
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · Kỳ huyễn
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72 Chs

Chapter 4: Warrior?


The sound of coughing snapped Chen Fan back to reality. The man with a limp stared at him and spoke in a casual tone, "Young man, the bow you're holding is the most basic one. It doesn't have much lethality beyond 30 meters against low-level ferocious beasts. Moreover, you've only pulled it once."

He gestured outside and continued, "Did you see those men with spears?"

Chen Fan glanced outside and nodded.

"When they first arrived, they also started with bows and arrows. Some even used a sixty-pound bow, but it didn't last more than two or three days."

With a meaningful look at the bow in Chen Fan's hand, the man added, "Let me advise you. It's better to practice marksmanship like them. It will help you defend yourself against wild beasts when you're out in the wilderness."

"Uncle Zhang, thank you for the advice, but I'd still like to give it a try," Chen Fan replied.

He looked at the progress bar behind "Basic Archery" on his panel and felt a sense of accomplishment building.

"Follow me," the man said without much surprise.

He thought to himself, "This kid, he's just like that. He won't give up until he hits a wall. Wait until he's drawn the bow a few more times, and when his right arm can't even lift anymore, he'll learn the hard way."

"Uncle Zhang, may I try those other bows?" Chen Fan inquired with a smile. He had a suspicion: would using a stronger bow result in faster progress in "Basic Archery"?

"Sure," the man agreed without hesitation. "The second bow is sixty pounds, the third is eighty pounds, the fourth is one hundred pounds, the fifth is two hundred pounds, and the sixth is three hundred pounds. Which one would you like to try?"

"Three... three hundred pounds?" Chen Fan's eyes locked onto the black longbow on the far right. It was nearly his height, and pulling the bowstring would require at least three hundred pounds of strength with one arm.

"Wouldn't that be impossible?" Chen Fan asked.

The man with the limp smirked, "Let me tell you, not only can someone draw three hundred pounds, but they can also shoot armored rhinoceroses from a thousand meters away with a single arrow."

"Iron Armored Rhinoceros..." Chen Fan muttered. In his memory, these creatures were top-tier among mid-level monsters. They were said to be covered in armor that could withstand small-caliber bullets.

"Uncle Zhang, are you an Awakened One?" Chen Fan asked, driven by curiosity. In this world, Awakened Ones were considered the elite.

"No," the man replied unexpectedly, shaking his head. "I'm a warrior."

"A warrior?" Chen Fan's eyes widened in surprise.

The man explained, "Becoming an Awakened One is a one-in-a-million chance. Ordinary people would find it nearly impossible to face fierce beasts without the aid of modern weapons. However, with the changes in this world, it seems that people's potential has been unlocked."

He muttered to himself, "These individuals have honed their bodies, stretched their muscles and bones, and have the potential to exceed ordinary people's strength. They are warriors. There's one in Zhaojiabao, a few kilometers away from our village. He can draw a three-hundred-pound bow."

Chen Fan took a deep breath, feeling like a door had opened before him. Excitedly, he asked, "Are there warriors in our camp?"

The man replied, "We may not have someone like the one in Zhaojiabao, but we do have people who can draw a one-hundred-pound hard bow. Take the Wei brothers, for example. They are skilled archers and are the backbone of our village's hunting team. However, I'm afraid they won't stay here for long."

The man sighed, and a hint of sadness appeared on his face.

Chen Fan continued, "How do warriors compare to Awakened Ones?"

"They are far apart," the man replied, looking over at Chen Fan. "A newly awakened Awakened One can be easily defeated by a warrior, but once they become proficient with their abilities, they can overpower warriors effortlessly. Just like the one in Zhaojiabao, who can stop bullets? Awakened Ones can. Some powerful Awakened Ones are even immune to weapons of mass destruction and can destroy entire towns with a single gesture. They are on a completely different level."

Chen Fan was left in awe. Awakened Ones were truly terrifying.

He had a suspicion that his system was somehow connected to martial arts. According to Uncle Zhang, taking the path of martial arts was the next best option for ordinary people, even though it had a relatively low ceiling.

But was it really the case?

"Alright, why so many questions?" the man with the limp said, giving Chen Fan a disapproving look before tossing him the sixty-pound bow from the wall.

"Give it a try."

Chen Fan snapped back to reality, placed the forty-pound bow down, and attempted to draw the sixty-pound hard bow. Halfway through, his face turned red, and his right arm began to tremble. Lacking the strength, he had to give up.

"This body is still quite weak," Chen Fan thought to himself.

The man with the limp gave a meaningful smile. "Would you like to try the eighty-pound bow?"

"No, that's not necessary," Chen Fan replied, shaking his head wryly. His eyes landed on the remaining bows.

He couldn't do it now, but it didn't mean he wouldn't be able to do it in the future. After accumulating enough potential points over the next few days, he could eventually draw the sixty-pound bow and progress to the next ones.

The man with the limp handed Chen Fan a quiver of arrows and led him outside.

In the open area, he set up a target about twenty meters away, demonstrated the basic stance for archery, and said, "When you shoot an arrow, remember the three levels: keep the front hand flat with the wrist, the back hand flat with the elbow, and ensure that the wrists and elbows are level with your shoulders. This is the fundamental form."

With a swift "whoosh," the arrow struck the target.

The man looked at Chen Fan and said, "You can practice here today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

"Yes, Uncle Zhang," Chen Fan responded, nodding as he glanced at the arrows on the wall.

The man turned away, his face slightly flushed. He wasn't particularly skilled at archery, which was why he was handling tasks in the warehouse.

Chen Fan held the bow and arrow, standing with his feet shoulder-width apart. He placed the bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right. This was likely his first formal attempt at archery, and he felt a bit nervous.

He took a deep breath, slowly drew the bowstring, and squinted one eye to ensure alignment with the crosshair and target.

As he pulled the bowstring to its maximum, it emitted a creaking sound. The pulling force on his right shoulder was immense. Without delay,

he released the bowstring, and the arrow shot out with a "thud."

As expected, he missed the target.

Chen Fan had expected this outcome. Hitting the bull's-eye immediately after learning archery was likely reserved for geniuses. He was aware of his own limitations, but that wasn't what mattered most to him.

His thoughts shifted, and he saw his attribute panel appear before him. A smile formed on his face.

[Skill: Basic Archery, LV0 (3%)]

The missed shot had still increased the progress bar by 2%. He just needed to practice 49 more times to reach level one in Basic Archery.