, revealing a massive orb at its center. The orb pulsed with an otherworldly light, casting an ethereal glow that bathed the training room in an aura.

"Alright everyone," she began, her voice laced with a hint of challenge, "it seems we have more to explore. This," she gestured towards the pulsating orb, "is the core of measurement. And today, we're going to see what Alex can truly do. But be warned," she added, her gaze locking with Alex's, "this device is designed to test the limits of a Blessed's potential. It can be… unpredictable. Are you ready, Alex?"

[You just change your level cap to Lv. 20.]


< Chapter 27 > Fin.