

Above the cosmos... Nothing hangs. How do you know? I'm not all-powerful, but I have common sense, you know? It is as if you were proposing life after death, a banality for the hopeless; but there is reincarnation... What? Confusing, meaningless and lacking logic... Above the cosmos? Could there be another more brilliant jewel that adorns the crown? It makes no sense, just like rebirth... Who would like to remember past memories? Traumas, attachments, beings; unless you are a slave. But who is not a slave? There are no exceptions... Could it be that above the cosmos I will find an answer? 'Son of a bitch', that's the best abstract promotion framework I've ever seen...

Finger_of_Shiva · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

[Elemental talent]

Finally, an old man entered. Touching his stomach, he coughed twice to generate silence.

The expected effect happened. At this, he smiled and taking a breath, began to present a programmed speech.

"Today, a blessed day, it is my pleasure to observe you again, in a new triennial meeting. Some participants who had previously dispensed with their test, are Parents today, it fills me with pride." Smiling, he gave the ribbon once again to his entrance speech. He had carried out the same work, for the past decades.

"As you all know, the test consists of two acts. Using the two blessed objects of our honored ancestors, 'The Cornerstone of Destiny' and 'The Bell of the War Temple'. This will dictate the possible performance of our little giants, in the different areas encompassing military and intelligence going forward."

"Martial prowess and talent, strategic and operational skills, defensive capabilities, logistics, and military technology. Without expanding on other specific roles." He pronounced it while extending his arm vertically, at shoulder height, showing his closed palm.

"And on the other hand, logical reasoning, problem-solving, deduction, planning, analysis, spatial ability, mind-body connection, and innovation." Tapping his heart area three times, he half-turned from his original position

"Now, let's proceed to the real location." While adopting a scholar's stance, he undertook a walk to even lower steps.

This had gone on for a few minutes, passing through common areas. No defined structure or decorated in glamour, no glory or honor. There was only one particular detail that could go unnoticed, and that was that, with each fading minute, the lights appeared less and less frequently.

Finally, replacing the artificial lights, vines began to appear to provide "natural" light, which spread along the walls. Eventually, they were gathered at one point in an interconnected, open room.

In this, in addition to the vines and the lights they produced, there were two objects, each separated in a different corner. On the right side, a fountain that contained liquid and a strange drop sprayed it for intercalated periods.

And on the other side, on the left, a bell rested in silence. It held handcrafted engravings, producing a sense of austerity and repelling others from contact with it.

"Finally, finally once again. The smell is peculiar... Blessed is our family, our descendants, and the Giant God!". The old man had taken up the floor again, with a big smile, employing the role of the main speaker.

"As in the previous practices, the order of passing to the front will be in alphabetical order." The practices had been decided to begin immediately, without any previous ceremony.

The tests consisted of plunging the child's head into the shallow fountain. This action produced waves on the liquid, which determined the result. 'Cornerstone of destiny'

The bell consisted of a basic action. By simply holding the infant's hand on the surface of the bell, it produced vibrations from the number of times it was rung. 'The bell of the Temple of War'

In this way, one by one they passed. The pattern that was mostly repeated, was a common or uncommon demonstration

"Adreu, one year: a total of three waves in the fountain and has rung the bell four times. Uncommon demonstration and military performance."

The boy slowly returned to his original position, next to his Father, who greeted him with a few pats on his head and encouraging words, "Well done, my son. From today, you will spend more quality time with me, as, you must learn to be strong like your Father! Buhahaha."

"Darius, nine months: a total of three waves at the fountain and has rung the bell twice. Common demonstration and performance in intelligence."

The infant's mother showed no disappointment at the results, but rather, had welcomed him into her arms with a warm smile, showering him with love

Eras, who was a three-year-old girl, strolled with great grace to her destiny when it was her turn. She confidently stood in front of the fountain, the first test, waiting for her elderly grandmother to lift her.

Finally, when the distance between her and the ground caused her vertigo: she was slightly plunged into the water. This caused a slight agitation in the fountain, which ended with five waves caused by the water.

At this result, she drew a radiant smile with her underdeveloped teeth, expressing her great happiness. Which she passed on to her elderly grandmother

"Congratulations, sweetheart; But there is still the martial test to go, I know you will do fantastic. Go." Although the old lady did not express abundant happiness, she felt proud of her granddaughter inside.

The granddaughter disciplined and heeded her grandmother's words. Going quickly, and without any precaution, she placed her hands on the bell, because of her already chaotic emotional system.

But against everyone's expectations, it produced a rumbling sound, causing vibrations that even made Eras' wet hair flutter.

Gathering the energy around it and resonating seven times, it gave off seven energetic loops that reflected the illusory image of a spear that gave off a sense of antiquity around it. With a slight golden aura and giving off a smell of iron...

This caused different reactions among the different individuals. Some were petrified and others were simply surprised. Others were happy or envious.

The surrounding children who maintained a faint awareness, could not keep their mouths shut, due to the fabulous display of bright colors


"Eras, three years old: A total of five waves in the fountain and has rung the bell seven times, producing a vision. Outstanding demonstration and military performance."