
God Emperor

Eight hundred years ago, a legendary man passed away. Zhang Ruochen, the son of Emperor Ming, was killed by his fiancée, Princess Chi Yao. Then, eight hundred years after his death, he came back, only to find that the one who had killed him had already unified Kunlun's Field and built the First Central Empire, and was now known as Empress Chi Yao... Empress Chi Yao—Her Majesty governed the mortal world and enjoyed prestige in all directions as well as an eternal life. Zhang Ruochen stood outside of the Imperial Ancestral Temple, looking at the statue of Empress Chi Yao, and the flames of hatred burned in his heart. “After I practice for 13 years, I shall send the empress to her doom!”

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2622 Chs

The Gods Are Immortal but Dead

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

The crimson demonic cloud surged together with Guye Jing and flew around Bai Qing'er like a swimming dragon.


An instant, a blood-colored demonic hand seal the size of a millstone struck Bai Qing'er's back.


Bai Qing'er did not turn around. Instead, she clasped her hands together as if she was meditating.




The eight hundred Golden Bodhisattvas phantoms appeared and emitted a golden light that was hundreds of thousands of meters tall. The sound of Buddha's voice was vast and mighty. The next instant, all the Golden Bodhisattvas merged into one and turned into a Vajra Buddha.


The Vajra Buddha punched out, colliding with the blood-colored devilish palm print, exploding with eight hundred ripples of Buddhist light.


The demon palm print shattered with a bang, and Guye Jing's true form appeared. Her boundless demon-energy eyes seemed to be astonished.