
Global Awakening: Monster Taming Necromancer

Climb the Tower. The path to power is ever growing, immeasurable. A peak above a peak, above a peak. There is always the next peak to look up to. A place where dragons eat dragons. In this world where a catastrophe known as "Global Awakening" gave humans different magical abilities to fight the dungeon and monsters that invade earth, Jael is among the weakest—one of the Half Awakened, struggling to survive through odd and humiliating jobs. However his dream of climbing the Dungeon Tower won't be forever buried because a WILL has been left behind. An intent put into a spellbook that's been waiting for just who to claim it. In this golden era of worlds, all eyes are on the Dungeon Tower, where everyone seeks to become its master. "What do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Do you want to reverse your failures? Or something beyond them all? Whatever you desire—it is here. If only you climb." Follow Jael’s journey as he ascends the Dungeon Tower, determined to create a new legend for himself.

DukeWriter · Kỳ huyễn
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82 Chs

Unto the next!

Jael didn't know how long it would take to be back in the Tower, and he didn't know if he'd be able to heal. But no way in hell is he turning into a slave puppet.

That leaves him with only one thing.

He flung himself forward and shifted his hand into a sword; he cut down sharply and sent an arc of Unholy magic at the beast-man, who slid away, the attack only grazing him but leaving a scorching mark on the platform.

The beastman laughed. "Do you think I will attack you without first watching you? I've watched how you fight. You can change your hand into tentacles and then fold it into a punch or a wing-like something with lots of fangs that you use as a sword.

"And then that last attack of covering it with green fire and sending it out. You are a fool to fight the Orcs like that where everyone can watch. Now everyone have seen you fight."