
God Magus Teacher

After beating the demon god, Magnus attempted a breakthrough to the god stage. But when he succeeded, he didn't realize 10,000 years had passed. Tired of fighting, Magnus just wanted a normal life as a teacher. "Teacher, can we skip today's lesson?" asked a young boy. "No," A young girl tried different tactics, "If you don't agree, we will disturb your date with our mother tonight." "Understandable. You two are free today. Have a nice day." Thus unfolds the extraordinary tale of a powerful God Magus, a beautiful widow, and mischievous twin kids.

MoonGoblin · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

First Lesson

The morning sun bathed the Aurum Estate in a gentle glow as Magnus stood in the garden, awaiting the arrival of his new students.

"Good Morning Teacher" both Lucas and Lucy run toward Magnus while waving their hands.

Sophia, their mother, followed closely behind, sharing in her children's excitement. She approached Magnus with a request, "Lord Magnus, do you mind if I observe their first lesson?"

"Of course not," Magnus replied, his demeanor as tranquil as the morning around them.

For some reason, Sophia felt a subtle undercurrent of nervousness coursing through her as she witnessed her children's first lesson with Magnus. Her heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and concern, unsure of what to expect.

"First of all, let's check your potential," Magnus said, a gentle smile gracing his face as he patted the kids' heads. Lucas and Lucy, wide-eyed and curious, looked up at Magnus in their big eyes, their innocent gaze fixed on Magnus who patted them.

Sophia asked Magnus "Don't you need a Potential Measuring Ball to do that?"

Back when Sophia was a kid, her family used a Potential Measuring Ball to determine her potential, A Potential Measuring Ball is a tool commonly used to measure youngling potential as a magus. When people touch the ball, the ball outputs a few types of color. Each color indicates a certain level of potential. 

The problem is the potential Measuring Ball price is very expensive. So many people prefer to test their children's potential during admission tests at Magus Academy. 

"No need, I have my own way" Magnus calmly denied.

In the first place, Magnus didn't even know what the hell is Potential Measuring Ball at all, the tools did not exist 10,000 years ago. 

Magnus extended his gentle mana toward the children, weaving the threads of his magic through the twins' bodies from their heads into their mana core to assess their latent potential. 

As the mana flowed through them, Lucy and Lucas felt a peculiar sensation in their heads. 

Lucy giggled and exclaimed, "Teacher, my head feels ticklish!" 

Lucas, sharing the sensation, chimed in, "Me too!" 

Sophia who watched from the side felt nervous as this was the first time Sophia saw the technique to measure potential done this way.

However, Magnus soon discovered the rather disappointing truth about their magical potential. The twins' mana core capacity was only half that of an average magus. Perhaps, Magnus speculated, their shared existence as twins had affected their individual magical development where the resources from their mother during birth were split into two people.

Lucas, brimming with excitement, couldn't wait to inquire about their magical talent. He looked up at Magnus with wide eyes and asked, "Teacher, how's our talent?" 

Understanding the importance of fostering enthusiasm in his young students, Magnus couldn't bring himself to share the disappointing truth. Instead, he offered an encouraging smile and replied, "You guys have incredible potential." 


The words sparked joy in the twins' eyes, and they exchanged glances, feeling a surge of excitement and determination. Sophia watching from the side also feels happy.

Witnessing the twins' eager expressions, Magnus couldn't bear to let them down. 

As a God Magus who refines the demon god divinity, He instinctively feels that he can help the kids with their problems. The demon god has many strong subordinates who have some hint of divine mana inside them. The reason why the world struggled so hard fighting the demon was because of that. The demon god was simply able to increase their subordinate potential, some of his generals were a weaker demon bloodline, but they were still able to reach the peak emperor stage. 

"Close your eyes," Magnus directed, and the twins obediently complied. With his hand still on the twin's head, Magnus began channeling his divine mana into their small bodies. The subtle energy flow created a moment of anticipation, and the twins closed their eyes, unaware of the magical transformation unfolding within them.

