
God’s Conquest: The Lord of Angels

Gods exist. Every single one of the known gods of earth and trillions of other gods. They all reside in the divine realm from where they control their followers and gather faith. On one particular day, where all the citizens of earth suddenly vanished into thin air, another 8 Billion gods suddenly appeared inside of the divine realm. All the humans of earth have joined the ranks of the other gods as well as their fight for dominion and strength. Armed with just their starting species that defines their future as well as way less knowledge than all the natives of the Divine Realm, they need to do their best to get stronger. Among those humans are Ezequiel and his sister Marie. Two orphans who experienced a shitty life on earth now have the chance for a completely new start. Will they finally reach the top and turn their life around? Ezequiel will do everything to never be at the bottom again. Even if it means fighting every single god in existence. * * * * * Update frequency will be once every 2 days. Do check out my new book God of (Mis)Fortune: Void Magus.

Onion_lover · Kỳ huyễn
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66 Chs

Invading the Dunng World

In the ruins of the Giovanna clan's estate, several bright red beetles were walking around eagerly, inspecting the property and any valuables left behind. They were practically running around, desperate to be the one who may find a rare treasure. After all everything here had once belonged to the fifth most powerful faction on the entire planet.

4 people had a special role to play, they put wooden stakes into the ground at certain intervals, dividing the territory into 4 differently sized pieces, with perfectly straight borders. 

'I really don't know what the higher-ups were thinking. Giving up 50% of our territory voluntarily, what could have led them to such an idiotic decision?' One of the beetles was complaining inwardly. He was a member of the World Ending Explosion sect and cursed the loss they had suffered. Of course he wouldn't dare to criticize the sect leader out loud.