
[Sane, mad, fool]

As on the surface of a lake, the stars streaked across the cosmic beauty, with great ease; capable of outshining those lacking preparation.

Occasionally, stars fell from their haughty perch, granting the spectators a humiliating spectacle.

Below them, a spirit and two men present; a sane, a madman and a fool.

In the middle of the three, a large bonfire; Above it, a large pot burned; its interior being unknown.

There was no animal surrounding the area, despite the silence of the night. The gentle wind was rushing, drawing the trees into a joint dance.

But the provocative serenity was deflowered at the hands of an old man wearing a big hat; who with strange, crazy and exaggerated expressions, danced around the same pot.

"Uhh uhh, ohh ohh, oaah oaah." They were the sounds that the old man made senselessly, complementing his dance.

Occasionally he called out to monosybalos, expectant silence being the only response.

Actions that Federick and Amagatzu observed, attentively and without losing details; They did not share words, as they were focused on the events of Infinitum.

With rapid movements, masks suddenly appeared on Infinitum's face, which disappeared the next moment.

With trained and memorized movements, from time to time he poured herbs, salts and minerals of unknown origin onto the contents of the pot, to which he fervently attended.

A strange mood suddenly rose from the pot, towards the open sky; beyond, over space, exceeding the atmosphere.

A moment later, the old man, with exorbitant actions, finished his act. Exposing himself as a self-centered celebrity, he was laughed at for his deity-like dominance.

"Have you seen? I don't even need mudras or mantras." Infinitum boasted with his words, covering his face with his hair.

At this, Federick only gave a little applause; It had seemed to him a splendid spectacle, worthy of his positive observation.

Although I still didn't know what it was for...

"Listen well, young poop! Your stupid father, in his foolish ignorance, has not told you about the incredible qualities that I, your father, the great deity, possessed." Infinitum said between saliva proudly.


"For before the taoist songs, with the partiality of a 'divine' edict, it is I, the 'divine' favorite!" The old man repeated between exaggerated expressions, pointing to the sky, to his person and grabbing his eggs.

"I guess... that's clear to me now." They were the only words that Federick used in response to the exorbitant act.

"Ah, my young poop friend, you don't understand anything. Today, in the serenity of this night, under these stars: I have the great pleasure of sharing with you the secrets of the universe." Infinitum said, exaggerating with body language.

Federick only expressed curiosity with his eyes, at Infinitum's words.

"Through my immeasurable power, within this pot, are revealed by the position of the stars, according to their perpetual movement without beginning or end."

No one could assure the power of Infinitum, but Federick did not doubt that its name was great.

"But do not flaunt your cowardice, just as your father did with the wife of... I say, because I will not bore you with the tedious details of the absolute truth hidden in the conspiracy of creation." The old man expressed himself at length, while he superficially chewed the skin of his finger.

"Creation conspiracy?" Federick asked, highlighting that point of the old man's speech.

"No, no, dear boy, I will not drill your little head with strange and profound concepts, but I will summarize, the... well, you get the idea." Infinitum said confused between his words.

"Let's get to the girl's stockings... I say, let's start with the basics: How many times will you shit yourself... Your sign of creation, the most important and influential of all the celestial bodies."

"Sign of creation?" Federick asked again.

"Shhh...I'm reading." Infinitum responded impassively.

"He just liked it." Amagatzu silently muttered to the side.

"It's... it's... it's... it's..."

"Yeah?". Federick asked, trying to speed things up.

"A fiery mother... Your mother! Ah yes, the king of the jungle, the lord of the mansion, the boss. You are bold, brave, self-confident and a born leader. You have a flair for the dramatic , a taste for the finer things in life and a propensity for generosity that borders on recklessness. In short, you are destined for greatness, my young poop."

"Oh really?". Federick muttered, turning to his father.

Who just raised his shoulders.

"But alas, the cosmos also reveals some... shall we say, quirks? Oh yes, let's call them 'unique personality traits' that distinguish you from the common rabble. You see, my dear hot mother, you have a tendency to be a a little... stubborn." The old man continued, convinced of his words.

"Yes, yes, I know, it's a shocking revelation; a young man as ugly as you, and stubborn too. But don't be afraid, because this can also be overcome. With time, patience and a good dose of sarcasm." Infinitum shouted.

Federick had already lost his initial curiosity...

"And now, let's move on to your love life, my dear poops. Ah yes, the romantic entanglements that await you are as numerous as the stars in the night sky."

Although the old man expressed himself eloquently, he did not convince the only two spectators...

"You are a passionate and ardent lover, with a heart as big as the sun itself. You will fall in love often, and hard, but unfortunately, your fierce independence and stubbornness can lead you to some... shall we say, "interesting" relationships. But fear not, my young friend, for love is a game, and you, my dear, are a born player."

At his words, Infinitum only received a dismayed look; coming from Amagatzu, who suffered before his friend's speech.

"In conclusion, the result of your reading is a story of greatness, passion, adventure and, of course, stubbornness. But fear not, because these are the ingredients of a true leader, a visionary, a pioneer." I continue Infinitum, envious of the young man's fate.

"And never forget, you are destined to be a failure... Destined for great things, boy, and I have no doubt that you will achieve them all, with a smile, a swagger and a good dose of sarcasm. Now, onward "My young man poops, and conquers the world!" Infinitum finished his speech while looking at Federick with shining eyes.

"Being a failure destined for greatness... I guess it's unique." Federick opined helplessly before the fool.