
glimpse of trust

yue_xingxing_357 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

ch 18

he found his lover and threaten him with, lin

Huan qingji returned back to his office but all he committed, didn't achieve anything, nothing changed so why is he despairing for revenge, for what but soon this thought disappear when he show the photo on the desk, next to the computer, it was him and his best friend.

' it is worthy if it was for him'

Then he went to thinking about designing how to get rid of Lin Xiang.

he first hacked and searched for any previous or new information but he found nothing useful until he discovered that he had a sweetheart.

This sweetheart is called Ru Hua.

so he decided to capture that lover to use him, to threaten Lin Xiang.

Actually his father was better bait but he needed the recordings so he used him for this better than getting threatened by them.

after 3 days , as Ru Hua was buying the grocery, someone held him from behind, but before he could even scream, something was set in his mouth then he fall to the ground.

at that time huan qingji appeared, glancing at him then said to the underlying holding him.

" take him back we will use him to make the fox appear then we hunt him".

huan qingji went to Ru Hua's apartment, it was a simple apartment, he went inside, and looked around.

there were photos of him, him and Lin Xiang and him with his family. now he lives by himself but it seems that Lin Xiang comes to him from time to time, it was included in his investigation then "wee,...wee" the sound of police cars, hearing this made huan qingji curse, then knocks on the door was emitting, echoing the whole room then someone said from outside" boss, police is here"

"I know now leave"

" And you boss "

"I will find a way"

this apartment bastard has a special locker that it will not open by the key but with a fingerprint, if you want to leave the room, so now he is stuck also he has the key so his subordinate can't unlock it from the outside and if he tried to throw him under the door, in that empty space a key can be passed, but the bastard had cover it by a special silicon type that cover it all so the cockroaches can not pass it.

simply now he is trapped and police is in their way.

huan qingji started looking around for a way, then he took a scarf in the closet and by it he was able to cover his face.

Then he went to the window to see huge space between him and the floor, it is a high building but he must escape.

" what a son of a b*tch didn't he find an apartment better than a 21 floor apartment that kills you if elevator was off and if anything happened you will be trapped in it, like how he is now.

then he opened the window and got up, he was walking at the corner of the windows and he went to the next room, then went down and he did it until he became at floor 13 and by that time the police took the key and went in searching but found nothing then a police officer went straight to the window and looked out but found nothing even leaving will be hard since nothing out other than the shelves around the windows.

so he left the window and turned around to the room.

it was completely searched but nothing was found so the captain frown since he got the information from special force so it quite impossible to be wrong, but still he call the other police officers that it is time to leave then they left.

As huan qingji was hardly able to get down, he found an apartment with a balcony with fence around it so he went there.

it was on floor 16, he wanted to take a look before entering but the door glass type isn't a transparent type so he risked by going.

the room appeared to be empty he slowly enterd inside but felt someone behind but before he could a tissue was laid on his mouth.

feeling the familiar arms " Lin Xiang you bastard" then he lost conscious.

huan qingji woke up but he couldn't move, his body was drugged with something then he looked and found himself wearing a sexy night grown which creeped the hell out of him.

Then Lin Xiang got out of the bathroom with wearing bathrobe, noticing that huan qingji is awake.

" finally you are awake"

then he went to the bed and sat next to him.

he stared at huan qingji for quite a time then lowered down kissing him but huan qingjj soon bitten him since he couldn't move.

Lin Xiang got up, rubbed the blood off his lips and look at huan qingjj " it seem like the drug is still not full active" then he looked at his phone to see the hour " oh 2 minutes and 47 seconds" then he sat on the bed waited.

after 2 minutes and 47 seconds, what Lin Xiang said was true, he couldn't talk or move his mouth only his eyeballs that coukd be moved.

" ok, it is time" then Lin xiang crawled to him, stood above him.

what actually Huan qingji was wearing and call it a nightgown, was a chinese type short dress and long socks, but they weren't simple at all. it was a very exposed and sexy dress.

( 18+ a warning of simple p*rn)





Then Lin Xiang insert his hand to the long lingerie socks and caressing his thigh while huan qingji is trembling, controlling his insanity, he was going insane.

then Lin xiang took a hold of him from behind, caressing his whole body while sucking and biting his collar and neck from behind and playing with his chest, squeezing his nipple then he tied off the two strings and the underwear of huan qingji fallen down.

Then Lin xiang entered his hand squeezing it slowly and stroking it until it released, then he went to his asshole where he insert a finger, two, three then four.

by that time he took off both of their clothes and directed it to his asshole and insert him fast with one push he became deep inside of him and started fucking him in doggy style.

while he was focusing on fucking him, huan qingji eyes were changing from being conscious to not, the white point on his black eyes was appearing and then disappeared in the next second which made him in the edge of insanity.

he fucked him for couple of time and released inside of him but before he left he injected him with something and whispered in his ears " you must come to me every 15 days to take the medication or you will have to sleep with 11 people daily, but i don't think you want to experience it again so come to me on time,"

huan qingji decided to capture him on time, he tracked his partner but still like a fox running fast once they came and by that 15 days passed then he felt his body getting hot so he decided to stay in the hotel by himself and lock it up.

he finished the cold bath and went to bed.

he woke up to his body burning up which was very comfortable then a cold wind came from the window and Lin Xiang appeared smiling then went to him.

he caressed his head " baby don't worry your owner is here, i love my stubborn baby....."

then huan qingjj lost conscious and did not heard what Lin Xiang said totally.

next day he woke up being sore and broken. this feeling he couldn't, he hate himself and this life he is living.

he decided to capture him, it is better to use his sweetheart, his member torture him but he did not opened his mouth nor did Lin Xiang came to rescue him so huan qingji went there with his assistant.

