
Global Awakening: I, The Skill-Maker, Am The Arcane Emperor!

Lumiel has been reborn many times and he was tired of it all. Until his awakening did not happen for some time now and he became bullied by his classmates that have a Class. Up until he awakened the Arcanist class. The class he has been waiting for! It was his past Class has been awakened and he could create skills on his command! Making the weakest class become overpowered as he could copy jobs and their skills. Now with the threat of dungeons, he became a hunter and closed dungeons once and for all. All enemies will bow down to the Arcane Emperor!

Mel_Aniv · Thành thị
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147 Chs

Cultist 3

Lumiel was staring at the sky, looking at the hovering enemies. Encircling them at their top. Just as he saw the enemies, he started walking forward. Breathing deeply as he let out his beast aura. It was an aura none other than white.

The basic aura that makes you have a sight in the dark, as well as a keener sense of smell and hearing. Even more acute reaction speed for him to have.

A gushing aura was emitted from his body. All were being seen by the enemies and allies alike. As he stepped forward, his pets were also following him. Calmly moving as he moved on. Step by step without hurrying at their pace.

Wolves were growling with their white teeth being shown to the enemies. Five on the left of Lumiel and five on his right. Crows were flying on his top and were cawing. Flapping their wings tirelessly.

"Everyone, let us put up a good fight. No one will die as long as I'm here. Understood?" Lumiel instructed.