
God's Weaponry

With the population of humans rising and the decision to split there was still one thing that people were concerned about. Who will be our ruler? Those he needs to be strong? To defend his people. Those he needs to be smart? To make good decisions. Or those he needs to be kind? To always think about how people will feel. The gods gave the solution to those questions. The one that can rule is the only one that can reach the top of the tower. But even among gods, there is evil that gave the power to the wrong people.

DemonicHeaven · Kỳ huyễn
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"Mommy! Mommy! Tell me a good night's story! Please!" Shouted a young boy while he was jumping on his bed.

"But I told you one and you promised me you'll go to sleep after that." Said mother as she sat on the bed.

"That one was too short! Please!" Mother smiled at the boy and tapped a bed a few times. The boy immediately covered himself with a blanket. You could still see the excitement on his face.

"Fine… A long time ago, before any kingdom came to exist people lived in peace. But in time there were too many of them for one man to rule them. People had a hard time deciding what to do. There was an idea to split up into big groups and form separate villages but there was still one problem. Who will rule them? Everyone had a different idea of who can become the ruler.

Those he needs to be strong? To defend his people.

Those he needs to be smart? To make good decisions.

Or those he needs to be kind? To always think about how people will feel.

Then the gods spoke! "If you can't decide who the ruler should be then let the fate choose for you!" Two towers appeared before them.

"The ones that are fit to rule over the people will reach the top of the tower. There will be their reward that is a symbol of being worthy."

Only two of a hundred people made it alive and came back with their trophies. One man as a reward got a hammer to forge a future for his people. Another man as a reward got a banner so big that none of his people would get ever lost.

They were the first kings chosen by destiny to rule the people of their future nations. Gods were so humble that they even gave items to people to help their kings. That's how the first true knights came to be. They didn't have to climb the tower but they were still tested. That's why only kind-hearted were chosen. Because gods didn't tell when and who will be tested.

With gods good intentions there were few of them that thought differently. Some towers gave rewards to bad people and gave items to those who were enemies to people. But even in the dark, you can see the light. Like our king who wins against his tyrant father."

"Don't forget about Albert The Mighty!" Added boy.

"Right. His royal knight. So strong that not only did he win every fight but he was so strong that he didn't have to kill any of his opponents."

"One day… I want to be like him… A… true knight…" The boy whispered as he went asleep.

Mother kissed him on the forehead and stood up. Before she left the room she whispered "Good night, my true knight."

That's what his every night looks like. The boy only wants to hear the stories about kings and especially about true knights like Albert. Even after six years of the same stories he looks as excited as the first time he heard them. At every parade, he is the one in the front of the crowd waiting even hours before people.

His father died at war but that gave him more motivation. To become so strong that no one important to him will ever die. The boy wasn't from the richest family. They afforded living but it wasn't enough to buy an instructor to teach him to fight with the sword. The boy taught himself. Almost every morning trining by the tree so hard and often that the bark of the tree came off. All of that with only peace of wood in his hands.

Even after this much training, there was something missing. He didn't know what because there was no one to point this out to him. But that didn't stop him.

This is a story about a boy who had a dream…