

In a twist of fate, Aiden's life takes an extraordinary turn after a near-fatal accident. He encounters God, who compels him to return to Earth and marry His daughter. Aiden undergoes rigorous training to become a worthy partner for God's enigmatic offspring and is sent back to the mortal realm. Awakening in his own body, Aiden grapples with memories of his past life, using them to forge a path in the business world. His unwavering determination drives him to construct a life of happiness with God's daughter. Little does Aiden suspect that God has concealed a crucial part of the truth. As a formidable adversary emerges, Aiden is faced with a harrowing choice. Will he defy the divine, or will he rise to the challenge that destiny has thrust upon him? Update: Atleast 1 chapter per week.

_akc_ · Thành thị
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12 Chs


Next day. Aiden woke up, went for a run, took a bath and had breakfast. It was normal except for the rain that started in the middle of his jogging, because of that he was drenchee when he came back. Today was the day of the graduation ceremony. He took the dress he bought yesterday and wore them, combed his hair after applying gel, put on a silver coloured chain watch. He looked in the mirror and was satisfied with what he saw. He then left after taking his backpack and wearing shoes.

He was sure about being very late when coming back, so he decided to use the bus to reach the metro station and he started walking towards the bus stops.

After 40 minutes he was walking out of the metro station when his phone rang. He took it out and saw that the call was from Ivan.

"Hello." He said after answering it.

"Where are you? "

"Outside the metro station. "

"Stay there, I am coming there. " He cut the call after saying that. Aiden moved to the side and started waiting.

Within 5 minutes he saw a black Volkswagen polo coming, he walked closer to the road so that Ivan could see him easily. The car stopped in front of Aiden and he entered the front passenger seat. After the car started moving Aiden asked.

"Is Clark not with you? "

"Nah, he is coming with his family. "

Aiden opened his mouth to ask something but Ivan beat him to it.

"Did you and Emma break up? "

" Ya, how did you find out? "

"The group, it is a hot topic. "

Aiden took his phone out and opened the telegram app, there he saw a 3 digit number on their batch group.

Some chats in the group were so bizarre that his blood started to boil and all of this was from the same account. There was no name displayed for that account so he called to know how this person is but the phone number was not working. He sent a message to that account but no reply was received even after it was seen. It was then everything became clear to Aiden, he checked the past chats of the unknown account and found that it was only present in situations like the present one.

"That bastard is spreading bullshit." He said.

"Who? " Ivan asked.

"Harry, he wants to destroy my day."

"Oo, the boyfriend ex boyfriend fight, are we going to punch him? "

"No, why should I do what he wants when I can use it against him. "

"And how is that? "

"Just keep my cool. "

"...Ya, great plan" He said sarcastically.

The remaining time was filled with topics relating to Aiden's break up and graduation and finally after 10 minutes they reached the college.

They went to the auditorium and sat with their other friends. Many people asked him about his breakup, some people asked questions just to make him angry and it took all his willpower to keep his cool.

" He is watching us from behind. "Ivan said to Aiden.

"How is his face?"

"Looks as beautiful as a pig." It made Aidens smile brighter.

After some time the graduation ceremony started. It started with a long queue of boring speeches. Then it moved to distributing graduation certificates and momentos. Top 3 scorers of each department were called one after another. Aiden was also called as he was the 2nd scorer of 'Business Administration'. Then came a presentation of events during their time at college after which the remaining students were given their certificate. After that came lunch followed by the time for taking photos.

The last event was a football match against the rest of the college, for which Aiden was a spectator. The match ended with a win for Aiden's batch.

Now Aiden was in a hotel with his batch mates. The hotel was booked by them for the night, there was food, drinks, dance and games. Aiden was sitting with his friends talking about their future plans. Aiden could see Emma and Harry at some distance with some friends. Harry was smiling but Emma looked uncomfortable, Aiden tried to ignore her but something found himself looking that way, also he caught Emma looking their way and it was at this time Celina asked something to Aiden.

"Are you really not going to tell us about your future business? "

"Actually, I am not going to start a business. I am joining 'Tigor motors' as a deputy manager. There is still an interview but it's just a procedure. I wanted it to be a surprise but now there is no need. "

"Yeee. A drink for the new deputy manager. " Ivan said loudly before drinking another glass of alcohol.

"Will you stop? " Celina asked.

"Never, who knows, maybe this will be the last time all of us will be together. " Ivan said.

Celina opened her mouth to say something but her phone vibrated before she could start.

She checked the message and stood up,

"Guys, I am leaving. Ishan is waiting in the parking area. "

"Me too. "Aiden said and the others also followed except Ivan.

" Nooo, let's drink more. "

Aiden and Clark responded to it by dragging him towards the lift.

Some of them got off on the ground floor and the others continued toward the underground. They split up after reaching the ground floor. Aiden, Clark, Ivan and Celina walked in the same direction. When they were close to Ivan's car a young man got out of a nearby car. Celena went and kissed him.

"Hai guys. " He said.

"Hello Ishan, how is your work going?" Clark asked.

"It's ok. My agent is trying to find a series to work in. "

After some small talk all of them entered their vehicles and left that place. Aiden got off at the metro station and Clark continued with a sleeping Ivan at the back seat.

Since the time was close to 12 the available metro and bus were very limited. Aiden was standing in the bus stop near SM park, he had to get off there because there was no bus going through the route near his house at this time. It started to rain while he was on the bus. Aiden decided not to wait for the rain to stop and started walking. He shortly regretted that decision, the rain and wind became so heavy that the umbrella in his hand became useless.

He was standing at a junction waiting for the sign to cross the road. He noticed a person in a raincoat coming that way from the opposite side and he started to cross the road without looking at the sign. Aiden looked to the side and saw a medium sized vehicle coming towards the stranger. It was coming very fast and an accident was certain. Like a reflex action Aiden started to run towards the stranger, shouting but it was lost in the rain. The umbrella and bag fell from his hands and the car turned sideways as the result of a last minute sudden break. In the last minute Aiden was able to pull the stranger towards the other side but he was not able to stop himself on time. Side of the jeep hit him and he was sent flying. The last thing Aiden saw before losing consciousness was the fast approaching road.


From _akc_

Author here.

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