
Goblin Slayer: Sunset Overlord

Finding herself in the world of Goblin Slayer, Sunset finds herself in a ruin tower where a fallen Overlord once ruled with an iron fist. And finds the minion amulet that allows her to summon female minions to do her bidding. Harem story. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls X Goblin Slayer X Overlord (Videogame) crossover.

madhat886 · Tranh châm biếm
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With the death of the demon lord and the slaughter of the demon army, there is now only the Overlord's army that now stands. The lands that use to be ruled by the demon lord is now the Overlord's which is being stripped bare of the remaining demon lord's forces. The strongholds and nests that the monsters and races under the command of the demon lord are being found and the ones inside slaughtered.

Sunset in her throne room watches the work being done in her newly conquered lands. She needs to setup infrastructure and leave a battalion behind to keep what she has taken. The war is over and now the hard part of keeping what she has won has began. But it's only temporary till she has striped the loot and taken care of the remaining demon lord forces, then she withdraw her forces and have them back in her lands and the lands can go back to the kingdoms that had owned them before the demon lord army invaded their land.

With the riches and resources from the war she'll be able to improved her lands around the tower. Municipal buildings like the ones back home are being built in the plan villages and towns where there be indoor plumbing and power. The selling point is that the people who move into the plan villages and towns will have full protection, where they don't have to worry about a horde appearing on the horizon. They have healers, to look after them and supplies, in exchange in working farms, factories, and other jobs. They pay in resources and money for the security she will provide them, with her iron fist to keep them secure from the dangers outside the land she rules.

The treasure room is overflowing with the spoils of war. Sunset picks up a large goblet covered in what appears to be a thin veneer of gold leaf. One of the many loot that was taken from the demon lord and his minions. There are chests full of rings, earrings, necklaces, and other trinkets. Stacks of gold and silver plates and chests full of silverware made out of gold and silver. Being traded or melted down and turn into coins, for supplies that she needs to build her kingdom.

The war with the demon lord has exhausted her elite units, both in the veteran minions and the equipment they used. She needs time to rebuild her forces and supply them with weapons and equipment. Filling up her depleted ranks isn't the problem, unlike conventional armies. Thanks to the slaughter houses and hunts for dangerous animals and monsters, she has thousands upon thousands of life force. The life force teams whose jobs are to gather the life force from battle with monsters has also filled up her life force reserves, that was till she upgraded the amulet so that any life force is automatically collected by magical means whenever one of her minions kills something. She easily replaced all the dead minions within the day after the battle. (1)

The real problem is replacing the lost weapons and equipment, for what's use to having a large army if you can't armed them with proper weapons and equipment. Which is why she spent so much time in building up her industrial capacity to allow her to make mass production. She understand logistics, unlike in other kingdoms due to prioritization or politics lack the materials needed to keep many places supplied. Which is why the demon lord was able to expand as much as he was able to do, thanks to undersupplied soldiers. (2)

Sunset knows that she can just send waves after waves of her minions with nothing but their fists and whatever they can pick up to overwhelm any force with sheer numbers, but she isn't foolish enough to do that. Even with all the life force her minions have collected, she knows if she does that kind of warfare she will run low sooner or later.

The number of villages and towns that were under the her rule has expanded after word reach them about her defeating the demon lord. They saw her as a better protector from the dangers of living in isolated hamlets far from the big settlements of their kingdoms on the frontier. The settlements that are under her rule are protected by a garrison of no less than 30 minions in their own small fort built near the settlement.

With the new land under her control, she only needs to keep it. She isn't some warlord looking to expand, that's for the future and not just when she has already won a major victory. She also has to take care of any remaining monsters that served the demon lord, as well as the goblins. She wants her lands to be safe, where people living in it don't have to worry about a gang of bandits or monsters appearing over the horizon.

"Have any of the kingdoms sent anyone?" Sunset ask Bureaucrat Callie.

"No they have not, from the spies the other kingdoms are all in a panic after seeing the defeat of the demon lord," Callie said.

"I would think that with the defeat of the demon lord and so many settlements deciding to join my kingdom, they would send people to talk with me," Sunset said.

