
Glitched: The Epic Journey of a Survivalist in the Wilderness

Jake, a lazy and directionless young man, wakes up alone, naked, and confused in a dense forest with no memory of how he got there. As he explores his surroundings, he discovers that he possesses a unique power that allows him to detect and exploit glitches in the fabric of reality. With his glitch powers, Jake embarks on an awe-inspiring journey through the wild. As Jake navigates the treacherous terrain of the wilderness, he must use his survival instincts and exploit glitches to hunt, fish, and forage for food while constructing a sturdy shelter and developing a reliable water filtration system. However, his glitch powers have limitations, and he can quickly exhaust his reserves if he overuses them, making it crucial for him to use his power wisely and selectively. As he uncovers hidden resources, long-forgotten ruins, and hostile adversaries, Jake learns how to manipulate these glitches to his advantage, allowing him to access abilities and items that would otherwise be impossible to obtain. Jake's traumatic past has left him with deep emotional scars, making it difficult for him to form close relationships. However, as he navigates the challenges of the wilderness and uncovers the secrets of his glitch powers, he learns to confront his emotional barriers and open himself up to new relationships. Follow Jake's journey as he exploits the system's weaknesses, overcomes challenges, and discovers the truth about his glitch powers and his extraordinary abilities in a world full of potential and mystery. As he rises to glory and becomes a revered legend in his new world, Jake's journey takes an unexpected turn when he confronts the Druids, who hold the key to unlocking the truth behind his glitch powers and his arrival in this world. In a gripping showdown, Jake deploys all his cunning and skill to emerge victorious and uncover the secrets that had been hidden from him. Glitched is an epic tale that combines adventure, mystery, and magic, set against the breathtaking backdrop of nature's unforgiving wilderness.

tferndz · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

The pond

Jake dozed fitfully, his mind consumed by nightmares of suffocating darkness. His body was slick with sweat, and his limbs were entangled in a web of leaves. As the sense of discomfort grew, it crept into his subconscious, making it impossible to ignore. He felt like he was trapped in a never-ending abyss, where the air was thick and suffocating, and every movement felt like a battle.

An insistent itch on his back drew his attention, and as he reached to scratch it, his fingers brushed against something damp and sticky. Confused and disoriented, he forced his eyes open, still half-asleep, and tried to make sense of his surroundings. "Where am I?" he wondered, his heart racing with confusion and fear.

He found himself in the middle of a dense forest, where the trees towered above him like giants. The rustling of leaves sounded like distant whispers in his ears, and the forest was alive with the sound of wildlife. The moon was high in the sky, casting an eerie glow on everything around him. Beneath him, the ground gave way with a squelching sound, as if he were sinking into a giant sponge.

As he gazed at the dense forest, Jake felt a prickling sensation on the back of his neck, as if he was not alone. The rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds filled the air with an eerie symphony, amplifying the ominous atmosphere of the dense forest.

Every sound seemed to be magnified, making it hard for him to differentiate between the rustling of leaves and the soft whisper of the wind. It was as if the forest was sentient, and he was an unwelcome guest in its territory, as if it was watching his every move. He looked around, trying to discern any movement in the shadows, but he couldn't see anything.

As he tried to piece together his memories, he noticed that something was wrong with his back. He heaved himself upright, wincing as a sudden jolt of pain shot through his back. Lurching forward, arms flailing, he struggled to maintain his balance.

His hands were covered in thick, sticky mud, and his back was slick with moisture. A cold sweat broke out on his skin as he realized that he was completely naked, exposed and vulnerable in the looming forest. The mud and dampness only seemed to accentuate his nakedness, leaving him feeling helpless and exposed. It was as if he had been stripped bare of everything, his memories, his clothes, and his identity. A sense of panic rose within him, and he wondered what kind of danger he might be facing.

Every hair on his body stood on end as a prickling sense of paranoia crept over him. The forest seemed to close in around him, the trees looming closer, branches reaching out to ensnare him, while the underbrush seemed to tangle around his ankles, impeding his desperate flight. The only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat pounding in his ears, the sound of it drowning out even the rustling leaves around him.

In an instant, Jake's heart sank deeper as he heard the unmistakable howl of a wolf in the distance. The blood-curdling sound echoed through the forest, setting off a chain reaction of bird calls and animal noises. His primal instinct to survive kicked in and he sprinted forward, heart pounding in his chest, driven by an intense urge to escape. Mud splattered with each frantic step, his naked body scraping against the rough bark of nearby trees, leaving shallow scratches and bruises in his wake. Every rustling leaf and snapping twig filled him with a fresh wave of fear, and he was acutely aware of the wolf's howl growing closer.

