
Goblin Slayer: Sunset Overlord

Finding herself in the world of Goblin Slayer, Sunset finds herself in a ruin tower where a fallen Overlord once ruled with an iron fist. And finds the minion amulet that allows her to summon female minions to do her bidding. Harem story. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls X Goblin Slayer X Overlord (Videogame) crossover.

madhat886 · Tranh châm biếm
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The lands around the towers has changed since Sunset first discovered the amulet that allowed her to summon minions by magic or from harvesting life force from living beings. Which animals that are hunted for food and resources or farm animals butchered, also provides life force. And months of work has given her an army of thousands of completely loyal minions who serve and obey her.

With a demon lord commanding an army of demons and monsters, making war with the other races and creating chaos across the land. Sunset decided to raise her own army and crush the demon lord and create her own kingdom, which she will use to build up her strength and numbers till the portal opens once again to her world.

Lumber mills turn forests into building materials or fuel for the fires for the furnaces, turning raw materials into useful steel. Factories manufacturing weapons and tools for war. Excavating into the earth, building scaffolding that descend into pits with cranes and pulleys to bring up stone, clay, mud, and ore. Sand from river beds and beaches are turned into cement for new buildings and glass. With the desert sand being useless for making cement and glass, they have to dug up sand from beaches and rivers. (1)

From the portals connected to the forts, came trade goods that were either collected, brought, or traded. Farms and ranches produce food, resources, and life force from the farm animals, to feed and clothe the ever growing army. Some of the food is from towns and villages, where grains are grind into flour by mills, for the farmers in exchange for some of the harvest.

Sunset looks at the reports on the build up of her army, she's also not playing by the rules that everyone else plays by in this world. She's making sure that her army has all the weapons, armor, equipment, supplies, and the logistics to keep them supply. With her minions able to create portals she's able to quickly transport her army to any of her forts. Giving her speed that no other army can match, when an army marches it's hard for them to hide and gives the enemy time to prepare. She doesn't have that problem and the enemy force will have very little time to prepare.

She's also had her worker minions build advance weapons, namely cannons, mortars, and steam powered machines. The cannons are smoothbore like the ones used by other non magic races. The mortars are based on the firework launchers, to lob the explosive shells over walls and object that enemy units use to hide behind. Using steam powered trains as a base, the workers have created stream powered transportation carriages built to bear the weight of the larger and heavier cannons and mortars.

They have tested the power of cannons and captured and dead dragons. Larger and older the dragon, the more cannon fire it takes to kill one, but seeing how the cannons can break dragon scales with enough hits all it takes is hitting the head to bring them down. Once she reveals her army and weapons to this world, warfare will forever change.

Sunset looks at the list of the minion types she currently have unlocked. She has separated them into two types. The Warfare Minions whose skills are mostly for warfare. Support Minions who provide the support and logistics.


List of Minions -

Warfare Minions (Minions used in open warfare against other armies, castles, cities and the likes, they are the armies of the overlord.)

Fighters: The backbone of the Overlord's army. The most common type of the minions, they are all-round fighters and can take much damage before dying. They can use any weapon and wear almost any armor but they can't wield their weapons with any great amount of skill. They work best in groups overwhelming enemies with sheer weight of numbers. They either wear the garments that they summon with or any clothing or armor that they find or are given. They stand at 5'5" feet tall and have a busty built of a D Cup.

Rangers: These are the archers of the warfare minions, uses only ranged weapons and cloth, leather and light metal armor, they focus on long range, and have the same appearance as the Runners, except they are more curved built and are about 5'8" tall have D cups. They focus on the use of bows, crossbows and slings. Which they can make on their own.

Amazons: The powerhouses of the Overlord's army. They're slow but very powerful fighters. They're the only ones who can wear and wield heavy class weapons and armor. They're the strongest of the minions and can take a lot of damage before dying. Very strong they can make short work out of enemies with just a few of them. Like fighters they wear the basic garments or any clothing or armor that they find or given. They stand at over 9 feet have purple hair, having broad-shoulders, masculine figures, and sporting a M cup.