When that sweetheart saw him, he finally spoke " you are his favorite toy how unlucky you are"

then boom, an expolsion occurred, the place is being attacked

" hahaha, unlucky unlucky toy ....big beautiful toy" then huan qingji took out his gun and shot him in the head.

Then he glance at his members " time to leave"

they started running and were able to leave the place through secret passage.

But suddenly huan qingji heard the sound of gun shot and saw his assistant fallen to ground with blood coming out of her chest then he saw it, it was Lin Xiang smiling happily" i want to make you my favorite toy so it was a must, after all you also killed my favorite toy"

huan qingji took out his gun shooting him but a car stood and it bullet proof then they left.

huan qingji sat on the ground his dead assistant , he want to cry but nothing come from these eyes .

he started hating himselfso he decided to kill him and himself too, he became insane, previously when he lost his able to feel and express, he used torturing others that made him feel something that fill this emptiness but now he does not care, he was emotionless living by force, he became a soulless toy what actually Lin Xiang wanted.

he made a plan to catch that fox, through a deal with the police since the reason he was able to escape was because of police help so he made a deal to give them certain big mafia names, due to that he was able to track him number, and know about a deal between him and another gang.

he called the whole gang to the move and went to the destined place and it was above one of buildings some light for helicopters to go down.

the members were divided to three divisions:

1st division: take care of Lin Xiang's gang

2nd division: take care of the other gang

3rd division: take care of two bosses

and huan qingjj was in the third one, he was hiding in one of the corners and saw the gang boss appeared then waited for the bastard to appear then he received both calls from 1st and 2nd division that they finished.

then he waited, waited until he appeared, seeing him made him run to him unprepared at all, he was very care less but all he was thinking is to kill him so he went to him and with two guns killed everyone that only Lin Xiang stayed alive.

Thus Huan qingji grabbed his neck and pushed him to the ground.

Seeing him, Lin Xiang smiled " baby you are here, come and kill me, kill me, kill me, k-i-l-l m-e , k...i...l...l...m...e"

huan qingji clenched his hand that he was determined to kill that bastard while this batard was smiling happily but suddenly Fu Zhen came and push him aside that he fall on the ground.

huan qingji glare at him " f*ck off"

but Fu zhen stood in front of his path " huan qingji be rational stop being manipulated by him"

then huan qingji pushed him " go away" but Fu zhen caught his arm " enough huan you are changing, please stop you are hurting yourself and geeting insane, you are my only family left i don't want to lose you"

but huan qingji was still determine to kill him " killing him will not bring them back but you will end up in jail, do you think the police will help you,?"

" no but i will not the jail ever"


" because i will not be alive at that time,"

then he pointed the gun at Lin xiang " goodbye, let's meet in hell"

" you will only be in hell"

" better being alone than with you"

but then heard " LOOK OUT!"

he saw someone fall in front of him, it was his Friend, he protected him from a gun shot that a police officer shot then he shot that officer .

huan qingji caught him , fu zhen looked at him and smiled " stop it, you are destroying yourself, promise me to never kill anyone again, promise me, promise me, i will not relax"

huan qingji looked at him and felt his heart teard completely " i promise" , he has the feeling that he must do.

" good good, cough cough i am happy i met a friend like you, goodbye"

" no need for goodbyes we will meet soon"

Then He pointed the gun on his head, seeing him Lin xiang ran to him and pushed him to the and pointed the gun on huan qingji's hand to his chest while siting on huan qingji " kill me, doesn't you want revenge, kill me why don't you kill me"

" huh? a crazy bastard, goodbye"

then he pushed Lin xiang hand and shot in his head and died.

' life sucks, i do not want to live anymore'

but unfortunately his wish did not happen as he thoughg it will.

huan qingji opened his eyes to see a white room, a totally blank white room then a woman appeared.

" hello, my name is 012, i ama system"

" hi???"

" sorry, but your soul was send to another body"


" you may not remember but when you were 3 years old, an error happened and your soul was sended to another world"

" excuse me but i do not understand"

" oh sorry, simply a system was out of control and started messing around and he went to your body which made your soul be thrown to this world, where you were living."

" ok??"

" and by that it went from one world to another messing around then he noticed if he destroyed the transfer soul mentally and made it kill him, the world will be destroyed and he will be stronger, like what happened to you , Lin Xiang was that system but luckily you didn't destroy it so your soul still existed and that system was caught so now i will return you back to your world"

" so you are telling me, my suffering was a game for a psycho to destroy the world"

" yeah?"

" and what you did is to watch?"

" no no we were doing our best"

'' in what"

" in finding him"

"doing your best?"

" yeah what a weakly"

" i can not lie what you said is true"

" wow, what i need to know that i suffered from a bastard and lost everything so what will you do?"

" return you back to your world?"

he look at her " are you fooling with me, do you think of talking to a child, your responsibility is to return me back, no complain"

" sorry goodbye"

" what??? wait"

Then he woke up and again with white ceiling and looked around to find that it is a hospital, so he is in the hospital again ' what wrong with white color and hospital, i am going to have a phobia of them'

Author note: hello, thanks for reading now volume 1 has ended and volume 2 will start, this story is simple a healing one so i will everyone reading it.

Thanks for reading until now, it means a lot to me if you write a comment to express your thoughts.

Thanks, and see you.