
God's Mercenary!

In his last life, he never felt anything concerned him. Always lived in shadows he didn't have anything special going with his life. But the day he died protecting a woman, he felt like the protagonist of his life, and a smile crept on his face as his last breath arrived. He didn't regret dying nor any kind of expectation for new life. But gods had a different plan for him. Hiring him as his agent he sent him to a world of fictional comics in the role of a character mercenary. He never asked for this that doesn't mean he won't enjoy the ride. ______________ Enjoy the adventurous journey of the Mc as he travels in a different world filled with dangers. He might be killing your favorite character there or can steal your favorite waifu too... _________________...___________________ Hey, this is my third Fanfic and still, I ain't perfect so expect some grammatical mistake. Now for the fiction. Mc won't be cold blooded psycho so dont expect him to kill every single person he finds irritating. He won't hesitate before killing if it comes to his life or his loved ones but won't be ever like the Chinese protagonist. Mc won't be stealing girls' anime he visits so dont complain. But he will get a harem of exceptional waifus. Not a big one tho... Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the story and support it like my other novels.

Svneighter · Anime & Truyện tranh
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24 Chs

First Step!

[Are you ready?]

"More than ever."

[...Then best of luck I guess..]

Suddenly a black portal that didn't let out a single noise, erupted in front of the silver-haired guy who had nervousness spreaded like a plain sheet over his face.

As soon as the clock hit the count of midnight, the system administrator popped into his head which made him least surprised. Ijin knew how important it was for the higher ups so getting delayed from the other end was the last thing he was expecting.

To tell he was anxious would be an understatement but he has prepared himself. Yesterday, the system informed him that no time would pass in his original world until he would be traveling to other plains. To conclude, after the mission he wouldn't have to worry about the excuses for his absence.

He thought about picking up a weapon but not knowing which kind of environment he could be thrown to, he only packed those things which wouldn't be visible to naked eyes. And as for clothes then he wore nothing special as the system declared that it would be managed according to the world he would be transferring to.

"Okay then." With a long inhale, he stepped inside the black pool which wasn't moving nor giving any sign of being active.

First his left leg then his front body and slowly all his existence vanished inside the dark pool like he never was present on the face of the earth.

Just after a moment of Ijin's disappearance, the space and time of the world he hopped from halted along with every celestial body. Except for Ijin, no mortal would be ever able to perceive what changed and what not!


"Where am I?" Standing on nothing Ijin whispered under his breath as he surveyed his surrounding. There were uncountable small star-like things all around him making him feel like an interstellar or sort. He wasn't able to feel anything, nor any scent hanging in the air. Just pure nothingness.

[It's the portal created by the GOD, which you will face often. This place doesn't follow normal human understanding and principles. Space and time can be bent on will and the impossible could be achieved if one gets the capability to.]

Ijin gulped as he again observed the place which somehow started to make him a little shiver.

"..so basically I can get killed if a powerful being, able to control time and space, suddenly pops out right?..."

[Yes and no]

Ijin didn't say anything and patiently waited for the lady to continue.

[Yes, you can be easily annihilated if someone of that caliber suddenly interferes in the conjunction. But someone can't invade the space which the Supreme One has created, so you can rest assured.]

Ijin didn't reply, more like he didn't know what to say. The feeling of a red flag raising high suddenly became probable but he won't say it.

[....anyway. For the world you are going, I will grant you a powerup]

Leaving all his scary thoughts behind the raven eyes of the teenage boy sparkled in joy as he heard the kind noona's word.

"What is it? Am I getting my hair dyed yellow? Please say yes..." Like a child hoping for the best Christmas gift, Ijin demanded forgetting all the serious and cold demeanor he have built past month.

[No. I will choose that powerup so don't raise your hopes.]

With a sigh, Ijin shoulders slumped but he was far from disappointed. He knew getting a skill at this time might be hectic to get used to but it doesn't mean it won't help him for the upcoming event.

[Are you ready?]

Ijin nodded when suddenly the black and white sky filled with a golden hue which traveled at high speed and darted directly inside Ijin making him dizzy for a second. Even though he staggered he never let go of his footing as he didn't know where he would fall to.


{A new skill has been added}

{Name:- Domain expansion}

{Grade:- Unique}

{Description:- A skill that helps the user to create a separate space and use it to their advantage. The skill requires great concentration to form and constant soul power to maintain. The user's soul reflects how long the domain could be held and to what level enemies could be barricaded}

{Consumption:- 1/2 of the current SP}


It took him time to register what came suddenly in front of his retina before he stood straight. He knew the basics of this skill as he wasn't oblivion about the source from where this skill came from.

"It doesn't specify whose domain I got," Ijin grumbled as he hoped to get the stronger domain belonging to a certain crystal-eyed guy. He wasn't aware to what extent he could stretch his domain which threw him into a dilemma.

[You have your unique domain. To create it for the first time you just have to remember a place and activate it. Don't worry it won't take time to master it as I have altered your soul to better adapt to the newly found skill]

"Hey! Give my soul some privacy will ya.." He didn't hear any response before he started thinking. But whatever he thought, nothing was concluded because he was lacking practical knowledge.

[Moving on. Since I couldn't have added the skill beforehand due to some reasons I gave it to you now.]

"You could have given me after I reach the next end of this portal no?" Ijin felt it would have been better if he could use the skill as soon as possible. And foremost he didn't want to stay at the place for any kind of unwanted situation.

[Any alteration with your soul would attract ghoul one way or another and you couldn't afford to let those mindless creations know about your presence otherwise..]

"They will detonate themselves".

[Right. So this is the best place for you to acquire anything new or change what you have.]

