
God Of Creation System - FirstBorn

A young man at 21 died in his sleep and when he woke up all he can see is an endless black void. I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 14 Slice Of Life With Eucliwood Hellscythe! Urion's Thought's About Life!

(Author Note - Big brain time!)

When Urion woke up he saw Eucliwood looking at him in the eyes with a slight smile on his lap.

" What are you smiling about?" Urion said playing with her beautiful silver hair with a smile also.

When Eucliwood heard Urion she smiles bigger and asks in a questionable way."Urion, Why do you look so peaceful while you sleep? It's like you can forget about everything and just sleep. I will love to sleep like you so that's why I am smiling."

Urion just smiled and picked her up in a princess carry and started to walk to the kitchen.

When Urion got the kitchen he put Eucliwood on a chair and started to went to the fridge and took out some breakfast ingredients. After getting the ingredients he started to cook but while cooking he said like he's talking to no one in particular." Why I can sleep peacefully is because I know I had done all I can with my upmost best capabilities."

When Eucliwood heard that form Urion, she deadpans him and said emotionless." You read that from somewhere right?"

Urion almost messed up making breakfast when he heard Eucliwood deadpan tone. After not messing up his eggs, he said in pure innocence looking Eucliwood with a smile." I have no idea what you're talking about. I have you know that it was 100% made by me without help of what's so ever."

Eucliwood said under her breath that only she can hear but too bad, Urion is a God Of Creation so he heard it too making his eyebrows twitch." Shameless."

~SomeTime Later After Eating~

When Eucliwood first tried Urion's food today, she fell in love with it immediately going as far as to ask Urion to cook for her, forever. If the soldiers from the Origin Tavern heard and saw Eucliwood, they will probably go to war for a single piece of his food and sip of his drinks.

Outside of the Immortal log house on the porch, we can see Urion sitting in a wooden chair drinking his favorite green tea with a slight smile and Eucliwood smiling sitting on the grass by the porch playing with Ares by scratching behind his ear making his Tail Wag in happiness. Urion smiled seeing Eucliwood smile and Ares having fun. After Downing, the last of his green tea, he got up out of his wooden chair and started walking down the porch and then walked to the forest by his house. Eucliwood hand suddenly stopped moving, seeing Urion walk to the forest with a complicated expression you see when you're thinking to deep or hard.

Eucliwood sat up and brushed leaves off of her clothes and started following Urion for a reason she doesn't even know.

To her it just....feels right.

With Urion, he had thoughts about human life because he's bored and has nothing else to do for now.

( Human Life lesson with Urion-sensei! Please pay attention readers-san and Author-sama!)

In the life of humans at birth it's one of the happiest moments for parents or one of the worst's moments for them.

Like when baby's begin to crawl or walk, or even when they say they're first word but they then start growing up going to pre-school or kindergarten, it honestly depends what kind of parents they have when they grow up as most don't even go to pre-school or even heard of it.

In this year In their life, they will do some stupid stuff or say stupid stuff that they soon forget when they become adults as most do. This is when they first show their emotions and personality to the world seeing what kind of person they will be when they grow up.

A couple of years later now we are at Middle School or how Urion likes too put it " The First Crush Zone" because for most they will have a first crush if not before in they're earlier years.

Middle School is where you will begin to show more colors of your emotions and personality to see what kind of person you will be in life. Middle School is where you start growing up to where your parents give your own time to do you or where they telling for 'adult things' and what to do and what not to do in life like for example " Buy a condom!" " Don't have sex without a condom" you're probably asking why is it about sex and condoms right? Will if you did it because that's where you hear about in middle school at most you will hear about weeb and the like.

In middle school is where you will meet most of your best friends if not before and not stay a loner like most do we all know right now.

Fast forward a couple of years now where you're in high school and where hopefully you will lose your virginity and not become a legendary wizard like most *cough the Author and some not most reader's cough* so hopefully you become a man and at least get drunk and high once or go to a high school party once for the high school experience.

High School is a magical place where you can find the love of your life or your mortal enemy for life hopefully it the first. When at this time your parents honestly stop teaching you about life as you had a good amount of experience for your self we hope. Parents at this time are on basically cruise mode as you are hopeful out of their life and not stay as most do and can have your life sorted out.

Fast forward a good amount of years and now out of teen life and now on adult life where you will have a job and a family and die of old age if not saving a little kid crossing a road where a truck is coming and gets isekai'ed to a different world with a system or wishes as most do before they can live the rest of there life.

