
Glory- Book One: Samson

The story of a mighty man who fell but had the strength to stand up once more.

TimeConsumer1 · Võ hiệp
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In the land of Zorah, a child could be seen tending to crops carefully.

Sweat danced across his forehead as he hummed syms of praise.

"All done for today finally!" Samson happily yelled.

The boy decided to head to the stream a mile away from his family's land to wash himself clean from the days work.

"Speed." The boy pleaded with the heavens.

His body flashed in a gold light, as he sped of into the wilderness.

From the time the boy was able to speak, he had strange knowledge instilled into his spirit.

He knew instinctively that he could call upon the heavens to aid him.

He could use this strange power but it also came with some restrictions; only after spending time with his Lord in prayer and worship in private and filling up his "faith essence" could he call upon the heavens.

Although the boy didn't know what he was using was faith essence.


Childlike chuckles resounded through the forest as the boy ran, his speed surpassing what a fully grown athlete could ever dream of accomplishing.



The boy had tripped over a a root of tree in his path and tumbled forward a few metres racking up a number of scrapes and bruises.

Getting up slowly, Samson analysed himself throughly.

"That really hurt, I guess I have to use the rest of my energy today to heal myself. Hea-"

As the boy was about to ask for healing, his danger sense flared.

He snapped his head to right, his face contorted in fear at what he saw.

"A lion? In the outskirts of the forest!"

Without a moments notice the boy's fight or flight instincts forced him to flee.

His blessing of speed still active, he sprinted back the way he came not bothering to turn back.

The lion's anger rose as he saw his prey fleeing at frightening speeds.

It's pride would not allow Samson to escape and so it gave chase.

Samson's speed and head start allowed him a gap that couldn't be closed easily.

'I can escape! I knew I wouldn't die here!' Samson mused to himself happily.

Unfortunately, being gifted with knowledge above his age, a frightening thought struck the young man like lightening.

'Even if I get away…the creature will follow me home. Mum and Dad! W-what do I do!'

The boys mind raced as his little legs carried him through the forest closer and closer to his home.

'I must fight. The lion wouldn't let me go regardless.

And even if it doesn't bother to attack me and my family it would murcilessly slaughter the livestock.'

"Ahhh damn it all!" The boy cried out.


His essence suddenly depleted by half as he felt his every muscle flood with strength.

Coming to a stunning halt, the boy turned around to face the lion.

The lion, only a few hundred metres away from the boy, slowed down warily surprised at the sudden increase in strength the boy showed.

The lion snorted angrily after a few moments after inspecting the boy; this negligible increase of strength had made it fear even a little?

It's pride couldn't take it anymore.

It's speed increased dramatically as it charged toward the seven year old Samson.

The boy couldn't help but sweat profusely, his augmentation was nowhere near enough to overcome this foe.

At the tender age of seven, a boy stood fearlessly in front of an adult lion ready to fight to death for the sake of his family.

"STRENGHT!" He pleaded with the heavens.

His faith essence immediately emptied as his body reached a terrifying ammount of strenght for a seven year old to possess.

The boy bounded forward with a kick off the ground, hoping to meet the lion halfway.

As if accepting his challenge, the lion obliged and leapt forward with incredible ferocity to meet the boy head on

'It's still not enough!'

"MORE!" The boy cried out.

The heavens heard his cry.

A small fist containing a terrible ammount of force, slammed into the lion while a pair of claws swung forward attempting to sever the boys feeble hand.


The lion's eyes widened in surprise as the fist connected with its face, sending it flying backward uncontrollably.

The lion's cheekbones shattered on impact.

Shrapnel of bone bounced around it's skull penetrating deep into it's brain annihilating any signs of consciousness from the beast.

The boy had won.


But at what cost.

A deep set a lacerations could be seen riddled across the boys arm, exposing bone.


The boy managed to call out before his eyes started to feel heavy.

The boys consciousness faded passing out from pain…

Verse of the day! Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live to righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed! Have a great day everyone!

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