
God of Chains

In 1998, a devastating disaster occured throughout the globe. Huge portals from other worlds, later named Gates, poured millions of monsters into cities, town and even the countryside. This brought humanity close to the brink of extinction. However, amidst the chaos and destruction of the monsters, a new subspecies of humans rose up from the rumble with newfound powers thought to be impossible. This subspecies of humans were called Hunters. Thanks to the massive cooperation and support by the nations of Earth, Humanity was successful in pushing back the monsters back to where they came from. But. During the gate disaster, a man named David Johann was given the power to conquer other planets and universes. Power, when grown effectively, could destroy entire universes and worlds in a blink of an eye. In exchange for recieving the power, he needed to leave Earth unprotected from an incoming disaster. He immediately accepted the power, thinking that Earth would've solved the issue regardless of his assistance. 30 years later, After messing thousands of universes, he was now satisfied. He now wanted to live an ordinary life. However, he would later come to know that the life on Earth had vastly changed since he left. Plus, his wallet is empty. [Inspired by some aspects of One Punch Man]

Imperialus · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Heading Back Home

"Ho? Are you the rumoured chained god? Then let us battle gloriously for an eternity!"

The serpent god laughed as he offered the cloaked god to a great battle.

The serpent god was nothing like the snakes on Earth. The god was as long as the entire width of the solar system's oort cloud. It's scales were dark and metallic as blinking lights decorated the serpent's body. The lights somewhat created the illusion of a huge futuristic spacecraft.

Nonetheless, it couldn't be said that the serpent god was incredibly powerful. It's venom could vaporise entire star systems in one go. Additionally, it was also large enough to knock an whole planet out of orbit with little to no effort.

"Sure, I guess I'll have one more fight before I head back." The cloaked god said, accepting the offer.

The god wore a dark hooded cloak. It seemed that he was human or at least humanoid. He had large chains that appeared out of his back like tentacles. Besides that, some of his chains were as large as the serpent itself.

"I'm the Unifying Serpent Emperor! The Conquerer of Worlds. Destroyer of God Realms. The God of Betrayal!" The serpent god said, introducing himself to the cloaked god. He then used his tail to signal the cloaked god to introduce himself too.

"Well, I'm David Johann. The God of Chains."

David simply said with indifference. It wasn't like he had no emotions. He just didn't feel too expressive at the moment.

"Well then, I'll give one move to attack me with all your might!" The serpent god offered. He expected for the attacks by the chain god to be futile and painless.

This is because of his impenetrable scales. His scales could survive the most ferocious burns, the most freezing frost and much more. He was quite prideful about it.

"Alright. Here I come." David said with the same indifferent attitude.

In an instant, thousands of chains was unleashed from the shadows of cosmic space. Scythes, that were sharpened to the point it could slice galaxies in half, were attached to the chains.

David used his complete control of the chains to spin the chains to incredible speeds. The spinning rate was so fast it seemed to warp the reality around it.

However, David wasn't done yet. In fact, it was only still beginning.

Aside of the chained scythes, he also unleashed massive chains that wrapped around every planet in the star system. Additionally, he also used those chains to immobilise the serpent so that it couldn't flee.

Once everything was prepared, he immediately commanded the spinning scythes towards the body of the scythe. The chains wrapped around planets, however, would launch the planets straight to the serpent's god head to deliver a concussion.

"Alright, it's your turn- Oh." David was quite disappointed when he opened his eyes to see that Serpent Emperor was no longer there. What remained was the remnants of the god.

There were barely any chunks of the god left as tiny pieces of the god somewhat became an asteroid belt around the star.

"Well, that's certainly disappointing. I guess I'll go use my chain to head to Earth." David figured.

He planned to use his chain to head back to Earth by firmly burying the chain in the ground. Once the chain was firmly in the ground, he would simply retract the chain which would, in theory, pull him back to Earth.

Still, it would take quite a while for the chain to reach Earth. Until then, he needed to do something else as times passes by. However, he had one problem

David didn't have anything fun to do. The only thing that had entertained him from being bored as hell was slaughtering random gods in the cosmos.

He could teleport to other universes but the trip from one universe to another was extremely long. Before he even reached the halfway point to a universe, his chain would've long reached Earth.


So what did David actually do in his spare time? He played table tennis with himself.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm winning this!" David shouted in great enthusiasm. He didn't have a tennis table. Therefore the best alternative was thousands of planets squashed flatly together.

David also had a weird feeling that somehow, some conspiracy theories would see his "tennis table", photograph it and create a theory about a certain flat planet.


David's competitor said. His competitor was rather quiet since the dude didn't have any mouth. Additionally, it wasn't a dude since it was a sentient chain. However, just because it was a chain, it didn't mean it wasn't a pro. It's movement was rapid and accurate enough for David to go serious.

"It's time to get serious!" David said, using the entirety of strength, agility and dexterity to accurately deflect the ball. He went a step further by using his transcended intelligence to perfectly calculate and predict where the ball would be heading.

"..." The chain said, continuing to completely obliterate the match. It's only purpose was to play and win table tennis. Thus it was absolutely determined to win the match. However, it didn't expect for that determination to disappear later on.

The match slowly turned into a trainwreck. The ball was going so fast it seemed like it was just floating in one place. The table was also slowly deteriorating.

Craters, thousands of kms in width, was simply created by the full force of the ball's speed.

"Oh! I'm winning! I'M FUCKING WINNING!!" David yelled to the top of his lungs. He was absolutely popping off. It was truly great exercise for him.

However, the chain was having such a bad time. It almost couldn't keep up the pace of the ball. To add to injury, the chain naturally didn't have any eyes either so it couldn't even see the ball. The chain could rely on it's cosmic sense to detect the ball.

Unfortunately for the chain, the match was slowly nearing it's end. The chain was still a chain so it didn't feel any physical fatigue. However, the match was still taking a strain on the chain's mental state.

Contrary to the chain, David was quite enjoying the match. He knew that playing table tennis was the best decision he could've made to pass by time whilst the chain heads to Earth.

Suddenly, the chain accidentally missed the ball and inevitably, the ball decimated the chain's left side.

"Wait, no.. There's no way.." David said, not believing the sight in front of eyes.

"....." The chain said as it's last words. The chain fully accepted it's defeat and fate.

"Oh yeah. There's no way." David finally solved it. There was no way that a ball made of just planets would obliterate his chains that had literally killed gods. He knew that it was the chain that willingly died.

"Oh, the chain finally arrived." David felt a tiny tinge which notified him that the chain finally arrived. He felt excited that he was now returning back to his home. Nonetheless, he kind of felt bad.

He left Earth along with the his parents in pursuit for power. Nonetheless, he figured that it would be useless to be guilty about his past decision in the present. He could just apologize to his parents once he arrived.

"Anyways, time to go back to Earth." David said, retracting the tennis chain from earlier. He then retracted the chain that was on Earth. Instantly, he was now traveling a 100 times faster than the speed of light towards Earth.

"Earth, here I come!"