

Well I have thought of a new story idea which is setting in fairy tail world with oc being a dragon over dreams, illusions, and infinite/y like Great Red and Orphis and the oc is a reincarnated so he knows about the full story also his love interest is Mavis maybe one more to he will live in fairy tail for a lot of the story learning and growing up with the main cast he will be 2 years older than mirajane and Ezra and he will explore more magics after a certain point in the story he will go to other worlds and try to get his last love interest so three love interest.

so yeah do you guys like this new idea or the story GOCWS because GOCWS doesn't really have much fore ideas like I thought for Naruto there is a few love interest I wouldn't mind trying to get but for Justus's shadow clone is probably the only Justus that is good other than bloodlines and there is the fact I hate how it is just me stating thing I want to talk more but unless I have him put in the story there is no real reason for interactions because I have no real way to connect body strength to his creation powers so he is to op so he can steal them but for my new ideas he will do mission/quest with the cast and for infinite which is for energy magic he will train his body for that but other magic its easy so ill have you guys chose between the ones because ill only do one story at a time