Ijin nodded in understanding as he concluded why his time in this space was necessary and important. The time he got to ponder didnt last long before the lady in his head spoke again.

[Now for your appearance then whatever you are going to wear would have some protective specs but only to the point where it could block bullets, so don't rely on it more than necessary.]

A twitching smile formed on Ijin's lips but he didn't say anything as whatever happening for some time wasn't in his control.

With a sigh, Ijin felt clothing from his body disappearing with something else replacing them. Looking down he became baffled a little.

A traditional Japanese dark blue Yukata with black strips vertically running from the neck toward the end of the dress. A dark black belt around the waist was holding the dress in its place. The yukata was fitting Ijin's stature comfortably, moreover, he felt even freer than any clothing he have wore until now.

He suddenly noticed his hair also grew longer reaching up to his neck and getting tied in a high-held pony tail which looked somewhat...weird?

" Fuck...talk about make over." He swore just before a gasp left his lips as he felt even his undergarments switching like it was nothing to talk about.

[Best of luck host. I hope you have a great time]

This was the last line before the space around Ijin started bending at a furious rate and non-existent ground started rumbling. He wasn't even able to grasp his surroundings when he was thrown forward at a speed that mortals would find incomprehensible.


"Hupp!" With a slow grunt Ijin's feet landed finally on a physical surface as his eyes regained the natural color he was majorly used to.

Due to traveling through space, it took him time to notice that he was in the middle of a forest. The sky was dark with nocturnal creatures buzzing in the background.

All senses flared to the maximum as he instantly found an ominous presence just a couple of hundred meters away from him. On instinct or not his hand got pulled toward his waist where he found his palm touching something.

Lowering his eyes, with his senses completely dwelled in the surrounding he found a sword hanging on his waist, tugged on the waist belt. The scabbard's width made him know that it indeed was a katana as what one could expect from Japanese tradition.

He held the thick hilt of the blade which had a blue ribbon tied at its butt.

Due to anxiety, he wasn't able to pull the sword casually and focused on the unknown creature which was moving at a constant speed toward him.

It was increasing its pace and in just half a minute it already crossed over 700m like it was nothing. Ijin felt a drop of sweat dripping down as he gulped saliva and regulated his breathing to the maximum utility.

The bamboo trees surrounding him gave Ijin a partial view of what was incoming so he didn't use his Byakugan and wholly focused on his hearing.


Suddenly a black shadow emerged from the shades and furiously darted toward Ijin.


Ijin took out his sword just on time before it clashed with something tougher than his blade.


A sharp metal clashing sound erupted as Ijin finally saw the face of his unexpected opponent.

Black raven hair fell all over its face with a long whip like a tongue hanging leisurely, dripping out disgusting saliva and a face that could no longer be categorized as human.

The thing which Ijin's blade was interacting with was the inhuman creature's long nails which were extended up to a meter and pointing toward Ijin's nape.

Ijin's face went a little pale as he never expected to face something like this off the bat which caused his lungs to exhale all the concentrated breathe it held making Ijin even more panicked.

And that slight disturbance was enough for the demon to push Ijin brutally before the boy fell about 10 meters away sliding continuously with his back breaking the bamboo in the way.

Ijin didnt get the chance even to groan as he felt something nearing him and just on pure instinct he rolled away.


The place where his body was, just a blink ago got pierced with a rusty-looking blade which in originality was the nails of the demon.




Ijin continued rolling as the demon moved in coordination while trying its all to end the life of the human in front of its eyes.

Ijin finally got the chance as he rolled furiously backward before pushing his hand and jumping with a twirl in the air, landing some meters away from the demon.

'Breathe asshole. Breathe!!' Self reprimanding, he collected himself in a mere half second before his calmness helped his breathing circulate through his body in a better way.

He inhaled every ounce of air he could and took out his blade before pointing it toward the demon.

"GRRRR..." A loud growl came from the inhumane before it dashed for a frontal attack. Ijin took the opportunity from the straightforwardness of his opponent and waited for it to reach a certain distance.

Just the demon reached two meters away from Ijin and it's a nail just inches away from his left eye he vanished from his spot and with a comfortable twirl on his foot, sliced his blade.


The demon didnt stop even though its prey wasn't in its way anymore...More like the creature wasn't able to turn anymore as its head was lying on the ground and body running aimlessly in a straight direction before it fell on the ground. The head of the demon along with its rest body started turning into ash not so long after.

Ijin exhaled in relief before sheathing his blade away.

"Talk about explosive en..." He found his lids going heavy and his body going numb all of a sudden before his body started going down.

The word got stuck in his throat and the world from his eyes disappeared like he was used to.


In the middle of the forest where a short exchange between a human and a human-eating creature happened just some moments ago, stood a beautiful woman.

She was watching the fight from the mid-way and looking at the potential of the young man she thought to watch where it could lead. Of course, she would have intervened if she have found her own kind on the losing end, but fortunately, her worries went in vain.

After she saw the demon turning into ashes, suddenly the brave boy which has shown numerous surprising things in so short time, fell to the ground. But the woman expected it so she didnt stall for a long time before lifting her feet from the top of a bamboo tree.

Landing like a true butterfly without an ounce of noise erupting from her landing, she immediately bends down and closed the distance between hers and the silver-haired boy.

A chuckle left her lips as she saw how rigidly the young man was holding his katana even in an unconscious state.

"Ara~Ara~ It seems the girls will get someone to play with~".


A/N: Dont worry Mc won't be weak as he seemed at the start of the fight.

I hope you guys are liking the story.

Please tell me if I can improve something, I will appreciate that.