
Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

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xlntz · Kỳ huyễn
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200 Chs


Shane noticed a locked drawer on the study table and felt a surge of curiosity. He wondered if there were any important documents or valuable items inside. 

He didn't think for too long, so he decided to try opening it using his Lockpicking Skill.

Although he could probably force it, he decided to be safe and carefully open it. In any case, that was probably the reason why he had such a skill in his arsenal.

'Well… Let's see how good this skill is…' Shane mused.

Then, like a true expert, he started moving like a practiced thief. He inserted a thin metal wire into the keyhole and twisted it gently, feeling for the pins and springs inside. 

It took just a few seconds before he heard a faint click and smiled. 

'Not bad…'

Shane then carefully unlocked the drawer. 

He pulled it open and saw a black attache case inside. He lifted it out and opened it carefully. He wasn't sure what was inside it after all.