
God Emperor

Eight hundred years ago, a legendary man passed away. Zhang Ruochen, the son of Emperor Ming, was killed by his fiancée, Princess Chi Yao. Then, eight hundred years after his death, he came back, only to find that the one who had killed him had already unified Kunlun's Field and built the First Central Empire, and was now known as Empress Chi Yao... Empress Chi Yao—Her Majesty governed the mortal world and enjoyed prestige in all directions as well as an eternal life. Zhang Ruochen stood outside of the Imperial Ancestral Temple, looking at the statue of Empress Chi Yao, and the flames of hatred burned in his heart. “After I practice for 13 years, I shall send the empress to her doom!”

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Zhang Ruochen’s Blood Wings

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xue Chen had a thought and he picked up the wine jar on the table. As he poured the wine, he said, "When you come to the Voidsky Lounge, you must try the Bloody Wine. This wine is limited in supply, but most people don't have the chance to taste it. Would you like a drink?"


Xue Chen poured the Bloody Wine into the cup. It was bright red, like blood. It emitted a strong wine fragrance, which is refreshing.


Just smelling it made one feel intoxicated.


Zhang Ruochen looked into the cup. A strange light flashed in his eyes.

He noticed there's the blood of a lifeform added into the Bloody Wine.


Zhang Ruochen shook his head involuntarily.