
chapter 35 kingdom of lust pt 2

Walking through the palace, I saw a bunch of statues and paintings. Some were lewd but more were centered around beauty. It widened what I thought about lust in general. Soon we approached a giant chamber room. As we entered it was covered with some magical items and weapons.

"Remember Ama if you break down lust into a basic thing it is desire. Desire can be for anything." She reached down putting her hand on my chin forcing me to look up into her eyes. "Desire for someone special, knowledge and power. Each person needs to define their own path. But most take the path of basic carnal desires which is why we capitalize on it in our shops. The strong capitalize on other aspects to grow in power."

Staring up into her eyes I had to think more about how I would draw my power. I started trying to focus on sins but all of a sudden chaos was thrown into my lap. All these different energies and ways to grow strong were quite overwhelming even for me. Slowly my eyes got hazy as my mind started to slip into a daze.

My breathing became more rhythmic as a loud thumping of my heart started to drown out all the sounds around me. Soon a voice I never heard before sounded inside of me. "Do not dwell on the use of everything. Remember my daughter and everything will fall back into place. Just know I am watching and I will be waiting at home."

Tears started to stream down my face but no matter how hard I tried to push deeper into the voice and my own mind I could not remember. The one thing that I realized was the voice called me daughter but it did not sound like Baaos. If it was not him who was he and why has he done so much for me?

As I came back to my senses, I felt the warm embrace of Apael. I clung to her taking in her scent to calm myself. It is a very scary feeling not knowing who you are and gaining memories. You start to doubt yourself not knowing if you are going on the right path or what is wrong.

A swift flick landed on my forehead making me wince and glare at Apael. "My love stop getting lost in your own head. We started your journey here because it was supposed to be an easy break. Enjoy it because the following journey will only get harder."

"I understand. Thank you Apael for bringing me back to my senses." I smiled at her softly and decided to look into the knowledge laid on all the shelves.

As I read more books I learned more about the past. It never mentioned anything about the first demon of lust but it did show how it developed over the ages. For the longest time, it was all about indulging the bodily desire and the more you slept with the stronger you became. That was also why they were called succubus. They would have sex until the weaker one perished letting the winner suck out their vitality.

As time passed, it became less about trying to suck their partner dry. Well still suck them dry but share their vitality to help strengthen each other. That was how they slowly became more ideal partners since they thrived in the bedroom constantly strengthening themselves.

It was not until a couple of generations ago that a couple of demons found alternatives only circling that information to noble demons so that they can keep the power to themselves. I started to talk to Apael wondering how she found her strength. Was she the daughter of a duke or how did she find herself at the top?

Apael was open to sharing her past with me and described everything she went through. She was born into a common family and was swiftly abandoned. Most demons of lust will abandon their children since that would make them less desirable to others.

Demons age quickly so she was able to steal food and learn how to survive. From a young age, she needed a way to grow stronger, but she could not use lust to gain power. But she could lust for strength so she became ruthless to herself. Hard training, starting random fights anything to claw for power.

She was surprised to see how fast her strength grew and she started to lust after knowledge to hone techniques to become a better fighter. Before she knew it she stood above everyone in this realm.

Once she stood at the apex she went to the capital and she spent about a year there before being sent on her journey to find me.

I gave her a soft kiss to show her my support. "Appael why don't we have another date? It has felt like ages." Well it was at least 2 years for me and I really loved the romance that was in the air the dinner and the stars.

She smiled and returned my light kiss. "Sure. Why don't we go shopping first and go out tomorrow?"

Nodding my head, I wrapped my arm around hers and followed her out. We slowly made our way towards the shopping district. It was a nice trip visiting different clothing shops to see what kind of outfits they offered. Apael offered to buy me some but with my control over chaos, I could just duplicate them without the need to spend anything.

After checking out all the different clothes she dropped me off outside a store that sold couple toys and potions. Not wanting to ruin the surprise for tomorrow I decided not to peak at what she wanted to get.

Once we returned home she started to cook us something small to eat while I prepared the bath. Soaking in the warm water helped to relax my muscles and ease my mind from the long day of reading. I really can not wait to finish up here and try and get more intense action and try to fight some demons to see how much I have improved.