
God-defying God of Killing / God-defying Army Wife

This is the first time in the world that Xuanyuan Ying is a supreme assassin, and he has crossed over, but he didn't pay attention to the fact that he became someone else's wife. Well, let's just get married. you will still be my silent little bunny, but, the more you want to quiet, then there is no way to be calm, a variety of chaotic things are looking for him, intolerable, no need to endure, Xuanyuan Ying anger, the former waste material overnight emit ten thousand lights, arrogant and uninhibited, magnificent and outstanding! "Boss, it's not good, sister-in-law bombed the high school gym." "Huh? Tell Gao Feng to donate money to the college to build a bigger one." "Boss, Sister-in-law even beat up a student in class 3A." "Tell Yu Feng to check it out." "Boss, Sister-in-law is about to go to class 3A to look for trouble." "Then why don't you go and follow him?" Ye Tian Xie's expression finally changed a bit, the Yu Lan who reported to him released a slight sigh of relief, fortunately, the boss is still a bit sensible and knows that he has to go and stop his sister-in-law, but "If Ying loses a single hair, I'll bring my hair back to him" " Bang!" Mikan declared his death in battle, hell have you ever spoiled your wife like this? Keywords: against the sky to kill the god, Yan Ruoyuan elegant, Ye Tianxie, Xuan Yuan Ying, cool text, strong spoiled Some of the career levels in this article Cultivation Levels: Foundation Building Stage - Qi Nurturing Stage - Golden Elixir Stage - Nascent soul Stage - Spirit Opening Stage - Mahayana Stage - Demigod Venerable - Ascension (each level is divided into ten smaller stages) Beast level: Demon Beast - Spirit Beast - Sacred Beast - Divine Beast (three small stages before, during and after each level) Treasure Ranks: Magic Weapon - Treasure Weapon - Spiritual Weapon - Immortal Weapon - Divine Weapon - Super Divine Weapon (each magic weapon is divided into three upper, middle and lower stages) Alchemist Rank: Apprentice Alchemist - Alchemist - Alchemist Master - Alchemist Patriarch - Alchemist Divine Master - Alchemist Venerable (Apprentice Alchemists can only refine magic weapons at most, those who can refine Treasure Weapons are Alchemists, those who can refine Spiritual Weapons are Alchemist Masters, those who can refine Immortal Weapons are Alchemist Patriarchs, those who can refine Divine Weapons are Alchemist Divine Masters, and only Alchemist Venerable can refine Super Divine Weapons.) Alchemist grade: generally one to nine grades, the grade will also be raised after ascension (each grade is divided into high, medium and low grades, the elixir and the spirit plant for refining the elixir are the same as the alchemist's grade.) Crystal grade: lower grade crystal, middle grade crystal, upper grade crystal, extreme grade crystal, holy crystal. For the time being, this is how it is, and there should be additions in the future, so you can read it so that you don't understand some of the rank settings in the text, and thank you for your support of the military wife!

boyslove4ever · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs


Chapter 22: Put a stamp on it.

"Huh... You should stop working so hard and don't stick to me all the time. I can't guarantee that next time I will bite your lips instead of your tongue."

Ignoring Ye Tian Xie's sharp and appalling line of sight, Xuanyuan Ying fiercely wiped his mouth and cursed loudly, damned man, give him three colors he gave him a dye house ah.

Ye Tian Xie's desire and anger in Xuanyuan Ying's cursing a little bit extinguished when saw Xuanyuan Ying's red swollen lips, the phoenix eyes quickly crossed a trace of self-reproach, is not said to respect him so that he willingly gives himself to him? How did it come to this again?

"Sorry, I ..."

"What do I need you soldiers for if apologizing works? Ye Tian Xie, I know we are already married, but one thing please get it clear, this marriage is not what I want, unless you can make me fall in love with you willingly, although the chance of that is 0. .01 %, this time, forget it, the next time will not be an exception."

Xuanyuan Ying mercilessly interrupted his apology, the anger and sharpness at the bottom of his peach blossom eyes flickered and flickered, a moment later it was calm, not to say, he is tolerant and has a good feeling towards Ye Tian Xie, but now ... nothing is possible.

"Good, I will not say sorry again, Xuanyuan Ying, remember what you said today, I will let you willingly love me, take the initiative to give yourself to me."

Looking at each other for half a second, Ye Tian Xie confidently said, he was not an idiot, with his little understanding of Xuanyuan Ying, he was definitely not such a forgiving person, but no matter whether it was their first night or just now, the most intense thing Xuanyuan Ying did was just biting through his lips, is it not possible to show that he does not hate him?

"Hehe ... being confident is a good thing, I look forward to it."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Ying bloomed a brilliant smile, almost shaking Ye Tian Xie's eyes, the next moment, the crisp voice abruptly dropped, flat without any ups and downs.

