
Go To HELL! [Mairimashita! Iruma-kun!]

"Hell is... surprisingly nice!" —Iruma Suzuki, grandson of Lord Sullivan and a so-called "Meth-Cocaine Love Child" by Lavey. Indeed, many envision hell as a barren landscape full of treacherous lava pits and beasts the likes of which the human mind cannot imagine. This is... mostly untrue! While yes, demons are very much real! HOWEVER! Be afraid not, my fleshy, human friends for the demons in this depiction of hell are a far cry from the likes of Devilman Crybaby and Dante's Inferno! Oh no, these demons are way too... fun, to be that evil! Enter one of the noble demon families, the evil Hellsing Clan! Well, evil is just an honourary title so just roll with it, okay? Ahem, DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUN! An aristocratic family that has a history stained in the blood of other demons. A far cry from heroes but nothing short of extraordinary devils! It is here where our somewhat lonely protagonist lives, a family full of people with high expectations of him. No pressure, nope! None at all... Hang in there, Lavey-kun, and welcome to your new demon school!

Braggski · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

[Devilman No Uta - 1]

//Ameri and Elizabetta best girls! The florist teacher is kind of cute too, and so is Kerori I guess... But I still prefer the former two! STILL, THIS IS AMERI x OC BECAUSE AMERI IS BESTEST GIRL!

I just realised... Clara exists too... but friendship > love with that one in my opinion.

Are wa dare da~ Dare da~ Dare da~ Are wa debiru~ Debiruman~ Debiruman~//


The morning came quickly in the Netherworld, far too quickly for some of the demons residing within it. Yes, not even hell was safe from a few lazy bastards that enjoyed the warm and soft embrace of their bed a little too much.


The Netherworld?!

Yup, you heard that right. Not Earth, not the "Mortal Realm", nope, this is HELL! Or, well, as close as you can get to one. It was an entirely different world from what humans liked to imagine. Gone were the spikes of impaled corpses, long-running rivers of lava and liquid pain. Where the world was once plain and barren, there was a beautiful garden of greenery now. Truly, this "hell" was nothing like most humanity thinks. Not anymore, not since One Demon King Delkire reshaped the world to his image before mysteriously vanishing.

Of course, mortal dangers were still very much present in the form of goliath-eating plants—yes you read that correctly—, skeleton pits, and, of course, DEMONS! Some of these so-called demons looked very much human-like with very minor differences from actual humans. But, regardless of type and species, demons always possessed a few key parts of their anatomy. Those being their tail and wings. Every demon had wings and a tail in one shape or another.

This being a world brimming with magic and power of course implies some manner of social hierarchy, and such is the case here. There are 10 total ranks for demons to achieve, but that is something for another time. No, you see, it is still far too early to introduce everything, as one very sleepy demon would agree.

Inside a classical Japanese-styled mansion slept a young, relatively tall guy clad in... absolutely nothing! His decently muscular physique was only partially hidden by the thin fabric of his sheets as he happily dreamt of many things on his very comfy futon. Yup, a futon for a noble. Were you expecting a proper bed? Well, he could and did actually have a bed, but he wanted the full "anime experience" and just slept in a futon.

That's right, this sleepy demon is our protagonist! Lavey Hellsing is his name! But friends just call him Vey-kun for simplicity's sake, also doesn't help that his name is too cute for his own liking, but that is a topic for a different time. To the lower part of his waist, on his back, there was a thin black tail connected to his very spine. The tail itself was just a little longer than his lower half and would have to bend slightly in order not to scrape on the ground as Lavey walked. The end of it was shaped to form a sharp arrow, roughly the size of his hand and completely black in colour.

Lavey's hair was black and was relatively unkempt, although this was probably the byproduct of him having bed hair rather than just a bad hairdresser, it was also pretty damn long, reaching towards the middle of his back. His complexion was fair yet relatively pale, just right not to be called a Colgate pasty kid and not too tanned to be called a... I suddenly regret this.