Runners: Not that strong but are very fast. These minions as their names suggest are the fastest of the minions types, used for either fast attacks or delivering messages. They're the slenderest and less developed of the minions to allow them greater speed in running. Also when it comes to transporting objects by hand they're the fastest at carrying the objects back to the castle. Unlike Fighters or Amazons the Runners wear light armor or the basic garment, anything as long as it doesn't interfere with their speed. They're lean and slender in built, have blue hair standing at 5'7" with a C cup.

Martial Artists: The unarmed fighting experts of the Overlord's forces, lean and wiry they fight using acrobatics to confuse their foes. They're armed with steel toe boots, gloves and gauntlets withe studded knuckles, claws, or studded batons, staves, or other melee weapons. Wears leather armor and light weight metal armor, to keep them quick and light on their feet. They stand at 5'7", slender in frame but wiry, have black hair, and have D Cups.

Sailors: The sea farer and traders on the wide waters. They are strong, fast and share a telepathic bond with their Captain to make the work easier. They are around 6'3" tall with blond hair that reaches their elbows, curvy, but slightly muscular, bodies, have G cups and prefers to wear sailor clothing and to wield pistols, sabers, daggers, longbows, crossbows and rifles. They know how to use cannons, other siege weapons and got three ranks.

1: Swabber. A simple sailor with little knowledge about the sea. Are recognized by their sailor hats.

2: Climber. An experienced sailor with good knowledge about the sea. Are recognized by their sailor coats and braided hair

3: Captain. A very experienced sailor with vast knowledge about the sea and its ways. Can communicate with the lower level sailors with telepathy and has the ability to understand birds. Are recognized by their captain hat, ponytails and captain coat.

Pirates: Pirates are the war version of sailors. They are pretty much the same but they are the sea warriors of the overlord's army. They are around the same height as the sailors but with slightly larger busts with H cups and slightly leaner bodies, they got long red hair which reaches their hips. They prefer the same weapons and knows how to use siege weapons and bombs. They are ranked the same as the sailors.

1: Pirate Swabber. A simple pirate with little knowledge about the sea and sea warfare but is good enough to survive. Are recognized by their bandanna.

2: Pirate Climber. An experience pirate with good knowledge about the sea and sea warfare. Are recognized by their open vest and their hair is kept in a ponytail.

3: Pirate Captain. A very experienced pirate with great knowledge about the sea and sea warfare. Can communicate with her crew with telepathy and can use water magic. Are recognized by their pirate captain hat, sailor coat and braided hair, no eye patches for the captains unless they really lost an eye.

Royal Knights: These royal guard minions uses animals and beasts as mounts in combat, they are very strong and their abilities are related to their mount, horses aren't very special but boosts speed, while worgs (giant wolves) raises both speed and power, just examples. Some mythological mounts grants them magical abilities in battle and they are also able to ride on flying mounts and are thus able to act as scouts and bombardment troops. They prefer to wear metal armor, wield long weapons like lances, spears, halberds and so on, and they also wield shields and wear helmets to raise their protection. They are 6'4 feet tall, athletic built, but more slender as they do not really move around much on their mounts, got some nice E cups on their chest and dark skin that goes well with their red hair. They are ranked in four categories by the accessions of their helmets.

1: Squire. A total beginner who only knows enough to ride on a mount and to swing without falling off. They only got plain helmets.

2: Rider: More experienced rider who knows all the basics and some more. They are recognized by the blue wings, feathers, claws, and so on, on their helmets.

3: Knight: Very experienced riders who can do a lot of things on her mount and is able to stand up and fight on her saddle while riding. They are recognized by the silver colored creatures on top of their helmets, the creature on the helmet is the one they are riding on, if their mount is replaced then the helmet changes the accession to the new mount.

