
Chapter 9

Meanwhile, Aeger was pondering on how he would recover his own cultivation. He already tested his body to the limits previously, and he did have the same divine body from the heavens. He had enough physical strength to level a city, but then he would collapse from exhaustion. And the town he landed at was a desolate area, at the outskirts of the kingdom of Gyneil, one of the four kingdoms of the continent. The best place to recover his cultivation would be the kingdom of Glathir, home to the elves and other magical beings.

He looked at Olivia once more, satisfied that she had not broken down yet, and left for the marketplace, hoping to chance upon some treasure. He went to the scrapyard, the only place where you could get something truly valuable. In a mortal town like this, those sold as new were crafted by mortals and were of no worth to Aeger. However, sometimes, people tend to miss out on treasures because they couldn't recognize them, or the treasure was asleep and incubating. It was these that Aeger wanted to uncover.

He looked around at the scrapyard. There were multiple vendors shouting haphazardly at anyone who happened to chance here. It was mayhem. Aeger took a good look around when he finally stopped at an old man. Precisely, the old man who was a representative of a sect.

"Well, either you were kicked out of your sect and you lost all your cultivation, or you're following me. ", Aeger said sarcastically.

The old man sighed, "I am surprised to see how much your generation has grown. You saw me at that alley back then, and you could sense me now. All the illusions work perfectly well on all those below the nascent soul stage cultivators. Who are you?"

"That's the question I am supposed to be asking you, you stalker. You've trailed me for a week now, surely you know who I am. "

"You saw me all that time? You sure were calm about it. Fine. I'm Velor, Velor Wrynn. I am from the Xuantian Sect. Surely you have heard of us."