"Ye Tian Xie, I want to live a calm and ordinary life, no matter if your interest in me belongs to a macho's desire to conquer or you have that much of a liking, please don't take the liberty to say anything about the marriage, and if you can, in the Royal Academy, please pretend that you don't know me."

The tone is detached and courteous, so angry that Ye Tian Xie has an urge to ruthlessly pinch his neck, it's a shame to know him and get married. Go to his hide and seek, damn, if Ye Tian Xie agreed he is not a man ...

"If you agree to my conditions, I will try to accept you."

Ye Tian Xie had just sworn in his heart that he absolutely could not agree to this kind of degrading thing to his status style, the next moment, Xuanyuan Ying's calm voice rang out again.

"Okay, I promise."

A certain person was very impudent to throw the oath he just made behind his head, a man can bend and stretch, not just can't say it out. What's the big deal, as long as his little guy is willing to accept him, what conditions does he accept unconditionally, besides, the little guy said not to say out, addition, to say other than, let others know that he belongs to him there are many ways to do it, the mountain does not turn the road turn, there is always a big road is leading to Rome.

You agreed so easily? Xuan yuan Ying stared suspiciously at his phoenix eyes for a long time, with his superior character, he should not agree so quickly, right?

"What? Doubting your man's promise?"

Sword's eyebrows raised the smile on his handsome face instantly converged, unexpectedly reached out and pinched the tip of his nose, his low voice colored with a little bit of hopelessness.

"This young man has agreed to such a condescending thing, shouldn't the little one also show your sincerity and try to trust your man?"

"Eh ..."

Xuanyuan Ying's brain was black, and the corners of his forehead were instantly covered with countless black lines, why would this man treat him as a teenage idiot? In terms of mental age, he was still a few years older than him.

"Since a consensual agreement has been reached, then dear Ye Tian Xie, please let me off in the alley to the left of the school gate."

After a while, Xuanyuan Ying regained his composure and looked up at the super luxurious RV and the motorcade. If he got off these two cars at the school gate, it didn't need anyone to say, that with Ye Tian Xie's high-quality appearance, under certain conditions, he would immediately become the public enemy of all the girls in the school.

"OK, my dear whatever you say is fine, for a husband to follow orders is, just ... that ..."

Ye Tian Xie quickly agreed, however, because someone's cherry red lips had been floating around in front of his eyes, the evil fire that had just been suppressed soon rubbed upward again, the dark eyes dripping and spinning, the phoenix eyes unsuspectingly fixed on Xuanyuan Ying's lips that were still slightly red and swollen, glancing cautiously at him to see that he didn't have any signs of anger, Ye Tian Xie then carefully said: "wife, You said that when people sign contracts, they have to have their seals stamped. If we have signed such an unequal treaty that is detrimental to the dignity of husbands, shouldn't we also have our stamps?

"Eh... I remember correctly, you should be a soldier, right? Scoundrel cum rogue doesn't suit you."

Xuanyuan Ying froze, looking at the sinister fire under his eyes, he couldn't help but gouge him out fiercely, turning away his eyes speechlessly, comparing him to a scoundrel and rogue was an insult to those two adjectives.

"Damn, will I be a hooligan to you, and I have to man ... even if I don't."

Abruptly, only heard Ye Tian Xie let out a loud shout, not waiting for Xuanyuan Ying to react, the slender arm was violently caught and pulled towards his arms, a blink of an eye, the cherry red lips were once again tightly sucked by the sexy thin lips.

"Ahem ... young master, the school is almost here."

However, generally, at this kind of time, there will be someone to disturb, this is not, along with the coughing sound, the driver's uncle flat in an uncomfortable voice suddenly into the ears of the two people, Ye Tian Xie attacked the action instantly stiffened.

"Haha ..."

Same from the lust out of Xuan Yuan Ying looked at Ye Tian Xie's black face of lust, and could not help but laugh out loud, Ye Tian Xie's brain veins jumping, through the rearview mirror fiercely glared at the plate of the driver, the shadowy phoenix eyes turned to laugh wantonly openly someone, the bottom of the eyes quickly slipped a touch of wretchedness and bizarre, hands sharply reached out to his cackle nest.

"Haha ... no ... don't ... ha-ha ... "

Xuanyuan Ying instantly laughed so hard that even tears were coming out of his eyes, his mouth frequently begging for mercy.

"See if you still dare to laugh at this young mater..."

Lust fire disappeared without a trace, Ye Tian Xie pretended to be extremely angry with a cold snort, and both hands continued to scratch at various sensitive parts of Xuanyuan Ying's entire body, and the two of them instantly made a mess like a child.

The always expressionless driver stopped the car, and a faint smile of relief appeared on his lips. The young master finally found someone he was willing to love for the rest of his life.