4: Elite: These riders are the best of the best and are practically one with their mount as they can speak to the mount and their fellow riders through telepathy. They are recognized by their golden armor and animal head shaped helmets, the helmets are in the shape of the head of their mount.

Beast Tamers: The animal tamers and breeders of the minions. They tame war beasts that they unleash onto the battlefield, or use as mounts. To tame a beast they either knock it unconscious and takes it to the castle, or if it's to big then they tie it down with either chains or ropes and tames it, some of the more experienced Tamers can use mind magic to easier tame beasts and animals. They aren't very fast and they cannot equip all that much weapons but they are rather strong and very agile. They also work at farms breeding farm animals and horses. They also hunt game animals for food and resources. Stand at 5'6" strong and thick with D cups.

Rogue: Are the thieves, spies, and assassins of the Overlord forces. They are masters at stealth and gathering information, experts at picking locks. Are able to climb up most surfaces. They carry knifes and other stealth weapons that kills quickly and easy to carry. Stand at 5'3" slender, nimbler and have C cups.

Naiads: While the other minions can swim only the Naiads are able to breathe underwater. They have web hands and feet which are larger than the other minions to allow them to swim faster. They have twice the strength of the other minions and are even stronger underwater, and can withstand cold better than the other minions They wear swimsuits as they like to be able to drive into water at anytime. They are slender standing at 5'6" and have D cups.

Beastwomen: These minions are partly animals, giving them animal parts and fur, not every Beastwoman looks the same or is of the same kind of animal, they can be everything from dogs and cats to sharks, dragons, hawks, and the likes. Beastwomen are different, they can be strong, fast, tough, have keen senses and yet what they all can do is speak with animals. But as they are partly animals can they get distracted easily by something their race find curious or interesting or fun. Beastwomen come in different sizes according to what kind of animal they're half of. Those who are half bears are large in size and strong, while those who are half squirrel are small in size and fast. If the animal they're half of has fur they have fur, if it has scales they have scales. Their bodies are a mix of softness and muscles from a C cup to a Q cup for the big and tall girls.

Valkyries: These winged beauties are the main winged forces of the Overlord, they are strong built like the amazons but stand at 7 feet tall and have a large bust of an I cup, a more outlining six pack and tight bottoms, long powerful but slim and sexy legs. Their golden bronze tanned skin is covered by golden and white tattoos, their large white wings, around twenty feet in width in total, makes them appear like angels. They are both capable melee warriors and ranged warriors, but knows no magic. They are strong, fast, has magical resistance and hold great dexterity, but a hit on their wings is lethal if they are flying at a high place, their wings are their biggest advantage and weakness. They use all manners of armor and weapons, but prefer to use light metal armor, spears, longbows, halberds and other long, or medium, ranged weapons.


Support Minions (Minions who focuses on building things like buildings, tools, weapons, armors and the likes, gathering resources, pawing roads, raise cattle, produce food, cook, grow crops, tame mounts, tame beasts, record information, write, teach, study and other things usable to make a better foundation for the kingdom and a greater support for the other minions and the subjects of the overlord.)

Mages: They are weak but powerful in using magic. Their bodies are the same built as the Fighters but their bodies are covered with magic runes and have D cups. They're the only ones who can do magical damage to magical foes, and uses the same magic that the Overlord can use but only low level spells. They're also the healers of the minions and can bring back a minion back to life. They like wearing either robes or cloaks with hoods.

Workers: These are the basic support units of the overlord, they work with everything from farming to building, they know all trades but are masters of none, a basic unit who are used as servants, workers and farmers. Always dressed in working clothes, they are non-fighters, but are strong enough to keep themselves defended with tools and peasant weapons if needed. They are 5'5" tall, slim built, D cup, have orange hair and can not only act as workers, farmers and servants but can also read, write and teach, like a elementary school teacher but nothing higher. They're also able to make basic weapons, armor, and other equipment. There are different classes who are more skilled in one job field than others and have the right tools for that job.