( Lesson End with Urion-sensei! Please come back for more! Agu! I don't get paid enough for this shit my brain hurts. I demand a raise Author-Sama!!!)

~SomeTime Later In A Opened GrassLand~

In an open grassland, we can see Urion laying on the soft grass with a slight smile. After getting out of his thoughts about human life, he walked around the forest enjoying the Nature Sweet Breeze. Fun fact about Urion is that he actually enjoys long and alone walks in the forest back on Earth but he rarely does so because James and Merlin, Apollo, always love teasing him about being a lone wolf as they will mostly drag him to a new party every weekend to get laid which he did every time because of his looks and his outgoing personality. Every weekend they usually get in fights except Urion, for the simplest things in the world like for example a fat guy went to Merlin and called him weak which got him pissed off because of his arrogance for being the top assassin in the world as the world calls his the 'Assassin God' because of his work. So let's just say there is now one less fat guy in the world going as far as to say he disappeared from the face of the planet with the help of the world's best hacker Apollo, code name {Void}.

Urion smiled missing those moments where he and his friends wake up in a whole different part of the world and not remembering how they got there which is a scary experience for the first time if Urion says so himself.

Urion suddenly looked at a tree still smiling and said calmly." Eucliwood how long are you going to follow me? Can't a guy walk alone in the forest anymore without being followed by a beautiful girl?" At the end of his sentence, he said in a teasing way making a current silver hair girl blush behind a current tree that is being looked at.

Seeing she got exposed, Eucliwood walked from behind the tree with her hands together in front with a little blush, She then walked too Urion and laid next to him looking at the sky with a calm expression still with a red tone on her cheeks.

They both stayed silent for a full 5 minutes making it a little bit awkward, Urion upon seeing this was the first one to say breaking the awkwardness a little." Sooo, Yuu, you didn't tell me you have a thing for stalking people even though we're best of friends I even made you food which is very rare for me, I'm so hurt it's painfully I think I'm going to die!!"

Eucliwood laughed a little upon seeing Urion overreacting scene for something so weird, but she soon stopped laughing and said looking at Urion face to face a little happier." What did you call me Urion?"

Urion smiled looking at her in the eyes and said calmly." I called you, Yuu. Why I can back to calling you Eucliwood or for short, Eu."

Eucliwood expression was priceless when he said that, especially from a sonic expression person.

Eucliwood harley waved her hands and said happily still looking at Urion's face with a smoothing sweet voice that Urion naver gets tired of hearing" No, you call me whatever you want but I would like to called, Yuu."

Urion nodded and started talking with Yuu about random stuff. After talking for a good while as Urion can see the sun going down In his personal world, he and Yuu start walking back to the house still taking because when Yuu first got her voice back she really didn't talk that much only talking when Urion asked her a question or him just talking in general to her to hear her voice for his own pleasure or helping Yuu getting used to having her voice back.

As there were walking in the front door of the house Urion smiled mischievously making Yuu look at him in the eye. Urion seeing this said teasingly still smiling."Soo, Yuu, you didn't deny being a stalker so when did you find out you like stalking people?"

When Yuu heard Urion she just punched him in the arm lightly and said walking to the main room with the TV, indifferently." Urion I guess no lap pillow from me."

Urion suddenly stopped in his tracks then, he ran to Yuu with a scared expression and said harley like he was on his last breath." Yuu!, Noooo! you can't deny a man the scarred lap pillow! It's even worser than sleeping on the floor or being kicked out of the house for not doing anything wrong, so, please I beg of yo- WAIT! oh! hehehe, ok then I guess your naver eating my food again."

When Yuu heard the first half of Urion's sentence she smiled in Victory but the other half her expression froze and looked at Urion with the eyes who is smiling in Victory now next to her watching TV eating pudding. Seeing she couldn't win she also grabbed two puddings with an expressionless face.

They then said at the same time, Urion/Yuu." Well played, Well played." And started laughing at each other got over it like it was nothing, Well, Urion did and Yuu giggled beautifully

On the black couch, we can see Urion who is still awake watching TV playing with Yuu's beautiful silver hair who is asleep on his lap with a peaceful smile but not for as he fell asleep after Yuu with a smile of bliss like he has everything in life he ever wanted still with a handful of her hair.

[Ding!!! Picture taken! Host, you will thank me for this so don't worry and sleep. Eucliwood Hellscythe (2) - Asuna Yuuki (0).]

( Word Count - 2000)