
Lesson:- 1 Brightness Of World. :- by Sneha.

Description:- Have you ever read about all the world in a story book, in novel etc. . In this story, a silly young boy who always thought that there is nothing in the world. The world is a place where we are as like as a puppet. A beautiful Elf, who changes the silliness thoughts of the young boy.

A very scary and mysterious night. A young boy whose age is 19 years is very irritated from the world. 'This is so maddening thing of the earth. We all are very stupids that we live here. There is nothing for us. We can pass from this miraculous place. Go, Go, Go.' said by the silly boy, whose name is Arun. After saying this, he went to sleep.

Next morning, when he woke up from sleep. He encore the same words that he said before bedtime. After breakfast, he went to find off job that's right for him so far as he studied only till 10th standard. When he reached a business man, he saw that there are many people who are less studied as compared to him. He asked a peon there, 'how much you are studying?' The peon gave no answer and went quietly away. Then he talks to the manager and goes to the boss. There he found peon's job and called to work the next day. He refused to do like this. He went to many more places but he got the same job. He refused all. Eventually, he was very disappointed and went back home in the evening. Then he slept after dinner. He had a dream at midnight. A very beautiful nymph comes to his dream. She tells him in his dream that your thinking is wrong. You should not think so because if you live this world well then you will see this world very beautiful. I know that you are saying this because you are not getting a good job as you want. But if you feel this world well then you will like everything and if you do not think negative then you will also get good job. After saying this, the nymph left from there and Arun's sleep opened.

He looks closely at her point and understand it. The next morning he goes in search of a job again, he get a job as a clerk and he gets ready to work the same day. From the same day he started thinking positive and started living this world well.


1. Answer these questions:-

A. What is the real name of silly boy?

B. Who came in his dream and why?

C. Which job did he get in the end? Was that job right for him?

D. What education do you get from this story?