Basic Worker - Jack of all trades but lack the tools of other classes. Can build simple contraptions; struggles with complex contraptions.

Lumberjack - Has the basic tools for cutting wood and wood work.

Farmer - has the basic farming tools.

Builder - has basic construction tools.

Miner - has basic mining tools.

Blacksmith - has basic metal tools.

Cook - has basic cooking tools.

Cleaner - has the basic cleaning tools.

Fisher - has the basic fishing tools.

Butcher - has the basic butchering and leathering tools.

Artisan: They're upgraded Workers who craft more finely resources for other minions to use. They take the basic resources refine them and are more skilled workers. Stand at 5'6" slim build, E Cups have blue hair. There are different classes who are more skilled in one job field than others and have the right tools for that job.

Skilled Worker - Jack of all trades but lack the tools of other classes. Can build complex contraptions.

Skilled Wood Carver - Has the advance tools for cutting wood and wood work.

Skilled Farmer - has the advance farming tools.

Skilled Builder - has advance construction tools.

Skilled Miner - has advance mining tools.

Skilled Blacksmith - has advance metal tools.

Skilled Cook - has advance cooking tools.

Skilled Cleaner - has the advance cleaning tools.

Skilled Fisher - has the advance fishing tools.

Skilled Butcher - has the advance butchering and leathering tools.

Engineers: These minions are the forgers and craftsmen (er craftswomen) of the overlord and they aren't useful in battle. But they are capable of forging weapons, making any kind of medieval machinery, such as siege weapons, cranes, cannons, rifles, black powder, windmills and so on, they are also capable of making explosives, buildings, clothes, jewelry and anything else related to forging, tailoring, leathering, mechanics and so on. They work with the Workers and Artisans to complete jobs faster. In the battlefield they can break apart structures and enemies' siege weapons and transports, they can also use resources to make siege weapons, transports and structures as long as they got enough to work with. They mostly wear clothing's, like trench coats, robes, dresses, overalls and aprons. They wield any kind of tools used in craft related subjects like forging, mining, woodwork, leather work and so on. They stand at 5'10", have red hair and muscular and are as busty at E cups. They aren't much in combat but they are very strong and can knock out an opponent with one blow to run away to not risk getting caught in the crossfire. There are four ranks of mechanics.

1: Apprentice. A beginner who needs guidance on building or to learn by herself. They are recognized by the blue pencil they let rest on their left ear.

2: Crafter. Capable of making most basic items but the more complex things takes longer. They are recognized by the yellow screwdriver shaped earring in their left ear.

3: Master. Capable of making almost anything as long as their resources and the required amount of mechanics to make it. they are recognized by the protection glasses they usually keep strapped on their forehead.

4: Elite: Can make anything she wants and as long as she's around can she guide the other mechanics, reduce the amount of resources needed and even level up each mechanic around her one level if they manages to finish one work within one hour. They are recognized by the special leather helmets with protection glasses they wear.

Alchemist: A more powerful version of the Mages. Like the Mage's their bodies are covered with magic runes but they have much more busty bodies then all of the other minions. They're all older then the other minions taking the age of a fully matured woman. They're tall at 6'6" with hourglass figures with G cups, they all wear their hair long down their backs. They are able to combine items together for greater effect or create new ones out of materials, making clothing, armor, or weapons with better protection or have special effects. The spells that they cast have a much more powerful effect. They wear robes or a long coat as long as it shows off their ample assets, and they like to wear glasses. While not much in a fight they are able to quickly form a weapon with very little.

Mistresses: The interrogation troops. They aren't very active in battle, they are mostly used in the torture chamber to gather information but they are also usable to tame monsters and animals for their overlord. They can be used in battle since they are experts with their whips, daggers, weaponized man catchers, and brand markers. They prefer to wear leather and dominatrix clothes, they are as slim stand at 6 feet even and have F cups.