Magnus's divine mana, a gentle and ethereal force, started to weave its way into the twins' bodies. As it flowed, a warm sensation accompanied its touch, like a soothing embrace. The divine mana seeped into every nook and cranny, reaching their magic cores. In an extraordinary display of magical prowess, 

As Magnus channeled his divine mana, a warm and ethereal glow enveloped the twins' bodies. The magical energy coursed through their veins, gently caressing their magic cores. Lucas and Lucy felt an indescribable sensation, a mix of warmth and tingling that spread from their heads to the tips of their fingers and toes. Unbeknownst to them, Magnus's divine mana was working wonders, subtly restructuring and enhancing their magic cores. The once-limited capacity expanded and refined, surpassing the potential of many prodigious magus in the world.

The process was painless for the twins, as they were young, and untapped magic cores readily absorbed the divine infusion. This method would be painful if it's an adult magus who already holds a lot of mana and has their magic core solidified. Unaware of the transformative magic occurring within them, the twins felt a strange yet pleasant sensation. 

The divine mana worked its magic meticulously, expanding the capacity of their mana cores. Like a dormant seed receiving the first rays of sunlight, the twins' magical potential burgeoned. The glow around them intensified momentarily, marking the successful enhancement of their innate abilities. Although they remained blissfully ignorant of the intricacies, Lucas and Lucy couldn't help but open their eyes and express their excitement.

"Wow, Teacher, that felt strange but nice!" Lucy exclaimed, her eyes shining with curiosity.

"Yeah, it was like a ticklish warm hug and my body feels really light right now" added Lucas, his face lit up with wonder. 

Sophia didn't know what just happened, why the kids glowing with strange mana she never felt before. Nevertheless, she stays silent and just lets Magnus do his own thing. Sophia believes Magnus will not harm the kids. 

Seeing the children's enthusiastic smiles, Magnus felt a wave of warmth and pride wash over him. He was pleased to see his young students embrace the wonder and beauty of magic.

"Let me confirm, Lucy wants to be a magus and Lucas wants to be a warrior swordsman right?" Magnus asked.

Lucas and Lucy nodded excitedly. But Magnus has another plan, Magnus wants his students to choose both paths.

Magnus knows very well the advantages of training both paths.

The path of a magus is one paved with the mastery of magical arts. It involves harnessing the natural energies of the world, manipulating mana, and casting spells. Magus's path was split between elements, such as Fire, Water, Earth, and Water. But there's also one who obscures elements such as light, darkness, space, and time. The advantage lies in versatility and the potential to reshape reality itself, from controlling elements to deciphering secrets locked within the threads of magic.

On the other hand, the warrior's path is one etched in the pursuit of physical prowess. Warriors hone their bodies, and master martial techniques. Warriors also use mana, but they usually only use it for body strengthening or speed boost. Strength, agility, and combat skills are their tools. Warriors branched into many paths according to the weapon they chose, the most popular one was a swordsman. Warriors thrive in the heat of battle, relying on instinct, reflexes, and sheer might to overcome challenges.

Both paths have the same stage level, indicating their current power level. It starts from Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Saint, King, Emperor, Demigod, and God. Each stage has 3 sub-stages which are early, middle, and peak.

Training in both the magus and warrior paths is the optimal choice for a well-rounded skill set. Combining magical abilities with combat skills creates versatility, addressing weaknesses in each discipline. The dual approach ensures adaptability in diverse situations, and the mental and physical benefits foster a disciplined and resilient individual. In a world of varied challenges, the synthesis of both paths offers a potent synergy, propelling practitioners to greater heights.

Magnus stands as a testament to the power of mastering both the magus and warrior paths. Achieving the Emperor stage in both disciplines, he embodies the fusion of magic and combat prowess. Although right now he has ascended to the god stage in the magus path, his warrior path remains at the pinnacle of the emperor stage. 

But for many people without enough talent and resilience, choosing both paths will backfire because many can't focus which leads them to become half-assed on both paths. Of course, Magnus will not let the twins become a half-assed individual.

'Explaining all of that to the twins who are still 8 years old kids, might be a bit too much' Magnus inwardly thought.

"I have a better choice for you guys" Magnus looked at the kid's curious eyes.

"You guys will do both paths, become a magic swordsman" Magnus declared with a wide grin. 

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