As he ran, he could feel the forest closing in on him, as if it was alive and aware of his presence. The branches reached out to grab at him, clawing at his skin and clothing. The underbrush seemed to twist and tangle, tripping him up at every turn. He was consumed by the forest, the thick foliage suffocating him.

"I have to keep going, I can't give up now," he thought, his legs pumping faster as he dodged a low-hanging branch.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he burst through the underbrush and stumbled onto a dirt path that cut through the forest. He didn't hesitate for a moment, turning down the path and running as fast as he could. The howling of the wolf slowly faded away behind him, and he allowed himself to slow down, his body shaking with exhaustion and relief.

"Thank God, I might make it out of here alive," he thought, his body still shaking with adrenaline and fear.

His legs gave out beneath him, and he crumpled to the ground in a heap, chest heaving and sweat pouring down his face. As he lay there gasping for air, he realized that he was still lost and alone in the forest, but he was alive. For now, that was enough.

"I need to find help, but where do I even start?" he thought, his mind racing with questions and doubts.

As Jake caught his breath, he looked around and saw that he was in a clearing. The dense forest surrounded him, but here, the trees were more spaced out, allowing for patches of grass to grow. In the center of the clearing, there was a small pond, its surface reflecting the moon's eerie glow. The water was calm, and the only sound was the gentle lapping of waves against the shore.

A few tall trees stood sentry around the edge of the clearing, their branches reaching high into the sky. Their leaves rustled softly in the gentle breeze, and the sound was comforting to Jake. The clearing seemed like a sanctuary, a safe haven from the dangers of the forest.

For a moment, Jake allowed himself to relax, his body sinking into the soft grass. The cool air washed over him, soothing his aching muscles. He gazed up at the stars, taking comfort in their distant light. The silence was peaceful, and he allowed himself to rest, knowing that he needed all the strength he could get if he was going to find a way out of the forest.

As he approached the pond, Jake scanned his surroundings warily, alert for any potential threats. Despite the usual chorus of animal sounds that permeated the forest, there was a palpable silence in this secluded spot, as if the very air was holding its breath. Yet, despite the eerie stillness, Jake felt drawn to the tranquil waters of the pond, his thirst overpowering his sense of caution.

As Jake knelt down by the water's edge, he marveled at the sight before him. The tranquil pond reflected his own image back at him, distorted slightly by the gentle ripples on the surface. The water was crystal clear, revealing a world of colorful aquatic life that teemed below the surface. Schools of small fish darted back and forth, their movements like a mesmerizing dance that Jake couldn't take his eyes off.

Feeling parched and exhausted from his ordeal, Jake scooped up the cool water with cupped hands and drank deeply, savoring the refreshing taste. As the water washed over his tongue, he felt a renewed sense of energy course through his body, invigorating him.

After drinking several cups of water, Jake collapsed onto the soft grass, his heart racing from the intensity of his experience. "What a nightmare," he gasped, holding his head in his hands as he struggled to calm himself. He could still feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, making his limbs tremble with aftershocks of fear.

As he caught his breath, he noticed something strange happening to his skin. A silver glow began to emanate from his pores, shimmering in the moonlight like a second skin. Alarmed, Jake held his arm out in front of him, inspecting it closely. He could feel a strange energy pulsing through his veins, making him feel alive in ways he couldn't explain.

"What sorcery is this?" he murmured to himself, still in a state of shock and disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, as a silver glow radiated from his skin, casting an ethereal aura around him. The sensation was powerful, yet he couldn't explain what was happening to him. It was as if he had tapped into some unknown force, a power that was beyond his understanding.

As he sat there, marveling at the silver glow, Jake couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement ripple through him. He knew that he had stumbled onto something extraordinary, something that could change his life forever. The air around him seemed charged with energy, crackling with an otherworldly force that left him breathless.

However, just as suddenly as the glow appeared, it vanished, leaving Jake feeling perplexed and slightly disappointed. He ran his fingers over his skin, searching for any lingering trace of the mysterious aura that had enveloped him just moments ago, but there was nothing, no hint of its existence.

As the initial excitement and thrill faded away, Jake began to feel a wave of fatigue wash over him. It was probably very late at night, judging by the position of the moon in the sky. He yawned and settled himself on the soft grassy floor near the pond, his eyelids heavy with weariness.

Before he knew it, he had drifted off into a deep slumber, lost in a world of dreams and mysterious powers. As he slept, the forest around him teemed with life, the rustling of leaves and chirping of crickets creating a symphony of sound that lulled him into a deep and peaceful sleep. The silver glow and the mystery of his newfound powers would have to wait until morning.