Druid: These minions are healers and nature magic users, they know all the healing, and damaging, properties of the earth, can speak to animals, magical spirits and spirits and can cause curses. They can speak to nature and call upon its aid, casting bolts of lightning, cause rain to fall, make winds blow hurricanes, make frost become spears, make fire come down from the skies or up from the earth, cause rocks and spikes of rock to erupt from the ground, making trees come alive and much more. They stand at 6'9" tall, curvy, huge firm J cups, pure blue eyes, dark skin, nearly black, not built for taking damage, green long hair tied in a braid and deer antlers growing out of their foreheads. The antlers are very sensitive and the druids are natural breeders, and healers thus give sweet milk from their breasts that is good for humans, its magical properties heals all wrongs in the body the more it is consumed.

Book Keeper: The minions who keeps tabs on the Overlord's economies, written histories, battles, strategies, everyday lives, maps, magic, teaching, they write down everything, they wield no weapons but a magical tome that replicates itself into several copies in the Overlord's library to be delivered to the other libraries in the Overlord's realm. They stand at 6 feet tall, curvy, smooth pink skin, dark red hair tied in a knot, large firm F cups, likes to wear uniforms, business clothes, short skirts, blouses and other paperwork or office related clothes.

Bureaucrat: These minions aren't of the battle kinds. They are diplomats and translators who have all the political knowledge needed to be able to handle problems that are better suited to talks and deals. They also handle the management of the Overlord's workforce, organizing them to be more efficient. And are the traders and merchants who buy and sell goods. They stand at 6 feet tall, slender and have F cups. They have 3 different classes.

1: Managers - the ones who deal with the logistics and running the workforce.

2: Politicians - are well versed in most languages and cultures but still needs to check on her manners.

3: Trader - are well versed in trading and selling, always seeking a good deal.

Priestesses: are the minions who commands the powers of holy magic, seals, rituals, barriers, and the healers, but not very effective against living beings if not magical in origin. The priestess are 5'10" tall, E Cup, slim built, like a swimmer, but with firm abs, their golden hair tied in braids.

Bards: The entertainers of the Overlord's army, to keep moral high. Skilled in the arts of entertainment from acting, street performance, storytelling, musics, and sex. Besides keeping morals high, they also travel around putting on shows in settlements and gather information as they do so. Stand at 5'9" have F cups and are slender in built, have green hair. (2)


Sunset looks up as a Bureaucrat came walking in, who she has named Callie who she has made into her personal aide and head of the minions. Just like Raven Inkwell is for Celestia back home, with her being able to speak for Celestia when she's not around. Wearing a dark pink business suit so that she sticks out, which all the other minions also do something to make them look different from each other. She keeps her inform of what's going on around her growing domain, with the lower ranking Bureaucrats feeding her data of all the projects that are in the works.

"Mistress we have enough arms and equipment to field an army of 10,000," Callie said.

"And how many can join them who aren't as equipped as they are?" Sunset ask.

"With the ones who aren't as equipped, and keeping some to guard your holdings. We can field over 50,000 with the 10,000, giving you an army of over 60,000. And with no camp followers we can move much faster," Callie informed her. (3)

"Good, have them march to meet with the Demon Lord's army when they're prepared," Sunset said.

"At once," Callie said leaving to give out her mistress's orders.


Author's Notes -

1 - Desert sand is largely useless to us. The overwhelming bulk of the sand we harvest goes to make concrete, and for that purpose, desert sand grains are the wrong shape. Eroded by wind rather than water, they are too smooth and rounded to lock together to form stable concrete.

2 - If anyone has ideas for Minions, I'm all ears.

3 - Camp followers are civilians who follow armies. There are two common types of camp followers; first, the wives and children of soldiers, who follow their spouse or parent's army from place to place; the second type of camp followers have historically been informal army service providers, servicing the needs of encamped soldiers, in particular selling goods or services that the military does not supply these have included cooking, laundering, liquor, nursing, sexual services and sutlery.
