
Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

What will you do when the gods turn Earth into their playground? Run, hide, and hope for the best? What if it isn’t an option? What if you’re the thing they want to play with? What if they want you to play for their entertainment? That is what the humans had to go through when the gods forced an awakening upon them. Pick classes, slay monsters, and survive being the god’s pet. Surviving an apocalypse can be fun, but a divine apocalypse? It will be fun… but only for the gods. For the rest, it is a test for survival. Maybe not for everyone. What if someone views it as an opportunity to take revenge on everyone who had betrayed him? What if someone doesn’t care about being used by the gods as long as he can use them for his revenge? That’s what Kang YuWon sets out to achieve once calamity strikes. Revenge on everyone, including his family, and even the gods, if they ever cross paths. ~~~Bonus Chapter Goals~~~ 50 powerstones/20 golden tickets: 1 bonus chapter. ~~~Gift goals~~~ Massage chair: 1 bonus chapter. (Same day) Luxury Car: 2 bonus chapters. (Same day) Dragon: 4 bonus chapters. (Same week) Magic Castle: 6 bonus chapters. (Same week) Spacecraft: 10 bonus chapters. (Same month) Gachapon: 15 bonus chapters. (Same month)

AkshatArpit · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

Shopping Time (2)

YuWon walked towards the sign and instinctively reached out. The moment he touched the icon, the coin disappeared, replaced by a slot machine.

[You are the first to discover this Newbie Shop!]

[You have earned a free reward spin!]

YuWon couldn't help but smile. It was the shop the angel had told them about. He quickly opened the status page and checked his luck.

"24 points..." he mumbled, dumping the two unallocated points he had in there. "How much luck do you two have?"

Gina looked confused and shrugged. It was then that YuWon realized the system indeed treated her like a monster. Gina didn't have a system or stats like them, which made him turn to Yeji.

"45..." Yeji said, looking dejected.

You got so much luck and still ended up in this shitty situation? It makes me wonder how bad I would be in her position.