
Brotherhood Of Mutants

[Hallway outside of Xavier's office]

Seeing the notification about failing the fourth bonus mission, All Might, Superman and Flash rush over toward Xavier's office, reaching it just in time to see Batman exit with the other 3 behind him.

"You all saw the message, right? Does this mean that girl Jean has killed someone?" Flash asks before getting

"The Phoenix! The Phoenix killed someone, not Jean." Scott growls, following Xavier, who is heading in the direction of an elevator.

"Where are we going?" All Might asks, following the rest into the elevator.

"Cerebro, a machine that helps me track mutants all over the globe," Xavier explains, pressing the lowest floor's button as the doors of the elevator close.

"And you didn't use that before because…?" Catwoman questions, suspicious of Xavier's motives for hiding the existence of such a machine earlier.

"I already tried to find Jean with Cerebro earlier. Unfortunately, she seems to have found a way to evade its detection."

Reaching the lowest floor and entering the spherical room covered by white panels, Xavier puts on the metal helmet and activates Cerebro.

Before long, a hologram of the earth appears in front of the group displaying red dots for every mutant on the planet. The brighter the red dot, the stronger the mutant.

Not finding a target bright enough to be The Phoenix, Xavier instead focuses on finding mutants that have recently perished.

Zooming in on a forest in northern Pennsylvania, the group sees a gathering of hundreds or possibly thousands of mutants. The terrifying thing, however, is seeing dozens of lights dim and disappear every few seconds.

"Undoubtedly, The Phoenix is the reason for this massacre at the Brotherhood of Mutant's base. Scott, go get the rest of the Xmen and prepare the Blackbird for flight." Xavier commands, shutting off Cerebro.

"I could fly there ahead of you by myself to check out the situation," Superman says, floating in the air, ready to blast off at any moment.

"No, you come with us. We have no clue what The Phoenix is capable of." Batman reprimanded, not knowing if The Phoenix could defeat Superman. After a bit of thought, Superman had to admit Batman was right and decided against rushing off straight away despite feeling guilty for letting the mutants there die.

Within minutes the Blackbird was ready for flight, and the group from Kira's cafe was joined by the Xmen who they had already met with the addition of Nightcrawler, Kitty, and Rogue.

Getting acquainted with each other and beginning their flight, Batman questions Xavier, "You mention another group, Brotherhood of Mutants, tell me more about them."

"They are a misguided bunch, every single one of them, even their leader Magneto." The name Magneto alerted the five members from the cafe as he is related to the third bonus mission.

"I and Erik, the real name of Magneto, used to be great friends and fought together for mutant recognition among humans, alas due to some conflicts in the past, we went down different paths, and now you could call our two organizations rivals."

"I have been trying to get the mutants recognized and accepted in human society by doing good, it's why I formed the Xmen, while his Brotherhood of Mutants seeks mutant supremacy by killing the humans." Xavier recounts the story of him and Erik, "none of them are to blame though, each member, especially Erik have suffered under humans and are just trying to get by in the world."

After that, the interior of the jet falls into silence until they reach their destination.


After landing and exiting the Blackbird, the first thing everyone sees is evidence of a brutal battle having been fought with bodies scattered all over the place and most of the houses in the vicinity destroyed.

This place looked to have been a town built by the mutants as a refuge to hide from human society, not all that different from Xavier's school. Being careful not to step on any of the dead bodies, the crew walk to the biggest house still standing in the town.

Taking the lead on entering the building, Xavier sighs with relief after seeing that some, even if not many, are still alive in the devastated town.

"Erik, Raven, I'm glad to see you survived." He greets two people going around helping bandage the injured mutants.

"Only because The Phoenix let us live," Magneto says, walking in front of Xavier. "Charles, we really fucked up this time."

"We can fix this," Charles reassures his friend.

"No, we can't, I've seen its power. There is nothing we can do to fight against it." Magneto says, looking like he has given up on life.

"We have help, here, let me introduce you," Xavier says, pushing the group from Kira's cafe forward. "These people were sent here from different worlds to help us defeat The Phoenix."

Magneto's brain short circuits for a bit before looking at Xavier and asking, "What have you been smoking recently, old friend?"

"Please, I'm being serious here," Xavier says with a stern expression, showing he wasn't joking around.

Deciding he doesn't have anything left to lose anyways after having his entire faction slaughtered, Magneto accepts with a sigh. "Fine, we'll trust these strangers to save our world, not like we have another option."

"Why did The Phoenix come to visit you in any case?" Wolverine asks Magneto.

"Not The Phoenix, it was Jean that came looking for having regained control of her body," Magneto answers turning his gaze back to Xaver. "She wanted revenge on you for messing with her mind, hoped I would help her fight you."

"And?" Xavier urges him to continue.

"Didn't even get the chance to answer before The Phoenix broke out and started killing everyone, said I was just as much at fault as you. Out of the thousands of mutants we had living here, only around 20 survived. Raven and I were left alone to deliver a message to you."

"What message? Does it want to trade something with us?" Ororo asks

"It said that we must go to where you first met Jean if we don't want it to destroy our planet." Raven interrupts to answer the question for Magneto. "Everybody has been placed on the platform, we are ready to depart." She tells Magneto.

"You all can go ahead to the meeting place. I will bring the survivors over to your mansion, no point in bringing them along." He says before levitating a colossal metal platform that every survivor has been strapped to. "I will see you all soon, good luck." With that, he steps on the metal platform and flies off in the direction of Xavier's mansion.

"Come on, everybody, let's go meet The Phoenix," Xavier says before everybody starts heading back to the Blackwing.


[Brotherhood of Mutants base, 5 minutes after everybody left]

A man wearing a leather outfit with a quiver on his back and a bow in his hands walks through the maze of dead bodies before tapping the communication device attached to his ear.

"This is agent Hawkeye, looks like we were too late, the source of the energy is no longer here."

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