"There are many rumors running around about the new Overlord, like how he commands so many women using his insatiable lust," Callie said.

"They still think I'm a man? I could use that, but for insatiable lust? I do need a break from all the group sex," Sunset said who is sitting on her throne completely naked. Still resting from her last orgy with her minions, her body sweaty and wet.

With there being nothing but women and how lustful they are with her, Sunset just found it easier to be naked. And being a ruler is stressful and she needs something to help her relax and sex is a great way to do it. Plus the tower after being rebuilt and having indoor plumbing and other things that Sunset was use to having back in her old world, she really didn't need to leave her tower.

"It does save time to just have groups," Callie said who is also naked. Around the throne room are a number of minions who are also all naked as well. All of them waiting for the chance to have sex with their mistress again, which they take turns on an ever rotating schedule.

"Having a stand in Overlord so that people think the figurehead is the real Overlord and I'm just a minion," Sunset said thinking about it.

"Create a golem?" Callie suggested.

"Yes, a golem which will be the figurehead so that I can freely move around without people knowing I'm the new overlord," Sunset said.

"The rumors are all wild and as you ordered, we only preferred to you by your title. So they have no idea if you're a man or a woman," Callie said.

"Good," Sunset said thinking of what kind of golem she should make.


Elvish Kingdom -

When the old demon lord invaded the Illirian forest, after invading the rhea, human and dwarf lands, the demon army slaughtered most of the elves by burning the forest. Erasmus the elf lord lead the survivors along with their queen Fay out of the forest to escape the onslaught. Joining the other survivors of the other lands conquered by the demon lord. Most of the surviving members of the Illirian elves had settled in the Elvish Kingdom.

Out of the survivors, Oberon Greenhaze of the elves, Melvin Underbelly of the Rhea, and Goldo Golderson of the dwarves, join the human hero party lead by The Wizard, Jewel the Thief, Sir William, and Kahn the giant warrior. Together they defeated the demon lord of that age, and Oberon is the only surviving hero from that age.

"I was young when the Black Baron was still alive, enslaving all the lands around his castle and using his hordes of minions to keep it. Besides the enslavement part, he kept the lands he ruled peaceful and there was always enough food to eat. The lands after he died quickly fell into anarchy without a strong ruler. If he was alive when the Demon Lord came, I would still be living in the Evernight Forest," Oberon said to Forest Princess in the royal court.

"If the last Overlord is anything like this new one, he would had," Elf Ranger said who had watched the battle between the Overlord's forces and the Demon Lord's horde.

"We know so little of the new Overlord, no one knows what he looks like, or if he's even a man. The battle was too wide and vast to see if the Overlord was even there," Shining Helm said.

"We need more information before we do anything," Forest Princess said.

"I'll go and meet with the new Overlord," former queen Fay said who is an advisor to Forest Princess. "It be nice to see my old home."

"I'll go with her as well, it's been centuries since I was last there," Oberon said.


Author's Notes -

1 - Unlike in the Overlord Games, life force can be collected by anything killed, not just a few enemies. Like how the rats if killed won't give any life force but beetles do. So in the story any animal from rats, to fish gives life force.

2 - If the day-long battle and hundreds of men that fought it stupefy you, figuring out the much greater amounts of time and individuals it took to get those men there will really send your jaw to the floor.

Any modern armed force in Real Life must receive a steady supply of fuel, ammunition and other provisions in order to be able to operate. There are countless examples of armies being fatally weakened or even dissolving completely due to insufficient supplies. In some types of combat, such as air-to-air, ammo and fuel supplies can even set an absolute hard limit on how long an engagement can go on; combat airplanes, for instance, may well expend all their munitions in a single pass. Therefore securing supply lines is a vital part of any military operation. In games with a military theme, save the most serious wargames and grand strategy games, this aspect is usually dealt with in the background without the player having to worry unduly about it. Sometimes, however, this aspect is portrayed in an egregiously unrealistic fashion, with the forces depicted being mostly or entirely liberated from logistical constraints.
