
Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

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xlntz · Kỳ huyễn
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200 Chs

The 1,000 Survivors

Soon, their tour led them to the orchard, where the sound of wood striking wood drew their attention. Lucas, the soldier who had joined their ranks five days prior, was engaged in a sparring match with a Super Soldier whose size dwarfed his own.

The two combatants moved with a grace that contradicted their weapons' simplicity.

"Training is essential… No matter what, this world is infested with zombies, so you should still consider training your body from time to time, Eliot." Mr. Wadsworth muttered.

"Lucas has been a valuable addition to our defenses. He wasn't that good with a sword several days ago, but he had to train using one since our ammunition is limited."

"Ahhh… Is he a soldier?" Eliot asked after seeing Lucas' attire.

"Yes… If you want to learn how to shoot a gun, you can ask him later…" Mr. Wadsworth answered.

Eliot then watched Lucas and the Super Soldier in combat.

He could tell that the Super Soldier was not giving his all.