The Hellsing family is not exactly known for its acts of heroism as they largely prefer to keep to themselves, however, there have been notable instances of them aiding the One Demon King Delkira in the past. Their Bloodline Magic is... terrifying, to say the least. More on that later. The Hellsing are a family of hoarders, but they largely stack only on the rarest artefacts and completely disregard most other items. Lavey specifically has taken a liking to the mysterious human artefacts, such as literature, fashion and even culture and very, very rarely, electronics.

Human items were EXTREMELY rare and as such were very pricy. Hell, pun intended, some demons thought that humans were some super delicacy and an urban legend. Morons. Most of the Hellsing Family's treasury is actually filled with human items with a few key exceptions, those being the hereditary items though. Only the heads of the family and a few key members had free access to those.

On the side of the soft cushion behind Lavey's head was... a phone. Not the magical kind you'd see other demons have but a literal electronic device from the human world. The back of the phone was covered in a protective case which featured an intricate magic circle design that was red in colour. Other than that, just a regular-ass phone.

Suddenly, the screen lit up to show the current time, which was 6:30 in the morning and a picture of a very... attractive woman. Clad in a black silk dress with no skirt and an ass the size of a dump truck with a black blindfold over her eyes and short white hair.

It was a picture of 2B showing her ass off. AHEM!

"All of these thoughts runnin' through my head~ Arm on fire, veins burnin' red~ Frustration is gettin' bigger~ Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger~"

Quickly, the sexy wallpaper was covered by the alarm screen and a very loud song began blasting right into Lavey's right ear, waking him up almost immediately. His red eyes partially opened to the world, a long yawn coming from his mouth. Razor-sharp fangs briefly flashed white in the light before the still sleepy demon smacked the screen of his precious phone, turning off the alarm.

"...Fuckin' mornin' already?" Lavey's accent was very country-like, definitely something he got from his mother considering she was the only country pumpkin around.

And also because it's funny.

Checking his phone to assure himself that the time was indeed correct and that he had no unread messages from his friends, which he did actually, now that he checked, Lavey ran a hand through his long messy hair before standing up in all his nude glory. One could see where his confidence stemmed from, but let's not delve into that just yet, alright?

One quick look around the room would reveal that much of the space was occupied by large shelves full of literature, the purest, most unadulterated form of human literature... HENTAI!

...Well not completely actually but it was there! Some of the books were actual novels and, get this, some proper manga from Japan! There were also a few thinner slips, such as comics, but those were mostly reserved at the bottom of the shelves and were stored in boxes to take up less space. Like any teenager his age, Lavey had a desk with a computer as well as a small coffee table upon which there was a TV placed with a gaming console. Pretty neat little room, if you ask me.

But enough of that, it was time... to get ready for school!

Yes, school. This is hell, after all. The existence of an educational institute such as the dreaded "school" should come as no surprise to anyone. As such, Lavey made sure to take a warm bath, and brush his super sharp teeth, ya know, the usual morning routine. Then, he put on his fresh new school uniform... the design was pretty shite though. He wasn't a big fan of wearing blue, and this whole thing was pretty much blue...

"Couldn't they make it red or black? Red feels and looks way better than this asswipe..."

Taking one last look at himself in front of a large mirror, Lavey hummed before he suddenly struck a few poses, obviously taken from some other form of human media. A truly... BIZZARE form of media, you could say. Five minutes later, he was done being cool in front of a mirror and fucked off from his room, coming into his home's large wooden hallway. It was empty, save for a few decorations.

Despite the home's size, pretty much the only people living here were the maids—they kept the place clean—the chefs—they made sure Lavey didn't starve—and of course Lavey himself. The mansion itself was actually much smaller than what you would expect from someone of noble blood. Why? 'Cause, it was Lavey's of course, and only his! His family home was way too fucking far for him to efficiently make it to school on time, so his family built him this home to reside in for the duration of his stay at said school.

"Welp, let's hope I make a good first impression..."

Walking through the main entrance of his classy but luxurious home, a pair of large bat-like wings sprung forth from Lavey's back, creating a small gust of wind that pushed some of the surrounding dust and leaves back.




"Babyls, here comes Dracula Junior!"


//I'd like to add that Lavey is not pronounced as "Lavy", but as "La-Vey". It sounds French but it's actually American.//